Home > Dark Warrior (Warrior #2)(63)

Dark Warrior (Warrior #2)(63)
Author: Donna Fletcher

Mary hurried out of the fortress to see if she could find her husband. He was chastising a group of his men in the center of the courtyard. She approached slowly, keeping her demeanor that of an obedient wife.

Decimus turned, his tongue sharp. “I am busy, wife, what brings you to me?”

“A private question, my lord.” She trembled to show fear, though the act was not difficult. His dark, penetrating eyes could put the fear in anyone. She had to remember he was the man she loved.

He dismissed his men with the wave of his hand. And while he kept his expression stern he spoke in a soft whisper that only she could hear.

“You are feeling well?”

“Aye, my lord,” she said, bowing her head to keep up appearances.

“I am sorry to send your friends away, but the longer they remain the more careful I must be, and I selfishly want what time I have left with you, without worry of discovery.”

“I feel the same and I ask that they be allowed to remain here until the end of the week.”

He waved his hand as though he dismissed her remark and said, “I see no problem with that.”

“One other thing,” she said, softly. “Reena told me that Roarke had returned part of the way with them and then left to find the Dark One. Have you heard from him? I wish to know that he is well and safe.”

“He waits for me in the woods, where we will begin to formulate a plan for your death and escape.”

“May I go to him?” She intended to find him whether given permission or not. But she did not want Decimus to know that.

He hesitated a moment. “Take Reena or Brigid with you so that it looks like you are taking a walk in the woods.”

“I will see you later,” she said and bowed her head.

“Be gone,” he shouted. “I have no time for nonsense, take your walk and leave me be.” He turned and walked over to his men without another glance.

Mary found Reena but left Brigid who was already busy securing the items necessary for the escape.

“Roarke will not speak to me in front of you,” Mary said, when they had almost reached the area where he waited for Decimus.

“I will wander off on my own,” Reena assured her, making it known in a raised voice that she went in search of feathers for quills and that Mary was to relax and enjoy the beautiful summer day.

Roarke stepped out from behind a tree as soon as Reena had disappeared into the woods. “Reena knows you meet me. She did not need to leave.”

“You are too perceptive,” Mary said with a smile. “But I needed to talk with you alone and Reena understood.”

“She and Brigid took good care of me,” he said and reached out his hand.

Mary took it and he helped her to sit on a fallen tree, and joined her.

“They are good friends, like you.”

Roarke’s handsome face brimmed with a smile. “You want something from me.”

She nodded and looked out on the beauty of the woods, so alive with new summer growth, the bright sun shining down and a gentle breeze wafting around them. It was peaceful here and that is what she wanted for Michael and herself—peace.

“Have you spoken with Michael since your return?”

“Briefly,” he said. “He told me you are aware of his identity and I hear congratulations are in order.”

She placed her hand to her stomach. “He will be a father come winter.”

“He is pleased, though . . .” Roarke did not finish.

She saw he was upset and she prayed he felt the same as she. “He deserves a life, Roarke.”

“I have told him this time and time again. His family, especially his sister, would not have wanted him to surrender his whole life for them.”

“But he feels they surrendered theirs for him, does he not?”

“No matter how much I tell him it was not his fault, he believes otherwise,” Roarke said.

“So he continually surrenders himself for others, with the dream of saving his family over and over. Yet now, with his child inside me, he continues the family, what his mother and sister would wish for him. Their persecutors cannot rob Michael of his bloodline.”

“He feels committed to save as many people as he can.”

“Do you think he has not saved enough? Do you not think it is time for him to fight in another way? Do you not think it is time for him to live?” She sounded as though she pleaded her case, but it made no difference, she was pleading for the life of the man she loved.

“He is a stubborn man and I have often told him that he cannot go on forever living a lie; he will be caught.”

“Do you not tire of this life yourself?” Mary asked. “Would you not like a wife and family?”

Roarke rocked back and glanced up at the heavens. “Peace, I would love some peace in my life.”

She reached out and touched his hand. “Then help me free Michael and finally lay his revenge to rest so that his family may rest, and you may know peace yourself.”

“You are a courageous woman, Mary.”

She grinned. “I am a woman deeply in love.”

“Michael is a lucky man.”

“He may not agree with you, especially after I tell you what I have planned.”

“Your plan will free him of Decimus and the Dark One?” he asked.

“Only Michael will live.”

“Tell me what you have in mind.”

They huddled in discussion with Roarke making a few suggestions that would help secure the plan’s success. They plotted date and time, Roarke agreeing it must be done immediately or they would risk someone learning of it. He also agreed that Michael might be angry with her at first.

“I am prepared for his wrath; I am not, however, prepared to live my life without him,” Mary said stubbornly. “In time he will come to realize the wisdom of my actions.”

“When he holds his newborn in his arms, he will be grateful to you.”

Mary sighed softly. “As I will be grateful to see him hold his son or daughter and know that his family continues on within the tiny babe.”

They heard heavy footsteps and Reena talking to herself much too loudly.

“Reena lets us know of her approach,” Roarke said with a laugh.

“She will be pleased that you help us.” Mary waved to Reena to join them when she caught sight of her.

She hurried over.

“He joins us,” Mary said with joy.

“Good, now all that is left is for us to finalize the plans and choose a day,” Reena said, relieved.

“We have chosen a day,” Roarke informed her. “We carry out the plan the day after tomorrow.”

“Brigid and I will tell Magnus and Thomas that morning.”

“I think it wiser if I discuss the plans the night before with them. Timing, actions and illusion will be vital to the success of this plan. They must be fully aware of what they must do. We cannot waste a minute nor hesitate. Decimus must be taken by surprise.”

“From what Mary has planned I think he will be stunned,” Reena said.

“Giving us all the time to do what we must.” Roarke smiled. “Do you wail well, Reena? It is a vital role you will be playing.”

“For my small size I have a loud wail,” Reena said with pride.

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