Home > Hawk : Tempest Elite MC : Tempest Elite MC Book # 5(7)

Hawk : Tempest Elite MC : Tempest Elite MC Book # 5(7)
Author: Reagan Phillips

“I tried.”

She looks up at me with those big glassy brown eyes and my chest tightens. I want to pull her into a bear hug and never let her go again. I want to tell her that while she is mine, no one will ever be able to harm her. But I can’t make the words come out. The last thing she needs right now is a man confessing his love to her.

“I really wanted to tell you,” she says. “But then you were already mad and I know how much you’ve had to deal with lately and—”

“And none of that is more important to me than you.”

Her gaze locks on mine. I’ve shown her my hand, but it seems to be working. She’s softening to me.

“He’s from my past. A guy I dated only a few times. I thought if I ignored him for a while, he’d go away. I avoided his calls. I called in sick when he showed up at my work. I even called the police when he helped himself into my home one evening. Nothing stopped him.”

She’s shaking. I want to wrap her in my arms, but I know better. Instead, I sit on the couch next to her, keeping one hand on her knee. And I do what guys like me do. I ask more questions.

“Does he know where you are now?”

“I didn’t think so,” she says, then she pulls the letter from her pocket. “Until this came, I thought maybe he’d gotten lucky and found my cell number.”

“He’s been texting you?”

“Only a few times. I don’t know where he is, Hawk. He could be here waiting for me to be alone. Or he could be back in Kentucky with my mother. He has her convinced he’s a nice guy and she wants nothing more than for me to settle down. That’s why I left. That’s also why I cut her out completely.”

“Christ,” I grind out. “What did the police say?”

She takes in a ragged breath and I pull her into my side. “Darren would have to threaten me in order for them to intervene. They don’t seem to understand there is more than one way to control a person.”

“My God, Lo. I had no idea.”

“No one did. I didn’t want to involve anyone else. Every time I do, he turns them against me. Just like my mother.”

I turn her to face me and take her face between my palms, so she has no choice but to hear me. “No one will ever be able to turn me against you, Lo. You have to know that by now.”

She gives me a sheepish glance. “I know. You watch out for us girls. You need some ice for your cheek.”

She begins to lift the towel to my face, but I put it back down. “The cheek can wait, and you’re more than one of the girls to me.” I’m dropping my guard, but I need Lo to trust me and right now that trust might be earned by giving her a little of my own. “Lotus. I’m here for you.”

Her gaze drops and she twists free from my hold. She’s wounded, but I don’t know how. She walks to the kitchen and opens the freezer, pulls out a pack of frozen veggies and returns, handing the bag to me. I take the bag, but I’m too concerned with the change I’m seeing in her expression. Somewhere on her short trip to the kitchen she’s gone cold. “Camila will be home soon. It would be best if she didn’t see us together like this.”

“Lo.” I drop my head to meet hers, but she won’t even look at me. “I can’t just leave after what you’ve told me. This Darren guy... What if he’s in town? You said yourself that you need help.”

Lo sucks in a deep breath that makes her shoulders rise and fall before she looks up at me again. “I panicked. The card threw me for a loop, and I freaked out. I’m fine now. I can handle Darren on my own.”

“I don’t think you can.” My tone is flat and I’m frowning at her more than just looking. I’m disappointed. Not a feeling that goes well with how I feel for Lo, but it’s there. Eating away at the pit of my stomach. “Are you still planning to run away?”

She reaches for her bag from the floor and hoists it over one shoulder. “It’s the only way to keep him out of my life. I just have to always be one step ahead.”

I’ve heard enough. Years in the services taught me what happens to people who have no security. They come unhinged. Slowly at first, but I already see it happening with Lo. She’s the strongest-willed woman I’ve known. Stronger than most of the men in my club. And she’s willing to live a life on the run to avoid facing her danger.

I can’t let that happen to her. I won’t sit back and watch her world fall apart.

“You’re coming home with me.”

Lo whips her head back, sending her hair splashing out over one shoulder. “No, Hawk. I’ve made up my mind. I’m moving on.”

“The hell you are.” I take the bag off her shoulder and throw it on mine before I grab the keys out of her hand and the little wallet they are attached to. “You want your stuff? You’ll have to come with me to get it back.”

She protests, but I’m out the door and already through the outdoor corridor that leads to the street.

She can follow me back to the restaurant or she can leave town without her stuff. Her choice. Because I’ve made up my mind. I can put aside my feeling for Lo for long enough to save her. But first, she’s going to have to show me she wants to be saved.



Chapter 4






Hawk can be a real dick at times. Right now is one of those times.

To keep up with his long strides as he’s gliding down the sidewalk, I’m almost running. No matter how many times I call his name or beg him to slow down, he doesn’t listen. I’d like to say I’m enjoying the view. Hawk has a nice ass. Watching him walk away isn’t a chore on most days, but right now he has my life thrown over his back and my wallet in his hand. I’m ready to pick up a pebble off the street and throw it at him if he doesn’t stop.

We’re halfway back to the restaurant when he’s caught by a traffic light and I’m able to catch him. I’m winded from the walk-running, but he’s not even phased. When I call his name, he ignores me. I pull on the strap of my bag, but he doesn't budge.

“Hawk, please.” I beg. “My bus leaves in an hour.”

“You don’t have a bus,” he answers, keeping his head up high and staring out over the sidewalk and away from me.

“I can’t stay with you,” I say.

The older woman standing with us at the corner gives me a curt look, then wrinkles up her nose at Hawk. I give her a weak grin and shrug my shoulders. The light turns and Hawk’s off again with his gargantuan strides that make it impossible for me to keep up.

“Have you thought about how this will make Camila feel?” I throw at his back.

He turns his head slightly to me. “No. The only person I’m worried about right now is you.”

“Oh, that’s funny,” I push out through my burning lungs.

Hawk slows a beat and glances at me over one shoulder. “How so?”

“You’re making me chase you through the streets because you're concerned about me. Don’t you see the irony in that?”

He stops and I almost run headfirst into his back.

“All I see is how hardheaded you’re being.” He’s off again and moving even faster, if that’s possible.

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