Home > The Runaway (Barrett Boys #1)(56)

The Runaway (Barrett Boys #1)(56)
Author: Jordan Ford

I shift my body to shield Hank.

I don’t know why. It must just be instinct or something. Staring up at the crazy man, I face my fate, at the same time begging God to save me.

“Drop your weapon!” Tucker’s voice shoots through the diner. It’s coming from the opposite door. I don’t turn to see. My eyes are still trained on the gun, which isn’t dropping.

“I said, drop the gun!” Tucker shouts again.

The man snickers, blood spurting out between his teeth as he turns his gun on the police officer. Two shots follow in quick succession. Mr. Suit jerks and falls backward just as the short guy with the mustache charges into the room. He starts firing recklessly, and I duck my head with a scream, cowering behind my arm as bullets fly across the room.

Curling into the smallest ball I can, I scream again as two more gunshots are sent back from the other side.

And then comes a feral shout that sounds more beast than man. Peeking out from under my arm, I gape as Michael charges the gunman from behind, tackling him like a ferocious bear. The gun hits the ground and spins across the floor while two policemen emerge from behind the booth and race toward the tussling men.

Wesley muscles in, helping pin down the man so he can cuff him.

“You’re under arrest.” He starts reading Miranda rights while I try to wrap my brain around what the hell is happening.

Everything went down so fast, and I’m reeling.

Breaths punch out of me. They sound more like sobs.

“It’s okay, Annie. Fire truck’s on its way. We need to get y’all outta here.” Tucker squeezes my shoulder, which I didn’t realize hurt until just then.

I whimper, trying to suck in air, but there isn’t enough.

It’s acidic and hot, making me cough all over again.

“Come on, Annie.” Tucker helps me to my feet just as Michael stumbles to my side.

“What about Hank?”

“It’s okay. I’ve got ’im.” Tucker hauls his boss up and carries him out of the building.

Michael tucks me against him and we follow, both walking on wobbly legs.

The second we hit the fresh air, Jackson is running at me. Barreling into us, he wraps his arms around us both and we stand there in a circle. A weak, swaying circle that can’t say anything. All we can do is cling and sniff at the tears threatening to spill.






Leave It All Behind



The fire truck and ambulance pull up at the same time.

We’re still huddled in our circle, but my legs are getting wobbly again. Plus, I’m worried about Annie. Who knows what kind of battering that explosion gave her?

I shudder, reliving the horror of that moment.

Thinking she was dead.

When Luis started firing and I heard her scream, I acted on impulse. It was probably an idiot move, but I couldn’t lose her. It confirmed everything I’ve been afraid to believe.

I am one hundred percent in love with Annie.

I want her to be a permanent part of my life.

“Okay, you three. This way.” A paramedic ushers us toward an ambulance, and I’m guided to sit in the back.

“Make sure she’s okay,” I murmur to the guy.

“I’m fine.” Annie waves her hand through the air.

Jackson scoffs beside her, and she gives him a tired smile.

“I’m seriously fine. I mean it this time.” She blinks, her lips trembling for a moment before she pulls them into a fleeting smile.

She’s not fine.

But she will be.

I keep my eyes on her as the paramedic checks me out. I’m pretty banged up, and they’re worried about a concussion. I have to do a bunch of tests where I follow light beams and fingers. I think I pass them.

I’m not gonna deny that I don’t have a pretty wicked headache, but my vision isn’t blurry, it’s just a little impaired by my swollen cheek.

They give me an icepack, then tell Annie to take a seat.

“Hank! Hank!” a voice shouts through the crowd and a woman appears, pushing past people and running to the ambulance.

Hank’s already inside, and the woman jumps in the back just before the ambulance drives away.

The police have already taken Luis down to the station. He’ll no doubt be stuck in a holding cell while they figure out what to do with him. Not sure if he’ll be sent back to Texas or what. Maybe the FBI will deal with him. Who knows? Who cares?

Marlo Sloan is dead.

The thought sits heavy yet light within me.

It’s a weird sensation. Relief is elevating. Death is thick and heavy. My insides are filled with black syrup, just like they were when Grandpa died.

I close my eyes against the memories, then quickly open them again, needing to soak in the people around me. Jackson’s standing in front of me, his skinny arms crossed, his face white, his eyes staring.

Gently reaching for his shoulder, I give it a light squeeze.

He jerks, glances at me, then whispers, “What do we do now? Everything’s gone. Dean’s gonna be mad as hell.”

He turns to stare at the diner. The fire crew is working on those flames and look to already have it under control.

“It’ll be okay,” I croak, hoping I’m right. I don’t even know where Dean is right now, but I’d love to get Annie away before he shows up.

“Dean’s dead,” Annie rasps.

The color drains from Jackson’s face. He blinks at his sister like he doesn’t quite understand what she’s saying.

I gape at her, but she’s too focused on her little brother to catch my eye.

“I’m sorry.” Annie sniffs and shakes her head. “He attacked one of them, and… they… they… they shot…” Tears take over her sentence.

Jackson stares at her for another long beat before lurching into her arms. The paramedic is forced to step back as they cling to each other.

I wonder what they’re both thinking.

I bet a part of Annie is grateful, and that same part is also making her feel guilty.

I get it.

I know.

Clenching my jaw, I run my hand down her back and whisper, “We don’t have to stay here. You can leave this all behind.”

Jackson lets her go and she lets out a shaky breath, swiveling to face me. Tears tumble off her lashes, streaking down her dirty face. Her blue eyes are so vibrant. I can’t stop looking at them.

“I’m sorry for thinking you stole my money. I’m sorry for what I said. I didn’t know it was Dean. He took it.”

Her reaction to me takes on a whole new light. No wonder her venom was so potent. She thought I’d stolen directly from her.

I brush my thumb down her cheek. “I shouldn’t have left. I should have stuck around until you were ready to hear me out.”

“I can be blindly stubborn when I want to be.” She sniffs and shakes her head. “I just saw that note—Annie’s money—and I just… I thought…”

“Everything I was earning here I was putting aside for you. I was gonna give it to you when I left.”

She nods and starts crying all over again.

I lean in, ignoring the aches cascading through my body. Resting my forehead lightly on hers, I whisper, “But I can’t leave you. I don’t want to do any of this without you.”

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