Home > Dark Secrets Unveiled(49)

Dark Secrets Unveiled(49)
Author: I. T. Lucas

“Do you feel as if you’ve worked out your issues?”

Jonah chuckled. “You knew me in my last incarnation. Would you say that I had?”

“No, not really. I love you, but you were an asshole.”

“Precisely. That should have clued you in from the start that you couldn’t have been Gudbrand. You were always the good son, the one who studied hard and didn’t get into trouble. I was the rebel, the selfish brat who did whatever he wanted no matter who got hurt in the process.”

“You weren’t that bad. You had redeeming qualities as well.”

“Name one.”

“You were smart, charming, interesting, the life of the party. I was the boring twin.”

“Is that what you consider good qualities?”

“Sure. You made people feel good, they looked up to you.”

“I drove you nuts. I thought that you couldn’t stand me.”

“Nonsense. I always loved you, and I was jealous of you.”

Jonah arched a brow. “You were jealous of me? You were the handsome blond that all the girls were drooling over. Regrettably, I took after our father, in looks as well as in character.”

“Yeah, but all the girls thought that you were so sexy. Who lost his virginity first?”

Jonah laughed. “What can I say? Women have no taste, and they have a thing for assholes. You are a psychologist. Can you explain that?”

“Life was never boring with you. You were exciting, confident, strong, that was what drew people to you, not just women. I hope that you reincarnate into the clan as an immortal, so we can spend eternity driving each other nuts.”

Jonah looked surprised. “You really mean it.”

“Of course.” If he could cry, he would have shed a tear or two. Instead, he opened his arms. “Before you go, I need to hold you even if I can’t feel you.”

“You can.” Jonah leaned into him. “It’s an illusion, but so is the fabric of reality.”

For a long moment, they clung to each other like they had never done in life, and it felt so good that David was loath to let go.

“You have to.” Jonah’s form lost its solidity. “Let me help you find your way out. Are you ready?”

He wasn’t, but he nodded anyway.

“Remember, we will meet again.”

“How soon?”

“I can’t say.”

“You can’t because you are not allowed, or because you don’t know?”

“I don’t know.”

“I’ll pray for your return. I want you back in my life.”









Something was about to happen. Sari was sure of that.

The lightbulb over David’s bed flickered for no apparent reason, and even though it could have been a malfunction, Sari believed that it was an omen.

Except, David was lying still on his hospital bed, the machines were humming steadily, and other than the flickering light, everything was the same as it was an hour ago.

She was being silly, that was all.

Or maybe not.

If she believed that Annani’s blessing had helped David pull through, then why not believe that he was sending her signals in the form of flickering lights?

“David? Can you hear me?” She gently squeezed his limp hand.

There was no response, not even a twitch.

Sari sighed. “I’m losing my freaking mind. My stomach is churning excitedly as if you are going to wake up at any moment, but I have nothing to base it on.”

Did she imagine it, or did one of his eyelids just flutter momentarily?

“Are you trying to open your eyes?” She looked closely to make sure that she wasn’t imagining it.

And there it was again, the same slight flutter. “I need to call Bridget in here.”

One of the fingers of the hand she was holding twitched. She felt it.

“You moved your finger, David. If you can, do it again.”

The finger twitched once more.

Sari gasped. “Sweet, merciful Fates.” She turned toward the open door. “Bridget! Come in here. David is waking up!”

The doctor rushed in, her eyes going to the monitors first. “What did you see?”

“His left eyelid fluttered, and his right pointer finger twitched.” Sari lifted their conjoined hands.

“It might have been involuntary movements.”

As Bridget came closer, both of David’s eyelids fluttered, he groaned, and then his eyelids lifted all the way, only to slam shut again.

“It’s too bright in here.” Bridget rushed to the light switch and dimmed the illumination. “You can open your eyes now, David.”

Slowly, as if it required a monumental effort, his eyelids lifted a millimeter at a time.

“Welcome back, my love.” Sari croaked through a choked-up throat.

His hand lifted a little and then dropped back. “Why?” he murmured.

“Why am I crying? Because I’m so relieved.”

Steven rushed into the room. “I saw it on the application. Welcome back, David. You have no idea how happy I am to see you on this side. Losing my first transitioning Dormant would have killed my reputation.”

Bridget rolled her eyes. “It’s too crowded in here, Steven. Please wait outside.”

When the young doctor left, she smiled apologetically. “I need to have a talk with him about his bedside manner.” She turned to the sink, filled a cup with water, stuck a straw in it, and handed it to Sari. “You can give David a little to drink.”

When he took a small sip, she smiled at him. “We haven’t been introduced. I’m Doctor Bridget.”

“Nice to meet you.”

He retook the straw and finished the entire cup. “Can I have more?”

His voice was so weak that it made Sari want to cry. Instead, she forced a smile and handed the empty cup to Bridget.

The doctor refilled it and then handed it back to Sari. “Go slow this time. You don’t want to throw up on the bed.”

“Am I immortal now?”

“We will know soon enough. There is no rush.” Bridget looked at Sari. “I will leave the two of you alone for a few minutes, and then I’ll get Steven to come in and unhook all the wires.”

Sari didn’t expect it to happen so fast. “Isn’t it too soon? What if he relapses?”

“He won’t.” Bridget put a hand on her shoulder. “It’s over, Sari. David is fine.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. Thank the Fates. I had very little to do with it.”

When the doctor left the room, Sari leaned over David and hugged him gently. “I was so scared.”

With noticeable effort, he lifted his arms and dropped them over her back. It wasn’t an embrace, but it was good enough. “I have so much that I need to tell you,” he whispered in her ear.

She wondered what it could be. Did he hear her and Annani talking about Gudbrand?

“I have a lot to tell you too, but it can all wait for when you regain your strength. I’m just so happy to have you back. You gave us quite a scare. You couldn’t breathe, and you needed a ventilator. I wasn’t sure that you would make it.”

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