Home > Always (Next Generation : The Skulls Book 1)

Always (Next Generation : The Skulls Book 1)
Author: Sam Crescent




Present day

“Holy shit, Tabby. Hold the fuck on!” Simon pushed her into the back. Daisy climbed into the front of the car. “I’ll drive my fucking car!” He growled the words and pointed at Anthony. “Get in the back.”

“Gladly, asshole,” Anthony said, climbing in.

Simon struggled to allow another guy to touch his girl, but he didn’t have much choice. He was the best driver; being a year older than everyone else, he’d had more experience.

“There’s so much blood,” Daisy said.

“Look away, Daisy. Now. You don’t need to fucking see this,” Anthony said. “Do you have any idea what the fuck you’re doing? Tiny is going to go fucking mental, not to mention my dad.”

“What about mine?” He knew Devil would fucking belt him if anything happened to Tabitha. His father had told him time and again to be careful, and if something happened to Tabitha, war would be declared between The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds. There was no way that could happen. He’d been told this years ago.

“You had no business starting shit. I told you from the start to keep away.”

“She’s mine, dickface. She will always be mine.”

“Enough with the fucking shit. Stop your talking and get my sister to the hospital,” Miles said. He’d jumped into the back.

Tabitha couldn’t cope. The pain was too much.

“I’ve got you,” Daisy said.

Her best friend in the whole wide world sported a black eye and split lip. She reached up, touching her face.

“It wasn’t supposed to be this way, you know.”

“Don’t talk like that,” Miles said.

Her brother. Her twin.

“This is bad, Miles.” She groaned. Glancing down, she saw the blood. Daisy used one of the many shirts she wore to press on it, tears in her eyes.

“I’ve got you,” Daisy said. “Don’t you die on me. We’ve got so much to do. So much to live for. All the plans we made.”

“I don’t know if I’m going to make it.”

“Don’t fucking talk that way, Tabby. Don’t you fucking dare!” Simon’s scream from the front didn’t offer her any comfort.

If she did die, Simon would follow her, but he’d leave nothing but chaos and destruction in his wake.

I don’t want to die.

I’m too young to die.

I can’t handle this.

I want my mom.

She closed her eyes.

“Fuck. Put your fucking foot down, Si. We don’t have time for this shit.”

Everything became a blur.

“Hurry up,” Daisy said.

“Tabs, don’t do this,” Anthony.

I don’t want to, but it feels really nice.



Chapter One


A few letters and experiences between Simon and Tabitha between ages ten and sixteen.


Dear Tabby,

How are you? It has been a long time and I miss you. School is boring. There was a kid who tried to bully me. He was some big-ass jock. Wanted to take out an MC kid. That so didn’t happen. I’m ten but I’m not stupid. I kicked his ass … kind of. The principal pulled us apart and called our parents. Mom turned up and she went mental. I got grounded and was forced to copy out the dictionary. What do you think of my spelling? Dad’s decided lines and dictionary work will help me. I don’t know. It’s boring but it means I get to think about you. How are you? How is everything at Fort Wills? Is Anthony still being an ass? Tell him I’ll kick it for him.

What are you doing right this second?

This isn’t going to be a long letter. Mom’s busy, and I’ve got to help.

Take care, Tabby.

Love you lots,



Dear Simon,

Hey stranger. What am I doing right this second is writing a letter to you, silly. Not a lot is happening here, to be honest. Everything has been quiet. Babies are always being born, and there’s always a lot of parties. Daddy says I’ll not be going to a party like ever, which sucks.

Anthony is being an ass but I think that is because he loves Daisy. He doesn’t just love her as a friend; nope, it’s big, kind of scary. Daisy doesn’t have a clue and I’m not about to spell it out for her. Good for you on whipping his ass. You did, didn’t you? I hate that everyone gangs up on us. We’re not an easy target, you know? Mom says not to listen to any of them. Some of the kids call us trash. I know we’re not. It does upset me though. I don’t show anyone because I know it will worry them.

Your spelling is much improved. I moved up a grade as well. So cool. I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I’d love to sing, or maybe write, or maybe I could be a doctor like Sandy. I love going to work with her. She’s so much fun.

I miss you. When are you coming back? Daddy says that it’s going to be awhile ’cause you’re all busy.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I’ve got to go as well.




When I’m there, I will kick anyone’s ass that said you were trash. You’re beautiful, Tabby. Don’t listen to them, and don’t give them that kind of power. You’re too good for them.

Yeah. Dad was saying that money is tight at the moment. Something about a bad turn on the markets, and so we’re recouping. They don’t do the bad stuff, you know. We both know that some stuff cannot be talked about. I hate that I’m not seeing you as much. I’m hoping to get a laptop soon, and then we can stop sending letters and we can chat online. Would you like that?

I want to be prez when I grow up. I’ve always wanted to be part of the club, and I know I can handle it. I’m not being young and stupid either. You can be anything you want to be. Can you sing? I don’t know if I’ve heard you sing before. I would totally love you to sing for me.

Would you be my old lady? I know you don’t want to be part of the club, but I would totally support you, and there’s no one else for me. You know that.

Now I feel stupid because I’m going to have to wait for your answer.

Yeah, still stupid, and I waited a couple of days but I’m not going to cross anything out.




Text messages

Tabitha: Mom says I can’t be on here long.

Simon: Mine either. It’s so annoying. Mom’s looking all happy as she watches me.

Tabitha: It’s because we’re cute. It’s what I hear Whizz or Lacey say. I like Daisy’s parents. You know what I mean.

Simon: I do. I’ve got a question for you.

Tabitha: I’m waiting. I can’t answer it if you don’t ask me.

Simon: It’s stupid and you’re going to laugh.

Tabitha: So, it’s never bothered you before.

Simon: Have you ever been kissed?

Tabitha: Yeah. Mom and Dad kiss me all the time. That wasn’t a hard question, silly.

Simon: Not by our parents. By a boy!

Tabitha: Anthony kissed me once for a dare. It was so gross. He was eating tuna and he tasted really fishy. This was ages ago though.

Simon: I’m going to beat the shit out of him.

Tabitha: No, you won’t. We were kids and young. Don’t be a dick.

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