Home > Shawland Security : Book 2(41)

Shawland Security : Book 2(41)
Author: KM Lowe

“And we meet again, Shay.”

“Why are you doing this? I told no one about my time in captivity.”

“I doubt that very much. But, to answer your question, I’m doing this because I can. Maybe now your little soldier boyfriend will stop being a saint. This ends today. You’ll be gone and they’ll have nothing to dig for.”

Shay laughs. I want to jump in and tell her to stop. I watch the look on Michaels face fall to one of evil.

“I’m glad you find this funny.”

“No, I find this fucking hilarious. You clearly know nothing about my soldier boyfriend. End me all you want, but this won’t end things. Shawland Security will look for Josh. They’ll look for Keir. They’ll look for every goddamn soldier that’s MIA in your Godforsaken camp. So, I repeat, go ahead and end me. Put me out of my misery, because the guilt I feel over leaving Josh in hell will haunt me forever.”

I watch Josh carefully. He never takes his eyes off the area in front of him, but with every word Shay spoke, his mouth twitched. His fists clenched. He was moved by her words.

“You underestimate me, Shay. It won’t just be one body here for the Shawland heroes to collect.” Michael picks up his gun and fires a shot quickly at Josh. The soldier falls to the floor instantly like a sack of potatoes.

The laughing startles me and I move away from the crate, aim my gun, and fire several shots at the three goons that walked in here like they’re fucking gods.

Lucca shoots down on Michael’s arm and the gun falls to the floor, squeezing his wrist to stem the blood. I walk forward just as Caleb and Chris walk in from the opposite end. Lucca Jumps down from the crates and aims his gun at Michael, the only asshole still standing.

“I might have guessed there would be no show without your little boyfriend.” Michael grits his teeth.

“I have one question for you before I blow your head off. Why? Why do all of this? Why human trafficking? Why selling babies? You’re supposed to care about people, you son of a bitch.”

I’m a few feet away from Michael now, and I can feel Shay’s eyes locked on me.

“You know what it’s like, Clay. Working for the army is thankless. You try putting kids through college on an army salary, giving your wife what she deserves, living a life of luxury. You’d do the same.”

I shake my head. “You did this for the money. You tore lives apart for the fucking money. You can’t tell me that you think this is acceptable. That you’ll get away with any of this.”

“Shay was never supposed to get mixed up with this.”

“But she did. Innocent soldiers have been mixed up in your fucked-up mess. You didn’t need to take her today. You could have let her get her medal of honor and let her walk away. Instead, your men have lost their lives. Innocent soldiers have lost their lives,” I point over at the three soldiers, including josh. “My team member is fighting for her life in hospital. You caused all of this.”

Caleb walks forward with handcuffs in his hand. Chris and Lucca have his back. He pulls Michaels arms behind his back, not even listening to his grunts and protests about pain and bleeding out. None of us give a shit, he can bleed out for all we care. His wife and kids will have to live with this shit for the rest of their lives. The army will never be trusted again. Everyone concerned will have pieces to pick up.

Chris rushes forward and checks Josh over while I rush over and untie Shay from her restraints. Her wrists and ankles are all cut up from the tightness of her binds. I could kill that fucker for this.

“Let me go, Clay.” Shay pushes off me and crawls over toward Josh and Chris. I can see the pain across her face, but I drop down beside her and offer my help and support when needed.

“He’s got a pulse,” Chris says.

Chris has torn Josh’s clothes off and is slowing the blood from the bullet hole from his upper left chest and shoulder area.

“Help is on the way.” Lucca drops down behind Josh’s head. “He’s the only one that has survived. Well, apart from him.”

I look over at Michael, who is being guarded by Caleb. The cuffs are still in place.

I look around the other soldiers scattered around. This was all caused because of greed. I can’t get my fucking head around this. Men have lost lives. Women have lost babies. Families have lost kids.

“That could change the longer he’s in my sight.”

“The bullet is a through and through.” Shay is hovering over Josh. Her fingers remain on his neck to feel for a pulse. “I don’t think it has hit anything major, but he’s going to need surgery.”

“He’ll fight.” Chris nods to Shay.

Time feels like it has stopped before we hear sirens echoing around the building. SWAT police swarm the building and Caleb holds his gun out to the side to show them we’re on their side.

“Caleb, we’ll take it from here,” says one guy as he approaches. “Disarm.”

“He’s the only one alive and ready to go. I have one soldier down, alive, and needing medical help. I have another civilian in need of medical attention.” Caleb explains the situation to the team of police.

Paramedics rush in behind the police and drop down beside Josh to take over.

“I’m not leaving him now,” says Chris.

I curiously look at my brother. I thought he’d be glad of the reprieve, but he’s not moving.

“He’ll need fluids,” Shay tells the paramedics.

“We’ve got it from here, ma’am. Let us do our job.”

Shay sits back and I help her to her feet. “Come on, babe. I’ll get you to the hospital, and we’ll meet Josh and Chris there.”

“I’m not leaving him again, Clay.” Shay tries to push me away, but I know her legs won’t hold her weight without me holding her.

“I’ll stay with him, Shay. I promise.” Chris looks up at us and gives her his word. Whatever she sees in his expression, she backs down and lets me wrap her in my arms.

Paramedics get to work on Josh, and I manage to lift Shay into my arms and walk out of the building with her. I know the hard work will start again, but we have one another and we’ll get through everything.



Chapter 29


“No, I’m okay. I need to see Josh,” Shay protests against the doctor’s wishes about staying in the hospital overnight.

I know better than arguing with her when she has something in her head. There is no way she’s staying in this bed when Josh is somewhere in this hospital.

“Okay. If you’re sure. If anything changes, you’ll come back.”

“I’m not leaving the hospital. I’m just going to my boss. He needs us all.” Tears drip down Shay’s cheeks.

The doctor nods. “I’ll sign your discharge papers, Ma’am.”

Shay pushes the blanket off her legs and swings around. I see a new determination in her this afternoon, a part of her I’m so used to seeing, but have missed since she has been home.

I wheel a chair over to her and she accepts the help without another word.

“Have you heard anything else?” She looks over her shoulder toward me.

“He was in surgery the last I heard. Let’s go find out.”

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