Home > Another Moment in Time : A Collection of Short Stories(3)

Another Moment in Time : A Collection of Short Stories(3)
Author: Susan Stoker

“And I love you too. So? What do ya think? Shall we do this?”

“Yes!” Caroline exclaimed.

They walked hand in hand toward their friends, and Caroline noticed that Matthew had even hired a professional photographer who was clicking away on his camera as they approached the group.

As soon as they got close, they were surrounded by their friends. Everyone wanted to give their congratulations and crow about how they’d been able to keep this a secret from her.

Caroline accepted their teasing and knew she was smiling like an idiot. She had no idea where Matthew had put her shoes, and was well aware that her hair—which she’d worked so painstakingly to put up—was blowing out of control, but she no longer cared one bit.

After fifteen minutes of saying hello to everyone and thanking them for coming, Matthew whistled sharply. “Okay everyone, enough chitchat. Time for me to marry my wife…again.”

Everyone laughed. It took a few minutes to wrangle the children, but soon everyone was sitting and gazing back expectantly at Caroline and Matthew at the end of the makeshift aisle in the sand.

“You ready?” Matthew whispered.

“For you? Always,” Caroline told him.

Then they walked slowly down the aisle toward the justice of the peace Matthew had hired. Caroline barely held it together as he welcomed everyone. He spoke of everlasting love and friendship. His words were heartfelt and resonated within Caroline.

She and Matthew gazed into each other’s eyes while he was talking, and she’d never felt closer to her husband.

Soon, it was Matthew’s turn to speak.

Caroline blinked in surprise and realized that she was going to have to come up with something romantic and witty to say on the spur of the moment. She wasn’t ready! Had no idea what to say.

But then…she couldn’t think about anything but Matthew’s words.

“Twenty-five years ago, I took you as my wife. I thought it was the best day of my life, but I was wrong. Every day that followed was the best day. I believe in our marriage, in us, more strongly today than ever before. You never wavered in your support of me. Every time I said goodbye and went on a mission for the Navy, you never showed your fear. Never did or said anything to let me know you were feeling anything other than support and love for me.

“But I know you were scared. Terrified that you wouldn’t see me again. You did what you needed to do, and that made our reunions all the more sweet. I love you, Caroline Steel. You’ve made me a better man in every single way. I stand here in front of you today, with our friends as witnesses, to renew my original vows to you. Through sickness and health. I will protect you, stand by you—and in front of you, if needed. I will put you first, because you spent much of our marriage putting my wants and needs ahead of your own. No matter where life takes us in the next twenty-five years, know that I will always be there for you.”

Caroline was crying ugly tears. The kind that made her eyes red and puffy, but she couldn’t help it. She never would’ve thought she could be as happy as she was right this second—and Matthew had kept her pretty damn happy the last twenty-five years. When she’d first met him, she’d been at a weird place in her life. Wanting to find someone who would appreciate her for who she was, but not thinking it would ever happen. She’d been overlooked by just about everyone. But after a rocky start, Matthew had seen her. And had loved her anyway.

“Your turn, Ice,” Matthew said with a small smile. He reached out and wiped the tears off her cheeks gently, then tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

“I’m not sure I can follow that,” Caroline said honestly. “But I’ll try. There were times over the last twenty-five years when I wasn’t sure I could do this. Be married to a Navy SEAL. To a man larger than life like you. I was afraid I’d fade into the background and be lost in your shadow. But from day one of our marriage, you refused to let that happen. Through your strength and love, I blossomed. You gave me the gift of friendship with your teammates, and I gained sisters through their wives.

“I love you more today because of all that we’ve been through. I promise to be by your side when you’re sick, hurt, or in need of comfort. I promise to make sure you know how appreciated you are every day for the rest of our lives, no matter how long that might be. I’m not scared to live to be a hundred and ten, because I know you’ll be by my side, loving me, protecting me, and giving me the best life you can. I love you, Matthew. I can’t wait to see what the next twenty-five years has in store for us.”

“I love you,” Matthew whispered as he leaned close.

“I think you’re supposed to wait to be told to kiss her!” Dude yelled from the audience, but Matthew ignored him.

Caroline grinned before her husband kissed her as passionately as he had the first time they’d gotten married. It might make some of the younger kids on the beach wince, but she couldn’t wait to get Matthew back to their honeymoon suite and show him how much he meant to her.

As if he could read her mind, Matthew whispered against her lips, “Reception first, Ice, then bed.” He pulled back, turned her to face their audience, and held up their clasped hands. “Married…again!” he yelled.

Caroline knew she was smiling crazily but didn’t care in the least. When Matthew was happy, she was happy.

Once again, they were surrounded by their friends, everyone congratulating them and telling them how beautiful the ceremony was.

They all walked up to the hotel as a group, and Caroline gasped at the setup. It was both elegant and laid-back…which fit the setting perfectly. There were beautiful flower arrangements on every table with candles she knew would give the area a romantic glow after the sun went down. The tables were placed right in the sand, and a huge buffet was arranged off to the side.

Matthew led her to the front of the line and proceeded to pile her plate high with food.

“Matthew, I can’t eat all that!” Caroline protested, laughing.

“You can try,” he told her.

“Why are you always trying to get me to eat?” she grumbled as he led the way to one of the tables.

“Because you need the vitamins,” he said with a smile. “Gotta get the proper nutrients in you when I can. If it was left up to you, you’d eat nothing but doughnuts and other junk food.”

Caroline smiled because he was probably right.

“And before you complain, green beans are good for you,” Matthew told her. “And…you know I’ll eat what you can’t finish.”

She did know that. Matthew had been eating her leftovers for as long as they’d been married. It was kind of their thing. Of course, he wasn’t a Navy SEAL anymore and had to watch how much he ate, but they both loved the tradition they’d started so long ago.

The meal was delicious, and Caroline didn’t even mind the wind blowing her hair in her food or how the seagulls were standing watch only feet away, waiting for a child to leave their plate unattended, or the chance to snatch a dropped piece of bread.

When the staff brought out dessert, Caroline wasn’t surprised to see what Matthew had chosen.

“German chocolate cake?” she asked with a laugh.

“Yup. It’s our favorite.”

“Your favorite,” she corrected.

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