Home > Always (Next Generation : The Skulls Book 1)(25)

Always (Next Generation : The Skulls Book 1)(25)
Author: Sam Crescent

“Go out, have some fun. You’ve been a big help and you deserve it.” Lexie said.

See, he got paid for being awesome, tenfold. “You sure? I don’t mind sticking around.”

“Please, I can handle this. Go and have some fun. You won’t be young forever.” She kissed his cheek.

Grabbing his jacket, he headed out. They had turned out of the driveway when he snorted. “Bowling alley, seriously?”

“I panicked. I didn’t know what to say.”

Eddie laughed. “Do you think she believed him?”

“Not a chance. My mom was young once too.”

“So were my parents, but I truly believe they spent their fun time looking at the cutlery to see how expensive it was,” Dean said.

“How are you guys getting out so late? Don’t you have your little engagement to plan?”

Devil was currently working with a lawyer to help with Dean’s emancipation. Until they had a clear plan in sight, everything was being dealt with privately. Dean’s parents didn’t even know what he was doing.

“Don’t start. Any news from your dad about … you know?”

Dean was so paranoid, he tried not to discuss it for fear of people listening. It was sad how far his fear went, that he believed he was followed.

“He’s just getting over being shot at the moment. I’ll ask him when I get back.”

“Shit, yeah, I’m sorry about that, man,” Dean said.

“How is he holding up?” Eddie asked.

“He’s got my mom all to himself. Believe me, he’s lapping up the attention.”

“Dude, I don’t get how your parents can still be digging each other,” Eddie said.

“Tell me about it. My parents each have flings. Dad’s currently screwing the new maid and mom’s doing the pool boy. They have lovers in the city as well. They can’t stand to touch each other,” Dean said.

“I don’t know if that makes me lucky or not,” Simon said. “Believe me, it can get pretty gross.”

“I think you’ve got the best life,” Dean said.

“Dude, his dad just got shot. At least our dads only have to deal with gold-diggers,” Eddie said, slapping his friend’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it. We don’t have to start comparing the best parents,” he said. “So where we going, anyway?”

“Out by the creek. There’s going to be a bonfire. Partying. The whole deal. A couple of chicks there,” Dean said. “I know you’ve got the whole chick thing covered but we don’t. I need to get laid, like, right now.”

“Eddie will do the honors,” Simon said, shoving his friend closer to Dean.

“Ha, ha, very funny.”

Simon laughed. “Come on, you two would make one hell of a couple. I can see you guys adopting and all sorts.”

“Fuck you, Simon,” Dean said. “I’m starting to believe this girl of yours is make-believe, and you’re really in love with both of us.”

“You can eat your words. My girl is visiting Thanksgiving and you suckers are going to so be mourning the fact I got to her first. She’s my girl and will always be mine.”

The guys ribbed him all the way to the creek where the bonfire was already in full swing. Beer cans lay on the ground. Music spilled from cars. People were making out, smoking pot, and Simon looked at it all with a sense of boredom.

None of this meant anything to him.

They all thought it made them tough, rebelling against what was required of them. After being hunted, shot at most of his life, this was all childish to him. He rubbed the spot on his chest from when he and Tabby were shot. They’d been standing together and it had been a through and through. Tabby had the same scar. Even though they’d both been shot together so long ago, he could still remember the day so clearly. Not just the pain or the fear, but also the aftermath of when Tabby was in the hospital.

He looked across the hospital room and saw Tabby struggling to sleep. She was whimpering, crying out, and it hurt him to see it. Climbing out of his bed, he gathered up his equipment when the large guy Gavin came into the room. He was a friend of Ned’s, and had been ordered to take care of them. His mom had to go home, as had his father. He wasn’t stupid. Simon knew the threat that had put them in the hospital was still out there.

“Get back to sleep, little man.”

“My girl is hurting, and you’re not going to stop me.” He climbed off the bed, ignoring the pain. Simon had made a promise to Tabby. As long as he was alive, he would do everything to make her safe. Bad dreams included, and he wasn’t about to break his promise. Even if his father threatened to stop him from calling her, he wasn’t going to stop. Gavin took a step closer, and Simon held his hand up.

“I will scream if you come any closer. I’ll make sure the nurses don’t let you near me.”

“Look, you little shit—”

Stepping up to the large man, Simon glared. “Finish that, I dare you. My father is Devil, President of the Chaos Bleeds MC. I am going to follow in his footsteps. That club will be mine one day, and I will not forget about this. I will hunt you down and hurt you in ways you can’t even imagine. My girl is hurting, and I promised to help her. I’m not going to break that promise.” He’d listened to his father command in the same voice. Simon had spent hours practicing so that he could be exactly like him. Devil was respected and feared. Simon intended to make sure he was the same. Gavin kept on staring. “I’m going to lie down with her. That’s all.” Stepping away from the man, Simon made sure not to turn his back. It was one of the first warnings his father had given him.

“Fuck this. Little shit…” Gavin kept on muttering as he left the hospital room.

Wheeling his medication, Simon placed it opposite Tabitha’s and climbed into bed with her. The movement woke her up, and she gasped, staring at him.


“Yeah, it’s me. You were having a bad dream.”

“I just want them to go away. All the dreams to go away.” She lay down, and before her head rested on the pillow, he gathered her up in his arms. She rested her head on his arm, and he stared down at her. He didn’t know what it was about this girl, but Simon couldn’t stop thinking about her. Love. That’s what it was, love. He loved her more than anything. She called to him in ways he didn’t even know was possible. “I’m here now. Dreams won’t hurt you.”

“Do you have bad dreams?”

“I dream about you.”

“You know Miles has a girlfriend. Her name’s Bertie, and she goes to our school. I don’t like her.”

“You’re my girlfriend.”

She giggled. “Yeah, I am. Mom says I’m too young to have a boyfriend.”

“What do you say?”

“I don’t care. You’ve always been mine.” Her eyes started to droop. “Don’t go.”

“Never.” Simon held her as she fell back to sleep, falling himself. This was how he wanted the rest of his life. To fall asleep with Tabby in his arms.

Damn, he remembered that moment. Being with Tabby, she was his life. Then and now. He didn’t bother to grab a beer. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he watched as his buddies left to go find some girls to dance with. He wasn’t going to be screwing random girls, but he wouldn’t get in the way of his friends wanting to party. He wasn’t totally cruel.

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