Home > Shawland Security : Book 2(16)

Shawland Security : Book 2(16)
Author: KM Lowe

“No.” I shake my head. “I can’t promise anything. I won’t promise anything until I know something is being done to find Shay and Josh.”

My team looks between me and the mayor. No one says a word, and the mayor just stares me down.

“I’m going to let you calm down for a day or two. Caleb, can I ask that you keep your brother on a tight leash.”

I snigger and turn my back before he really sees me lose my shit.

“I will keep an eye on my brother, Mayor, but I won’t stop him from finding Shay.”

“I need to say this. As mayor of this city, I will shut this place down if you guys cause any more trouble for me and our city. I will reach out to the army and see what can be done.”

“Noted.” Caleb nods and folds his arms over his chest.

“As an admirer of your work, as someone who classes you guys as friends, mark my words that I will do all I can to help you. Give me twenty-four hours to reach out to a few acquaintances I know. We’re trying to find a needle in a haystack here. It isn’t going to be easy.”

“We’re used to hard work, Mayor,” I say.

“Don’t I know it. I’ll be in touch.”

When the mayor and his assistant walk out of the office, everyone turns to me and starts talking over one another. I don’t understand one word.

“Shut up!” I yell. “I’m good, but I got none of that. One at a time. Where do we go from here?”

“I think the mayor will try to help us as much as he can, but after the run around Shay’s family have got, and you this week, I doubt he will get much more from the army,” Amber points out and sits back down with her iPad.

“Chris has got the helpline set up. It will go live at 1300 hours. Armand has run the story today, that if anyone has any information about Shay or negligence they’ve faced from the army, they should contact us. I think we’ll get a lot of sob stories, but we might just get something to run with.” Caleb leans against a desk and sighs. “We’ve opened a big can of worms with this negligence claim, we just need to back it up now.”

“And we will. We’ll leave no stone unturned, boss,” says Amber.

“Now we’ve got that all sorted, can you take your ass home and get some sleep? We’ll come for you if we have any news, I promise.”

I won’t settle until my brother takes me up on my offer to sleep. He’s worn out. But he’s a stubborn asshole at times. It’s the Shawland name.

“If you don’t listen to him, I’m calling Mom,” says Chris, and I smile at the backup.

“Okay. I’ll be back in the office this afternoon. Don’t do anything stupid in my absence. Please.”

“We’ll keep an eye on him,” says Amber.

“Yeah, that doesn’t leave me feeling hopeful.” Caleb curses under his breath.


And just like that, the atmosphere has lifted a little and Caleb walks back into his office to grab his cell and keys. I walk into my office and close the door. I need a few minutes to reflect on everything that was said this morning.

I know a lot of people will see Shay as ‘some woman’, but she’s my fucking woman. Not a day goes by that she isn’t my first and last thought. She plagues my memories, my dreams, and my life. I won’t have anyone dissing the love I have for that woman, even the Mayor of fucking Chicago.

I hate this waiting game. I’m usually the first to act. I like to be kept busy, dissect every piece of evidence we have, and make a plan of action, but with Shay, we have nothing. I’m at a loss. I’m going to end up driving myself crazy before we have any answers.



Chapter 10


I sit down on top of a box of supplies and rub my aching leg. The wounds on my legs keep breaking down, and the pain is unbearable at times, especially when I won’t give in and stop working alongside Keir. I know if I stop, my mind and body will stop as well. My fears will escalate and that’s no good for anyone. Already I’m terrified of the deep tissue infection surrounding my shin. I’ve witnessed this many times with wounded soldiers, and the outcome isn’t pretty.

The whole situation is getting me down because I know I should rest, but I don’t trust anyone around here. I won’t be shut out for them to do God knows what. It’s bad enough that I can’t do anything to help these patients, mentally or emotionally, never mind being unaware of the goings on. I need to see and hear everything, even if I don’t understand everything they say.


I hear Keir’s footsteps quicken as he closes the space between us. He kneels beside me and places his hand on my thigh. He tilts his head to get a closer look at my face. I’m exhausted. I don’t sleep. I can’t eat properly. I feel like I’m dying a slow and agonizing death. Everything here is unfamiliar. I’d do anything just to speak to someone I know. Anyone.

“Let me get you some pain meds?”

“No!” I straighten up and shake my head. I try to rein in my anger and speak softer. “I’m okay. I just needed five minutes to sit down. Besides, it’s too busy in here just for you to deal with on your own.”

I try to make any excuse I can not to stop, not to show weakness. I don’t like being doped up with medication because that makes me weaker. I won’t put myself in that position when I can suffer in silence.

“Are you forgetting that I was here a long time on my own? I’m not saying I don’t appreciate your help; I really do. It’s good to have someone…” he pauses and looks at his hand on my knee.

“What were you going to say?”

“I was going to say, it’s good to have someone on my side at last, but I wouldn’t wish this life on my worst enemy, Shay. If I could get you out of here, then I would.”

I nod. I know exactly what he means. This life that we’ve found ourselves thrust into is like something out of a movie. It’s not a situation you expect to find yourself a part of. It’s a living nightmare.

“I know what you mean. Look, I’ve got some notes to write up on a few patients. I’ll have a seat while doing it. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.”

“It’s my job to worry about you, Shay. You’re still my patient, after all.”

“If you say so.”

I stand up and stagger a little until I get my bearings. It’s like learning to walk all over again. I have gotten stronger since being here, but I’m nowhere near my normal strength, and I doubt I ever will be now. Too much damage has been done to my leg and muscle, and I’m learning to accept my fate.

“I mean it, Shay. I know this isn’t the ideal situation, but I’m your doctor. I want what’s best for you.”

“Home. Home is the only thing that’s going to heal me, Keir.”

And with my final words spoken, I limp slowly away from probably the only person I do actually like around here. I want to trust Keir. He hasn’t done anything that makes me think he’s in on this ordeal, but he hasn’t done anything to make me think he’s in the same boat as me either. Every minute of every day, I’m trying to find a way to get out of here, or a way to contact Clay to tell him I need him. But the only telephone in here is locked up in the main office. An office me and Keir aren’t allowed into, but I won’t stop trying. I can’t. I need to get out of here.

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