Home > Dark Secrets Unveiled(52)

Dark Secrets Unveiled(52)
Author: I. T. Lucas

“Precisely. Also, both Annani and the sorceress had glowing eyes and skin and could compel others to their will.”

“Annani didn’t compel Olek. She thralled him.”

“I still don’t understand the difference between the two.”

“Compulsion forces the will of the compeller on the compelled, while thralling makes him or her experience reality in a different way and influences their choices accordingly. In a way, thralled individuals still retain their free will, but they base their decisions on a made-up set of circumstances.”

David frowned. “Are you saying that Olek could have refused to kill Gudbrand?”

“It would have been difficult for him to do while believing what Annani made him think, but if he were really incapable of killing his brother under normal circumstances, even compulsion could not have made him do that.”

“There was nothing normal about the circumstances, even without Annani’s influence.” David put his hand on her thigh. “Both brothers were enraged, and while in their berserker mode, they were thirsty for blood and not thinking straight. Olek might have killed Gudbrand even without the thrall.”

Sari shook her head. “He wouldn’t have done it if Annani hadn’t commanded him to defend her. I’m sure she will be relieved to hear your version of the story, but I don’t think it will eliminate all of her guilt for Gudbrand’s death. She had feelings for him and wanted him to father her child, so he couldn’t have been all that bad.”

For a long moment, David didn’t respond. “Gudbrand was strong, handsome, and smart. Just like Jonah. And just like Jonah, he had some issues that he needed to work out.” He turned on his side to face her. “I hope that Jonah will reincarnate as a member of your clan. That way, he and I will have eternity to overcome our differences. Do you think there is a chance it will happen?”

“First of all, it’s our clan now, not mine. And secondly, all we can do is beseech the Fates and hope that Jonah’s reincarnation into the clan fits their grand plan.”









When a knock sounded at the door, Sari pushed out of David’s arms and slid out of bed.

“Come in,” she called out.

The door opened, and Bridget walked in with Steven in tow. In his hands was a tray with a surgical knife, an antiseptic, and several squares of medical gauze.

They were about to conduct the test.

“Are you ready to find out for sure?” Steven asked.

David swallowed audibly. “Yes.”

Bridget moved the coffee and porridge out of the way, making room for Steven’s tray. “You didn’t eat your breakfast,” she admonished.

“Steven told me to go easy on the porridge, so I thought that it would be best to skip it entirely.”

“You need to eat, David. You lost a lot of weight.” Bridget moved to stand next to Sari.

Standing on the other side of the bed, Steven reached for David’s offered hand. “I have to admit that I’m excited. You are the first adult that I’m welcoming into immortality.”

“He’s your first period,” Sari said. “Be careful and don’t cut him too deep.”

He cast her an affronted look. “I know what I’m doing.”

“It’s okay,” David said. “Do your thing, Steven. I’m not afraid of a little blood.”

What he was afraid of was facing Annani and telling her that he was Olek. She should be relieved that he wasn’t Gudbrand, but she might also blame him for killing her lover, the guy she’d wanted to father her child. Evidently, she’d only wanted Olek to defend her, not to kill his brother.

Had Olek really wanted to end Gudbrand’s life?

The dream hadn’t been clear on that. The killing blow might have been dealt in the heat of the battle.

Olek had seemed shocked to see Gudbrand fall, and the guilt that had plagued him ever since added credence to David’s suspicion that Olek hadn’t intended to kill his brother.

It was strange how the truth wasn’t clear even with all who had witnessed the events sharing their side of the story.

They would probably never know, and even the goddess couldn’t go back in time and rewrite the story. It was what it was, and they would all need to live with the doubt.

One thing was clear, though. Given what he knew, saving both Annani and Gudbrand had not been possible, and Annani’s life was monumentally more important than Gudbrand’s.

The Fates must have guided Olek’s sword hand, and they had done the right thing for the greater good.

Steven wiped David’s palm with a gauze dipped in antiseptic, and as he lifted the surgical knife, David braced for the pain that would follow.

“I’ll be quick.” The doctor made the cut.

The small incision hurt, but the pain wasn’t too bad.

“What now?” He looked at the blood welling over the wound.

“Now we watch and wait,” Bridget said.

“It’s closing.” Steven wiped the blood with a clean piece of gauze.

Sari leaned closer. “Look, David. It’s almost healed.”

“I can see that.”

For some reason, David wasn’t as excited as he’d thought he would be. Maybe it was because he already knew that he had transitioned and the test was only a formality, or maybe it was the heaviness of what he’d learned during his coma, or perhaps it was knowing that he wouldn’t see Jonah again as Jonah.

Even if his brother reincarnated within the clan, it could take hundreds or thousands of years, and he might not even realize who he was.

“Welcome to immortality, David.” Bridget put her hand on his shoulder. “I wish you and Sari a happy and long life together.”

“Thank you.” Sari sounded choked up. “Can I take David home now?”

“Yes, you can.” Steven collected the tray. “You can come back later for painkillers.” He smiled. “You will need them soon.”

“I don’t feel anything yet.” David patted his gums with his fingers. “There is no swelling or tenderness.”

“It will come.” Bridget patted his shoulder again.

“Are you going back to the village?” Sari asked the doctor.

“Tomorrow. I promised my mother to spend some time with her.”

“Then you can join us for the celebratory dinner tonight.”

“What are we celebrating?” David swung his legs over the side of the bed.

“Your successful transition, of course.”

“I’d rather celebrate privately with you.”

Sari sighed. “Being mated to a public figure takes some adjustment. My life is rarely private.”

After pushing his feet into the flip-flops Sari had brought him, David wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her closer to him. “That’s a very small sacrifice, which I’m more than willing to make. I’m just glad to be alive and have an eternity of celebrating with you to look forward to.”









“I’ll order something for us to eat.” Sari led David to the couch. “Bridget said to keep it light, but I don’t know what that means. Do you have any preferences?”

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