Home > Ranger's Fury (Devil's Riot MC : Originals #7)

Ranger's Fury (Devil's Riot MC : Originals #7)
Author: E.C. Land





Age 13



“You’re a skank.”

“More like a fat bitch.”

“She’ll get on her knees for any guy.”

“She probably does for those members of that club.”

“Like I said a skank.”

Tears fill my eyes as the girls screaming these hateful words at me kick and taunt me.

What have I ever done to them? I’m a loner. I don’t talk to anyone for this very reason. I just want to be left alone so that I can get through the school day.

“Hey, give me those scissors.” I begin to panic as the ringleader Laura speaks. She’s a mean witch who constantly spits at me or trips me when I’m walking past. “Thanks, now stand on fat bitch Harlow’s back.



I would move but my body hurts, and my eyes are swollen shut.

“This is for what your daddy did to my momma,” Laura sneers as one of her minions does as she commands and places their feet on my back.

“My daddy?” What did he do to her momma? He died when I was five and my mommy couldn’t handle taking care of Lynch and I so she gave us to my uncle Fury and left.

“Yeah, you stupid, retarded slut,” Laura snaps. Her voice a lot closer now. I feel someone, most likely Laura, wrap my hair in her hands. “She was in love with him and he left her.”

Snip. Snip.

The sound of scissors cutting resound in my head as Laura tugs on my hair while slicing through it.

“Now nobody will want your nasty ass,” Laura spits and throws my hair in my face as her minions move back and I roll to my back.

“Wait, I have a better idea to make sure no one wants her Laura.” This comes from Jenny, Laura’s cousin. “Hand me the scissors.”

Oh no.

What is she going to do?

“Here you go, Jen,” Laura giggles.

Doing my best to open my eyes, I see Jenny coming closer as she kneels on one leg next to me.

My heart races in my chest as I watch her grinning maliciously at me. “You think you’re something because of who you associate with. Well guess what. You ain’t shit and I’m going to make sure nobody will want your fuckin’ ass again,” she snarls, lip curling at the side as she brings the scissors close.

I shake my head the best I can to keep her from doing it but unfortunately, I’m unsuccessful and scream in pain when the sharpness of the scissors slices into my face.

“Remember your place bitch or better yet go drown yourself in the bayou and let the gators eat your flesh,” Jenny states as the girls around us cackle like a bunch of hyenas.

With one last kick to the head, they leave me laying on the ground right at the tree line leading to one of the many trails you can take from the school to neighborhoods and such.

My last conscious thought is where is everyone?



Standing by the dock, my arms wrapped around my midsection staring out at the murky water of the bayou.

“Sweetheart, you doing okay?” my aunt Ela asks as she approaches me. She might be my aunt but she’s more like my mom. When her and my uncle Fury took on Lynch and I they became our parents.

“Yeah,” I whisper, knowing she knows I’m lying. You cannot lie to my aunt. She has a gift and will always know the truth.

“What happened to you isn’t something you overcome easily, baby,” my aunt murmurs, coming to stand next to me.

I knew she was talking about the bruises I was sporting along with the bandage on my face. I also knew she meant my hair as well. No longer did I have long beautiful jet-black hair.

Two days ago, Laura and Jenny with their posse of minions from hell beat me, took my hair, cut my face, leaving me bleeding in the park. It took well into the early morning hours for my uncle Fury and his brothers to find me.

If it weren’t for Pitch Black, my cousin, who’s more of a big brother, I don’t know how long I’d have laid there. I couldn’t move due to the pain radiating throughout my entire body.

Now I have three broken ribs, an arm in a cast, and a slice in my face that is going to leave a horrifying scar. One I’ll never be able to hide.

“Aunt Ela,” I start but she held a hand up stopping me from going any further.

“Harlow, sweetheart, I know. I saw it and I wish to God I could have prevented it from happening; however, nature has to take its course in this life. That being said, I want you to hear me when I say this. Those girls will not rule over who you are to become. Let what they did be a lesson and grow. Harness that hurt and pain as you learn.”

“I don’t understand,” I whisper, in confusion.

“I know you don’t right now, Harlow, but you will. You will understand when the time is right. Now due to circumstances, your uncle and I talked about what happened. We know you don’t want to stay here anymore. I for one do not want you leaving me, you are my baby girl just as Raven is. However, we are sending you to your other uncle in Virginia. He’ll look out for you and teach you what you want to know deep down.”

Sucking in a breath, I realize what she means. They’re letting me go live with my uncle Lark and his family. My cousin, Trevor, is my age and is crazy freakishly cool. Last time I’d seen him he’d showed me some moves in self-defense that were awesome. But I was too weak to be able to take on six girls at one time.

“Thank you, Aunt Ela,” I whisper.

“You’re welcome, Harlow. Just remember this, do not let the fury of the Harpy within control who you are to become in the end. Emotions are strong even when you think they’re gone. You let it consume you and the one you’re meant to be with will have a fight on his hands fighting back the fury to get to the heart of you.”

Closing my eyes, I let my aunt’s words soak in. It’s this moment in my life that everything changes, and I decide I will never be hurt again. I will become the Harpy and release my fury on the evil that decimates this world. I didn’t care whether some man could save me or not. I did not need that in my life, besides who would want someone as hideous as myself.



Chapter One




Six Months Ago



The first time I saw her, I knew she was meant to be mine. Didn’t know her name at first. Only that the vibrant fire blazing from her gaze drew me in. I didn’t care about the scar that marred her face, to me it made her unique.

Second time I saw her, I realized to win her over, I had a fight on my hands. Not only was this woman reclusive, barely wanting to be around anyone unless it was demanded, she was also stubborn as they come.

I’d tried to ask her out once, only to have her turn me down. I’m not the type to chase after pussy, not when I have a slew of it at my command. Clubwhores and strippers alike.

Except for one problem when it comes to those bitches, they’re not her, and it seems my cock only wants the one who’s to be mine.

It sucked when she disappeared shortly after Tinsley was hurt. I thought I’d have to get Tracker and Nerd to find her for me; however, I heard Raven mention to Victoria, Harlow decided to go on vacation. At first, I figured it would be a simple week or so away from here. Didn’t expect it to be longer. Months longer at that.

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