Home > Break Me (Brayshaw High)(99)

Break Me (Brayshaw High)(99)
Author: Meagan Brandy

His eyes soften, his thumb coming up to skim along my temple.

We’ve had four visits with a specialist on the East coast, the best of the best according to Rolland, who went searching the second he learned I had optic nerve damage.

The specialist confirmed for Royce what I already knew, there was no fixing what I had, no outrunning the inevitable, but he did say I had more time with my sight than expected, which was good. And even better, the doctor shared there may be a way to prolong it with experimental medicine, so after the babies, we’ll do what we can to try.

“Didn’t you torture my brother enough last time he was here?”

“Nope. I wanna piss in a fresh cut right now.” He tugs me closer. “Let me.”

He grips my wrist, bringing it to his lips before flipping it over to look at my ring.

He’s remembering the day he tricked me into marrying him.

I walked outside in one of his hoodies and a pair of leggings ready for what was supposed to be movie night to find the entire family, my brother included, sitting on the grass at the edge of Zoey’s garden, Royce and a freaking priest a foot in front of them.

I was shocked, and then I was married.

Let’s not forget how I almost passed out when Royce slipped the ring on my finger, and not just any ring, but a custom white gold one.

A silver one.

Spearing from one side to the next are two stars that almost meet in the middle, one slightly raised over the other, each with small diamonds trailing their path, designed to look like shooting stars in the sky.

It’s perfect, more meaningful than anyone else could understand.

We were lonely souls, floating around in the dark sky, and like shooting stars, we fell.

And right into each other.

I might not make sense in logical terms, but the sentiment behind it does where we’re concerned.

So, yeah. I’m a married, knocked up eighteen year old college student and I couldn’t be happier about it.

But hold on...

I pull back, studying Royce. “How do you know where to find Bass? He still hasn’t told me where he is.”

“Come on now, Tink. I know how to find a man.”

Suspicious, I narrow my eyes. “How?”

“Follow the puss, and it shall lead to the punk,” he grins proud.

A chuckle leaves me. “So the blonde whose name I don’t even know?”

“The blonde,” he confirms. “Now, no more talkin’. Let’s go. Bass needs to hear, in person, how I’m the manliest man of us all, not that we’re surprised.”

With a laugh, we do exactly that, and not just me and Royce.

The whole damn family.

Exactly as it should be.



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Note From The Author



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I can’t believe we made it to the end!!! Those who discovered Royce for the first time with this book may not know this, but I have been in this world for almost two years!!! I have lived and breathed all things Brayshaw and writing THE END in a world that literally changed my life was SO hard! I cried. Several times. Stressed more than ever before.



Some may have noticed the tiny tweak in timeline from the previous sneak peek in Captain’s book (the start of Break Me was no longer four months prior to Cap’s HEA), and if you did, trust it was made for the overall benefit of the story. It had to happen and I’m so happy with that decision. I’m so proud of Royce and Brielle’s book, and I hope you are as well!



I just want to say that I am so grateful for everyone who took the time to read this book, and any others of mine you may have read as well! I knew from the beginning Royce would be last and that he would give me the most trouble, and man was I right.

Insiders scoop?



I wrote, rewrote, deleted, and flipped this book on its ass to get Royce’s story out the way he was telling it in my head. It was tough, my toughest challenge yet and I’m so extremely proud of the end result. Again, I hope you loved it!!


NOW! If you ARE new to this world, you don’t want to miss where it all began. You can find Maddoc and Raven’s beginning, Boys of Brayshaw High here: https://www.meaganbrandy.com/books



But before you go, I want to leave you with something that maybe you or someone you know may need, and that is the phone number listed below:

American Council of the Blind NATIONAL Hotline: 800-424-8666

A quote from their website (please note, I am not affiliated with this program. This has been included strictly as a resource for those who may need it): “The American Council of the Blind strives to increase the independence, security, equality of opportunity, and quality of life for all blind and visually impaired people.”



Find more of my books here: meaganbrandy.com/books



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Chemistry, my least favorite subject, but the class I’ve looked forward to the most since school started last week, and even more so today.

Finally, we’re being assigned our lab partners, and I know exactly who mine will be.

Not counting myself, there are only three others left standing, two being uninterested, academically opposed football players while the third is second in our class, also on the team, but possesses the brains and the brawn.

It’s an obvious choice.

Mr. Brando looks to his paper, ready to announce another pairing, and I can hardly hold in my grin.

“Nico Sykes.”

I step toward Alex only to freeze, my frown cutting to Mr. Brando, who just read off the wrong name!

“Wait.” I glance from Alex’s tense expression to Nico, already on his way to the lab table. I turn toward Mr. B, keeping my voice low. “Are you sure? Shouldn’t I be with—”

“I’m going to stop you right there, Ms. Davenport,” he cuts me off. “While I asked each of you to list the person you’d prefer as a partner, I gave no guarantees. So, if you are about to make a judgment call on one of your peers, I suggest you don’t finish your thought. I’m aware you’re a bit of a teacher’s pet, however, in my class, you won’t make, nor influence my decisions,” he states scornfully.

My ears heat in both anger and embarrassment, but my hair works as a shield to cover it, my expression giving no sign his words meant a damn thing.

Talk about a judgment call.


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