Home > Dark Warrior (Warrior #2)(59)

Dark Warrior (Warrior #2)(59)
Author: Donna Fletcher

Decimus delayed his men from beginning their search as long as he could then released them, praying Mary and the two young ones were well gone.

It was near to nightfall and he hoped that Mary was safe and close to home, though he knew it would take her the night to reach the fortress. He had walked the familiar path many times.

The darkness was a friend to him; he only hoped Mary would feel the same way and she would find the shadows and sounds of the night her protectors.

Later that night in their bedchamber he paced the floor waiting for her. He attempted to sleep if only for an hour or so but sleep eluded him. He could think of nothing but his wife and unborn child alone in the woods, prey to man and beast.

He thought several times to go in search of her, but he realized he could not leave the fortress for then he would need to leave someone in his ill wife’s care and that was not possible.

He stood by the window, looking into the dark night and praying for his wife’s safe return. His heart was heavy with worry not only of her safety, but also of the thought of having to let her go. He had briefly considered escaping with her when the time came and leaving all the madness behind him. Then his senses returned to him and he knew he could not forsake his duty to the innocent. He had to continue his work and help as many people as he could.

The thought did not ease his heartache, nor would it comfort him when he lay in bed alone without his beloved wife. But he was a man of honor and he had no choice in this matter.

He would take what time he had with her and love her with all his heart. That was why she had to return to him.

By dawn.

Decimus stood by the window and watched the sun rise. Mary was to return by dawn but was yet to be seen. His worry and fear mounted with each passing hour. Then he was informed that someone approached and his heart wrenched with worry.

He waited at the entrance to the fortress. Could it be Mary? Had someone found her? Was she ill?

The wagons and riders approached and in the lead was a man in an iron mask on a sturdy black steed.

The Legend had arrived at the fortress.

Reena was quick to slip off her mare but approached Decimus with caution. “We thought to visit with Mary, if you approve of course.”

Decimus stared at her. He was no fool, Mary had sent for the lot of them when she had sent the note he had learned about. She was up to something and, if he had her here right now, he would find out what she was up to.

“You are welcome to visit briefly.”

“How kind of you,” Reena said with a pleasant smile. “Where is Mary?”

Decimus had no chance to answer.

“Mary!” Reena yelled and hurried past Decimus.

He turned to see his wife walking out the door dressed in proper attire, not a smudge on her pale face. He had to restrain himself from rushing forward and scooping her up in his arms. She looked near to collapsing.

“Are you all right?” Reena asked with alarm.

Mary stepped forward on trembling legs. She was bone tired and hungry, and though she was thrilled to see Reena and the others, she wanted nothing more than her husband’s loving arms around her.

She managed a weak smiled and looked to Decimus before answering Reena. “I am—”

She was suddenly lifted up into her husband’s arms.

“Did I give you permission to get out of bed?” he said, his nostrils flaring and his eyes blazing with an angry heat.

“You have been ill?” Reena asked, close on Decimus’s heels.

“Mary has not felt well for days and needs rest.” Decimus was firm in his retort.

“I will look after her,” Reena offered, though it sounded more like a demand.

“That is not necessary. Wait in the hall while I see to my wife.”

There was no doubt that he meant to be obeyed, and Magnus reached out and grabbed his wife by the back of her tunic.

“Do as he says. You will talk with Mary soon enough.”

“She does not look well at all,” Reena said concerned.

“We will make certain she is well before we leave here,” Magnus assured her.

“That we will,” Reena said, folding her arms firmly across her chest. “For I will not leave here until I am certain of it.”

Decimus wanted to scream, shout, and cry out his joy that Mary had returned safely, though she appeared completely exhausted. And that worried him.

“I should have never let you do this,” he said, placing her gently on the bed.

Mary rested her hand on his cheek. “Jenna and her brother are free and I am but tired. Freedom heals them and sleep will heal me.”

He kissed her palm. “You took longer than I expected; I worried that something had happened to you.”

“I came upon your men,” she said quietly. “I thought only one at first and was ready with my bow and arrow. Then I spied another and knew I needed to hide and wait for them to pass. It delayed my return.”

Her near capture filled him with dread, and he silently swore he would never place her in such danger again. He would see her safe and free of harm. “Rest,” he urged and placed her hand on her stomach, his hand covering hers.

“I understand now.” Her eyes drifted closed.

“What do you understand?”

“Why the Dark One does what he does.”

“And why he must continue his work,” he said regretfully.

“Everything changes yet it stays the same.”

Decimus had to lean closer to hear her, her voicing drifting off to a mere whisper as she fell asleep. He did not understand the pertinence of her remark, but then she was tired and probably not making sense.

He waited by her side until he was certain she was asleep. When a soft knock sounded at the door, he hurried to see who dared disturb them.

Reena stood with her hands on her hips, Brigid behind her. He had to admire Reena, for a small wisp of a woman she had courage.

“Is Mary all right?”

“She is with child and has not been well.” He saw no reason to keep that information from them and it was time her pregnancy was known, time for their escape plan to begin.

Reena went to walk past him but he blocked her with his arm across the doorway. “She sleeps.”

Reena looked perturbed, but Brigid handled herself well.

“Would you like someone to sit with her in case she should wake and need assistance?”

Reena was more direct. “We heard that her personal servant was accused of stealing and had escaped before punishment. It must have upset her.”

“It was no concern of hers.” He had often wanted to cringe at his own arrogance, but it was necessary to keep up the façade. He was however grateful to Brigid for offering to sit with his wife. He would feel more at ease if someone he could trust remained with her.

He stood aside. “Do not disturb her.”

He forced himself not to smile when he saw Brigid grab hold of Reena’s arm. The tiny, thin woman looked ready to lunge at him. He was glad to know Mary had good friends. She would need them.

They walked to the bed and after seeing that Mary was asleep, Reena pulled a chair near the bed for Brigid to sit.

Decimus noticed then that Brigid was round with child and a sudden sadness rushed over him. He would have to send Mary away when she was heavy with his child. He would watch her walk out of his life never to see her or to know his offspring.

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