Home > Shawland Security : Book 2(19)

Shawland Security : Book 2(19)
Author: KM Lowe

That comment got a smile out of my brother. A weak smile, but a smile all the same. Clay is a strong guy. I’ve never seen him like this before, but I’ll do everything in my power to get him through this ordeal.

I look down at my watch and stand up. “I’m going back to the office, because if the mayor knows what’s good for him, his ass should be hitting our compound anytime now.” I lean down and kiss Aria softly. “Take some time to get yourself together because, when you come back to the office, we’re going to get your woman home.”

I run my hand over Sharlynn’s little head and leave my family in the capable hands of my woman, because one thing I know for sure, the women in this family are strong, independent women. Nothing will come between them and their loved ones.



Chapter 12


“What the fuck is taking so long?” I pace back and forth in the office, waiting for answers.

The mayor never showed up when Caleb summoned him, but he text saying he was following a lead enquiry, and he’d be in touch. What fucking lead enquiry? While he’s fucking about, Shay could be taking her last breath somewhere. That’s the image I have in my head and it’s killing me inside.

“Okay, the army is aware that we know Shay is alive. They’re going to follow enquiries and look into it,” says Caleb.

“Enquiries!” I snap. The full room goes quiet and all eyes are on me. “It’s kind of funny that no one had anything to offer a few days, weeks, or months ago, but suddenly they’re all following enquiries. Bullshit! They’re trying to cover their backs.”

Caleb walks toward me. He squeezes my shoulder and offers his support.

“I agree with you.” My brother sighs. “But we’re helpless without authorities giving us the green light. We can’t just turn up in Iraq, all of our heads will be handed to our families on a plate, that’s if we even get into the country.”

“What do we do then?” I ask. “We can’t sit here and do nothing.”

“I’ve been tracing the number that called Clay, but I’m getting nowhere fast. I’ll keep trying though,” says Mike.

“I’ve narrowed the coordinates down to where Shay’s last known whereabouts was, but there are no secure units or camps nearby. There is a large area about thirty miles south, but the only thing on it is an old army base. According to files I’ve sourced, it is closed. Has been for eight years.”

Why would an army base be closed in a country that’s at war? I think about all the reasons why, but there aren’t any.

“Weird. Can you print out all the information you have on the area? We’ll hand it over to the army,” says Caleb.

“The army is going to do jack shit to help us!” I fume.

I feel like a ticking time bomb. Nothing is happening fast enough for my liking. I’m not the type of person to tick all the boxes and make sure everything is above board before acting. I act first and ask questions later.

Caleb’s cell rings, and he walks away to answer it. Everyone is busy following leads, not that we have many, but it’s a start. I look at my own cell in my hand and sink down the wall until my ass hits the floor. I look through pictures of me and Shay, Shay on her own, Shay with her family. She has an infectious smile. It reaches her soul. She’s like an angel. I won’t be able to live without her in my life.

“Clay.” Caleb sits down beside me. “The army is going to search the area Amber found.”

“So they say.”

“I just spoke with someone called Michael. He’s organizing the search, and the team is going out as we speak.”

“I want to go. I need to go. Shay needs to see a friendly face when they find her.” I jump up to my feet and Caleb follows me.

“You can’t go, buddy. You’re not in the army anymore. Let them do their job.”

I laugh. “Their job. You’re real funny, bro. They left her out there to suffer. They didn’t care then, and they won’t care now. You’re all deluded if you believe a word that comes out of their mouths.”

I walk away from everyone and slam my office door closed. I need some space away from my nearest and dearest, but I don’t want to leave the compound until I know that Shay is safe and on her way home. I won’t forgive myself or the fucking army if she gets killed. I’ll crucify every fucker that did nothing to help her, and I’ll take great pleasure in watching their world crumble, just like mine and Shay’s.


“Where are we going?” I ask Caleb and Chris.

I was told to be ready to leave the compound in five minutes, I was bundled into the back of Caleb’s SUV, and now I’m wondering where the hell we’re off to.

“The mayor wants to see us at his office,” Caleb answers.


“He wouldn’t say.”

I growl. I’m like a rabid dog now. I could rip heads from shoulders without a second thought. Instead, I think twice about biting my brothers’ heads off and sit back. I watch the night lights of Chicago pass me by. People are finishing work, going out to enjoy their evening, or just out for a leisurely stroll. It’s a city that never sleeps, and I know how that goes, because I can’t remember the last decent sleep I had. I’m used to being sleep deprived with working in the army, and that’s helping me right now, but I know I’m about to crash and burn with the way I’m going. I’m never going to rest until I get Shay home. I can’t.

I’ll get you home, babe.

Caleb pulls his SUV into an underground carpark and finds a space. We all exit the SUV and follow Caleb. He knows where he’s going, because I believe he had a lot of interaction with the mayor when he worked in the police force. I thought I had a tough job in the army, but Caleb had the short straw working alongside hoity toity stuck-up pricks. I wouldn’t have had the patience for it. It took me all my time and energy to have patience for people above me in the army. I don’t know how I lasted so long without being locked up myself.

“How can I help you?” comes over the intercom.

“Shawland Security. We have an appointment with the mayor.

“Come right through. The mayor is waiting for you.”

“About time.” Caleb rolls his eyes and pulls the door open.

The mayor has pissed me off lately. I can’t even pretend to be nice. It’s like because Shay’s in Iraq, it has nothing to do with his precious city, but he’s wrong. Shay is a Chicago citizen. She has fought for this goddamn country, and she will get all the help she deserves. I’ll make fucking sure of it.

“Boys,” drawls the mayor as we walk into his office.

I take this moment to look around. It makes our office look shabby. Everything is gleaming. I’d be able to eat my dinner off any surface, including the floor.

The mayor’s blood would look good on the shiny surface.

Get a grip, Clay.

“I take it you have some breaking news for us since you’ve dragged us across the city and couldn’t tell us over the phone.”

“Take a seat, gentlemen.”

I remain standing while Chris and Caleb sit in front of the Mayor’s desk. I fold my arms over my chest and wait impatiently for what’s about to come. Caleb glares at me. I know he’s telling me to behave, but that all depends on what I hear in the next minute.

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