Home > Christmas Embrace : An Immortals of New Orleans Novella

Christmas Embrace : An Immortals of New Orleans Novella
Author: Kym Grosso


Chapter One

“I love you,” Sydney whispered.

“Marry me.” Kade brushed the pad of his thumb over her finger, hopeful she’d soon say yes.

Ever since he’d turned her into a vampire, she’d no longer worn her engagement ring. We have a lifetime to do it, she’d insisted. His fiery detective struggled, still mourning the loss of her humanity.

“We didn’t get very far with the decorations.” Sydney laughed, changing the subject. “I think I have tinsel in places I shouldn’t.”

Kade rolled onto his back and cradled Sydney to his chest. His shoulder grazed a box of ornaments, garlands bunched at his feet. He smiled as he brushed his lips to her hair and glanced to the ball of green shrubbery his lovely mate had tacked to the ceiling. Mistletoe. One simple kiss had turned into an afternoon lovemaking session.

The scent of greenery lingered in the air. Bright white lights twinkled upon the ten-foot Fraser fir they’d failed to decorate. Although the fire warmed the room, a draft chilled his skin, reminding Kade of the recent cold spell. He reached to the sofa and tugged on a throw blanket, gently tossing it over them.

As Sydney molded her body to his, drifting in and out of sleep, Kade studied her face. Although she wore a small smile, her puffy eyes reminded him of their loss and the pain that haunted her.

Guilt racked his thoughts. Kade always knew he’d never be able to give his human fiancée children. Up until the day he’d turned her, he’d held a spark of hope that when Sydney was ready, fertility treatment could help them become pregnant. Now a vampire, she’d never conceive.

The price of immortality was a steep one, ruling out the possibility of raising a human child they’d eventually outlive. Adopting a paranormal baby had proved more difficult than either of them anticipated. Wolves tended to adopt most abandoned pups, insisting they be raised within and around pack. Likewise, witches insisted on raising children within the covens, grooming their magick as they matured.

Kade had contacted his friend, Tristan Livingston, expressing their desire to adopt a pup. Both he and Sydney had a deep connection to the Alpha, and while he said he’d advocate on their behalf, he made no promises. As the days went by, they’d nearly given up hope…until Zachery came into their lives.

Several months ago, when an abandoned baby had been left on the steps of the local coven, Sydney was one of the first to arrive on the scene. She immediately bonded to the boy. By the time the paranormal social workers arrived, Sydney insisted on fostering the orphaned child and soon was granted temporary custody.

Neither of them had been prepared for a child. Kade had been surprised how quickly he had bonded and fallen in love with the babe. The mere presence of the child in their home had sparked a maternal flame within Sydney that still burned bright. With the bluest eyes Kade had ever seen, the five-month-old baby boy had stolen both their hearts.

When the baby’s mother, a wolf, showed up to claim him, they’d taken the loss hard. Ever since they were forced to return Zachery, Sydney’s smile had rarely reached her eyes. Although she attempted to hide her heartache, she couldn’t completely mask the hopelessness.

Kade brushed his lips to Sydney’s forehead with a silent promise he’d convince her to marry him one kiss at a time. As he succumbed to sleep, he thanked the Goddess for his beautiful fiancée and prayed that one day they’d be parents. Despite being vampires, Kade planned to remind her that family wasn’t always blood. Some families were forged with bonds of love, heartstrings as strong as steel.



Kade woke to a familiar Australian accent.

“Wakey, wakey loverboy.” Luca glanced at the bare tree, a corner of his lips ticking upward. “Looks like you got balls out, but none made it to the tree.”

Kade cursed as he blinked his eyes open to see the cantankerous vampire towering above him. He reached blindly for Sydney, but ended up clutching a fistful of tinsel instead. She’s gone.

“Let me guess. You’re Santa Baby and Syd opened her present early. A yule log?”

“Fuck off, vampire.” Kade shot Luca a glare of annoyance. He shoved to his feet, wrapping the blanket around his hips. He leaned to spy around Luca, looking for Sydney.

“All that rockin’ around the Christmas tree must have gone to your head.”

“Don’t be daft. You didn’t happen to see Syd on your way in?”

“Said hello as she was rushing up the stairs. Barely dressed I might add.”

“Where’s Samantha?”

“My gorgeous bride is having a fitting today.” Luca smiled proudly.

“You’ve gone right soft,” Kade said, amused by his wide grin.

“I’m a father now. I’m sensitive,” Luca claimed.

“Sensitive? Really? Like last week? When you attacked the vampire in your driveway for insulting your taste in lawn decorations? The way you disconnected his spine from his skull….” Kade walked around Luca and headed toward the kitchen still talking. He glanced upward, hearing the patter of water running in the shower above them. “Nothing says Merry Christmas like blood on the pavement.”

“’Tis the season.” Luca shrugged. “He wasn’t an elf. Ronnie was a wanted murderer who picked the wrong day to come looking for vengeance.” Luca released a roar of laughter and followed him through the foyer. “It was a quick death. I showed mercy.”

“I suppose there are varying degrees of sensitive?” Kade depressed the button on the coffee machine, igniting a hum. “Café au Lait? Latte? Cappuccino?”

“You know I don’t do that fancy shit.”

“One of these days I’ll get you turned on to Chai Tea lattes. Syd loves them.”

“No you won’t, mate, but I do appreciate your perseverance.” Luca took a seat on a kitchen bar stool and retrieved his phone, tapping at the glass. “Ah…Goddess.”

“What is it?”

“Samantha’s asking how you and Sydney are doing with the decorations. She’s actually been asking me, not you, because she’s worried the house won’t be decorated in time for the wedding but doesn’t want to bother Sydney.”

“We’ve been making a good attempt.”

“At something, maybe. Not decorating. What am I supposed to tell her?”

“Sydney doesn’t know it, but I’ve hired someone to help. It will all be done by tomorrow. Caterer called yesterday and confirmed they’ll be here. Musicians as well. We’ve got it all under control.”

“Why did she have to pick Christmas Eve?” Luca shook his head as he texted Samantha. Everything is perfect, darlin. Tree looks amazing. It’s like a winter wonderland. Love you.

“Because it’s romantic.” Kade laughed and slid a clean mug into the coffee machine. It released a hiss as the steam warmed the milk.

“You’ve become human again. I’m convinced of it,” Luca said, his tone condescending.

“You say that as if it’s a bad thing.”

“Because it is.”

“We’ve been over this a million times. You forget. You were human too,” Kade countered.

“Ah, fuck, I was. But now the witch makes me soft. And Sydney, well,” he paused, “I don’t know what happened. You’d think she’d make you even harder with that stubborn attitude of hers.”

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