Home > Age of Deception (The Firebird Chronicles #2)(64)

Age of Deception (The Firebird Chronicles #2)(64)
Author: T.A. White

He didn't answer, which was answer enough.

"It's too bad. I could use some alone time right about now." There was a shakiness in her voice that said she was at her limit.

Finn read that, moving to take a place at her side. He stared out the window she'd unwittingly stopped in front of. Finally, he moved. "Come on. I have a place to take you."

Kira didn't bother hiding her suspicion. Finn and Kira had come to a compromise of sorts, but it wasn't the sort of thing that made them friends. This smacked of caring, the sort you might apply to someone you were friendly with.

His smile was brief, lightening his eyes and revealing a glimpse of the man he might have once been. "Don't act so suspicious. Not everyone is out to get you."

"Says you," Kira threw at him. "My track record says otherwise."




"This is where you wanted to bring me?" Kira asked skeptically.

They stood outside a bar located on the edge of the city, close to the fortress's walls. Housed in a cozy-looking building of stone and stucco, the inside was filled with a sea of synth armor, deep blue the dominant color.

Wide-open windows looked out on the city below and the ocean beyond it.

A long bar curved through the middle of the room, its surface polished and bright.

The place smelled clean and fresh. A murmur drifted through the space, the Tuann inside not paying any attention to the newcomers. Many hung out in alcoves; gauzy curtains pulled to hide the identities of those inside.

There was none of the electric hum of depression or desperation that she'd become accustomed to from the station bars she normally frequented.

This space spoke of elegance and comfort.

"You never struck me as the type to drown your sorrow with alcohol," Kira said, sending Finn a sidelong look.

Warmth lit his expression. "You looked like you needed to get away for a while. This place fits that need, while exposing you to another side of life with us."

Kira hummed in interest, taking in those around her. Roake's colors may have dominated, but she caught glimpses of the armor of other Houses as well.

Kira moved toward the bar, leaning against it as she people watched.

"Do you guys ever take your armor off?" Kira asked.

Of those she could see, almost all wore some type of armor. Not all were synth, but the majority were. Those who were dressed normally were mostly behind the bar or moving through the room with trays. Less than a handful of the patrons themselves were out of armor.

"Rarely outside of House walls." Finn signaled a Tuann at the end of the bar. The man pouring a drink lifted his chin in acknowledgment. "There are exceptions. Most of those are like Maida, who can reinforce her skin, but the rest wear the armor with the pride it deserves."

The bartender made his way toward them. As tall as Finn, he had a similar build. He moved as if any moment the floor might jump up and bite him. Kira had seen other soldiers move like this, as if prepared for the shit to hit the fan. Usually, it took several tours in hostile environments to develop that type of response to your surroundings.

There was a surliness to his expression, like showing any other emotion was too much effort. His hair was shaggier and more unkept than most Tuann she met. Eyes of light amber lightened infinitesimally as he approached.

Finn clasped the man's offered forearm with a nod that was downright friendly for the dour oshota. "Brother."

Kira glanced between the two of them as the bartender settled his forearms on the counter.

A slow smile dawned as he looked Finn up and down. "It's good to see you in the armor again."

Finn touched his armor, his motion almost surprised before he dipped his chin slightly.

"Again?" Kira asked.

The man's gaze shifted to her, his look guarded. Finn might be his friend, but he was withholding judgment on her. Fair enough. He wasn't the only one.

"Talon, this is Kira. She's my current sword."

The man's eyebrows lifted as his gaze sharpened. "The lost Roake heir I've been hearing so much about."

Finn nodded before addressing Kira. "We call the people we serve swords. Oshota are their protective shields. It's custom when a sword under your care dies to put away your armor until you find a new sword or have redeemed yourself in battle."

The stilted way Finn said this made her think he wasn't happy about having to reveal this odd Tuann idiosyncrasy.

It made her think his last sword, as he called it, had died under less than ideal circumstances.

It was hard to tell if the distance between Finn and those in Roake was because of his reserve or theirs. It was likely he’d played some role in this person’s death, even if she still didn’t have all the details.

"Doesn't make much sense to me, but many things about the Tuann don't," Kira admitted.

Talon's smile was slow in coming. "I like this one."

She arched an eyebrow at him, saying dryly. "I'm flattered. Really." She pointed at her chest. "It gets me right here."

He threw his head back on a roar. "Much better than Brianne."

Seconds later, he set two glasses of amber liquid in front of them. "Welcome to the Sirav Rytil."

"It means—"

"Second Chances," Kira finished for Finn. Seeing his surprise, she lifted a shoulder. "I may know a little more Tuann than I let on."

It was true enough, but it also helped to have Jin constantly in her ear translating what others were saying around her. It had allowed her to pick up a few interesting tidbits. You could find out a lot about a person based on what they said when you weren't around—or at least they thought you didn't understand.

"Smart," Talon said with admiration.

"I try."

Kira picked up her drink as Talon looked at Finn, tilting his head in a clear invitation for conversation.

"Talk to your friend," she told Finn when it looked like he would hesitate. "I'm sure you have a lot to catch up on."

Finn didn’t move, reluctance in his posture.

She made shooing motions at him with one hand. "You brought me here so I could clear my head. Let me."

Kira took a sip of the drink she was holding, nearly coughing in surprise as it burned all the way down.

Finn didn't quite manage to hide his chuckle at her reaction.

She eyed the drink in her hand with suspicion. "What the hell is this?"

Talon smirked. "I take it you've never had keeva before."

She took another hesitant sip. This time the burn wasn't as intense, and the flavor was spicy and warm, like a jumped-up version of chai. "I grew up with humans. We didn't have anything like this."

"Humans have alcohol. We have keeva," Finn said, glancing at Talon. It was obvious he wanted to talk privately with his friend, and just as obvious that he was reluctant to do so because of her.

"We both know I can take care of myself," she told him.

"Yes, but isn't it nice sometimes to have someone watch your back?"

"Perhaps, but this isn't one of those times. Go. You'll be close enough if I get into trouble," she said.

Finn moved off reluctantly. Kira watched until he and Talon settled into conversation before putting her back to the counter and studying those around her.

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