Home > Break Me (Brayshaw High)(98)

Break Me (Brayshaw High)(98)
Author: Meagan Brandy

For his brother.

After tonight, I’m sure they’ll share it with us, because tonight, Royce will find out he’s going to be a father.

If someone asked me a year ago if I wanted kids, the answer would have been a solid yes, and quickly followed with ‘in ten years or more’.

I felt I needed time to live before I could possibly care for someone else, especially since I spent so many years avoiding life. But then Royce happened, and this place and I realized I could do it, and more, that I wanted to. I wanted to be for someone what my brother was for me, as I tried to be for others as I grew up. As I hope to be for so many more once I finish school and as I try to be now for the girls that come through the home – the light in their darkness, as Royce likes to put it.

I want to be a mother, so there was no question when Royce shared what he wanted for his kids – a bond with their family as tight as the one he shares with his– and asked me if I was ready.

When it comes to him and anything he might want or need, the answer will always be a quick and instant yes. I forever want to give him all of me, as he gives himself the same.

We didn’t know how long it would take or how quickly it could happen, but he would have been okay with it taking forever. He was happy knowing we were on the same page, sticking to the Brayshaw way of the last several decades and starting young so we could be forever strong for them, until they grew and took over, becoming strong for themselves and what will then be their world.

I didn’t know what to expect outside of the obvious I’ve seen, so Raven and Victoria realized it first, and when they insisted on taking me to the doctor, the three of us went together.

That day was full of surprises.

As tonight will be.

Because my man isn’t only getting what he wants, he’s getting double.

Royce stands then, dropping to the ground beside his niece and nephew.

Zoey climbs into his lap while he puts a hand out for Phoenix, who pulls his little self up on wobbly knees, his gummy little smile wide and showing the two teeth that have broken through the bottom.

“Look, Zoey Bear. You see that star, the big bright one?” he whispers.

“I see it.” she smiles, dropping her head onto his shoulder.

“Yeah, it is. If you ever get scared, you find that sucker and think of all the bright places it could lead, yeah?”

“I got you, Uncle Bro.”

The rest of us chuckle, and Royce’s eyes find mine with a wink.

I can’t cover the emotion in mine and his narrow suspiciously, but then Zoey’s little gasp draws him right back to her and I’m safe...for a couple more seconds.

Zoey jumps up and runs to the railing, gripping it tight. She smiles wide and points. “Balloons!”

My stomach flips as I watch Royce’s brows furrow.

He lifts Phoenix into his arms and climbs to his feet, moving to the edge and right as they reach eye level.

Baby blue and pink, little feet stamped along the sides and tiny lights inside them to make sure the imprints aren’t missed.

Maddoc steals his son as Royce spins around, those eyes crashing into mine.

“Baby girl?” he rasps, the hand on the railing tightening.

“Or boy...”

The air leaves his lungs on a heavy, broken laugh.

I stand, and he heads for me, but then behind us, Rolland steps up, two tiny basketballs in his hands and Royce freezes.

His eyes move from the items, to me, and back. “What...” he looks to Raven with a grin. “He knock you up again?”

She laughs but doesn’t confirm. “That’s not for us.”

Confused he looks to Cap, his grin widening. “Yeah, brother?”

Cap smiles, wrapping his arms around Victoria as he shakes his head.

Royce’s face falls, his head snapping toward me and I know that look.

My skin heats, boils and his family laughs, all of them making their way out of here, Rolland setting the basketballs on the now vacant chairs.

Royce rushes me, grips my face in his hands and lifts it toward him.

“Say it,” his command is shaky but strong.

“I’m pregnant,” I whisper instantly. “With twins.”

He slams his mouth into mine, owning me with his lips as he does every morning, all day, and each night.

He kisses me hard but soft, slow but ravaging and then we’re on our bed, the walls now soundproofed so my man can forever be his wild, untamed self.

He has my clothes off in seconds, my body laid bare for his eyes only.

He kisses down my neck, breastbone and doesn’t stop until he’s reached my stomach.

His palms flatten there, spreading wide as his fingers glide over my piercings.

“We were meant for this. For two,” he whispers. “We were two lost and lonely souls, we died together, as two, and came back as two, stronger than before.”

Something cold meets my stomach and I look to his hands, where a neckless now hangs.

It’s not dainty, but a thick braided silver to match his only thinner, and there is no heart hanging from it, but a perfect circle, identical to the one that hangs along his neck.

He reaches for me, so I slip my hand in his and he pulls me into a sitting position.

He lays it in my palm, flicking it open to show me the inside, both the right and left sides empty.

“I bought this for you months ago. I wasn’t even sure you’d like it, or why the second I saw it I had to have it. I spent hours, fuckin’ days even, drove my brothers nuts asking them for help and trying to figure out what to put inside, but nothing seemed like enough, and now I know why.” His brown eyes meet mine. “It was meant for them. For twins.” A low laugh leaves him and he swallows, his free hand resting low on my abdomen. He bends, his eyes closing as his forehead falls to my belly button.

“Twins.” He speaks, but not to me. “Not even while you grow strong enough to meet the world, will you be alone.”

My chest swells.

My lonely, lost boy.

Now found, complete, and given exactly what he needed to keep peace inside his heart – affirmation that no matter what, no part of him will ever feel alone.

Not even in the womb.

His eyes hit mine.

My crazed, impatient man.

My rough and ready Brayshaw.

The look in his eyes says he’s about to serve me hard, then tender, and I’m so ready for it, but he surprises me when he lifts his head with an arrogant smirk. “I knew my sperm would be the strongest.”

I laugh and he swallows it with his lips, but the second I try to undo his jeans, he jerks away, frantically searching for his phone and keys.

“What are you doing?” I trail him with a grin.

“Sorry, Tink, no time for dick dazing. Clothes back on.”

I laugh. “Why not, where we going?”

His grin is mischievous, and he tosses a duffel bag onto the bed. “This requires a face-to-face drop in.”

My eyes narrow and his smirk grows wider.


“Up. Now. I gotta tell the others.”

“Royce!” I shout, and he jerks around.

He rushes me, quickly getting in my face, tilting it up to his.

“Don’t be gettin’ cray, baby girl,” he tells me, fighting a grin. “Wouldn’t wanna blindfold ya again.”

I scoff a laugh. “Liar.”

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