Home > It Was Always You (Calamity Falls #5)(16)

It Was Always You (Calamity Falls #5)(16)
Author: Erika Kelly

Music had pulled her through before, and it would pull her through this week.



Chapter Five



“You ready to meet some kids?” the nurse asked with a cheerful expression.

“Sure am.” Cassian had to force himself to be in the moment.

He couldn’t get over Gigi’s look of disdain as she’d watched him in the kitchen, as if he’d been some poseur. What did she expect from him?

I’m here to shake hands, take selfies, and sign autographs.

She was so damn angry with him.

“Actually, can you give me a minute? I’d like to see Cody’s expression when he meets the penguins.”

The nurse looked at him like he was the sweetest guy ever. I’m not, he wanted to say. I hurt my best friend, and I continue to be a jerk to her, and I don’t know why.

Why can’t I stop?

Why the fuck can’t I just say I’m sorry?

“Of course.” She tipped her head toward the door. “Come on. The zoo van’s just pulling up.” They headed out the sliding glass door. “We’re so excited to have you guys here. You can’t believe how many times we’ve applied to the foundation, and now…to be accepted when Cassian Ellis is on the tour? I just can’t believe it.”

Stepping outside, he headed toward the picnic table, because there was no one else he wanted to share the moment with other than Gigi. But she didn’t even notice his approach. She was captivated by the sight of Cody. Surrounded by family, eyes wide and bright, the boy’s excitement was palpable as he watched the handlers wheel the travel crate toward him.

Cassian felt the jerk inside him, a shifting of his perspective. Obviously, he worked his ass off—he’d earned his career—but he’d been given all the advantages, whereas this boy had spent his childhood in and out of hospitals. Sure, Cassian had lost his parents when he was fourteen, but he’d moved in with his uncle and aunt. He’d had Tyler Cavanaugh’s guiding hand. He’d been born with a strong, healthy body.

And the worst thing that had ever happened to him—losing a piece of his soul—could be corrected, because Gigi was here right now, standing close enough for him to see the nick on her chin—the color of moonlight—from when she’d tripped on the trail and landed on a sharp-edged rock. He caught her looking at him, and he knew she got it, too.

What’re we doing?

In the scheme of things, our issues are so petty.

A fierceness seized him. He couldn’t take back what he’d done, but their paths had crossed again. It might only be for a week, but he’d grab the opportunity. First, he’d apologize. And then he’d do whatever she needed to help her heal.

The animal handler opened the door of the crate, and the black and white penguins waddled out. The boy’s eyes flared with awe as the animals shook themselves like wet dogs, flapping their wings and shaking their heads.

The handler, a silver-haired woman, lifted one of them and set it on the boy’s lap. His grin stretched across his face. Damn, if it didn’t pinch Cassian’s heart.

The family gathered around, as the boy gave a running commentary on what the penguins felt like, and how he couldn’t believe he got to touch one.

Cassian didn’t miss the father’s eyes turning glassy, the way he blinked back tears.

“This is amazing,” Gigi whispered.

“I’m glad I’m here.”

“Me, too.” She gave him a soft smile.

Energy roared through him. “I want you to know—”

She shook her head. Not now.

Kevin gave her a nod, and she picked up her guitar. Sitting down on a picnic table, she began playing.

Cassian stood transfixed, as her voice threw him back in time. To hot sun on his shoulders and cold lake water lapping onto a rocky shore, listening to her play for him on a summer’s day. To the smell of wood burning, sparks snapping, while a bunch of them gathered around a bonfire and listened to her sing.

His pulse pounded in his ears, and he grew warm. She’s here. And he had the chance to make things right.

He’d get her alone, talk to her. Do something. Anything was better than ignoring her and pretending his life hadn’t been so damn empty without her.

Right then the sliding glass doors opened, and families and nurses came outside, gathering around the penguins. A few teenagers came straight for Gigi, who greeted them with her warmth and open spirit.

It was time for Cassian to go in, but he almost couldn’t bear being separated from her. He glanced back one more time at the woman who shared his soul…and caught Grant, the country singer, watching her.

Wait—whoa—was the older guy interested in her?

Of course he’s fucking interested in her. Gigi was gorgeous, vibrant, talented. Her record label might’ve tried to sanitize the sexiness right out of her, but they couldn’t. Because it came from within. She was artsy, sensual, earthy. No matter the platinum hair and trendy, youthful clothes, her essence shone through. Especially when she sang.

“Cassian?” Kevin called.

“Coming. Sorry. I just wanted to be here when Cody saw the penguins.”

“It’s a life-changer, isn’t?” Kevin nodded.

“It is.”

“Hey, so, listen. Good news. Your jerseys got here on time. We’ve got Sharpees and a bunch of kids who want some one-on-one time with you.”

“You don’t think…given my recent press, their parents might not want me around their kids?”

“They’re besides themselves with the opportunity to meet you. Besides…can you think of a single celebrity who doesn’t get thrown some shade in the media?” He tipped his chin to the country star. “He’s been married three times, in and out of rehab…and this is his fourth tour with us. They love him, because he’s got a big heart, and he loves meeting the families. So, just be your true self. You’re here as the quarterback of the Mavericks, and in that capacity you’re a role model to millions of people. When you’re here, headlines don’t exist.”

Cassian didn’t even know the tension he carried until it eased right then. “Thanks, man. I appreciate that.”

With one last look at Gigi, he went inside. As he passed the nurse’s station, one of them—a pretty young woman with short, spikey hair—swung around and clapped her hands over her mouth.

“Oh, my God, it’s Cassian Ellis.”

“Hey, there.” He reached for her hand, reading her nametag. “Great to meet you, Heather.”

She looked shellshocked. “I just can’t believe it.”

Wanting to set her at ease, he said, “You’ve got a great town here. And that’s coming from someone who’s driven from one end to the other on the quest for anything penguin.”

“Oh, it’s…I mean, I grew up here. It’s all I know.”

“Nicest people I’ve ever met.”

“Oh…I…” She stood there wide-eyed and tongue-tied.

So, he gave a tug to the sleeve of her shirt. “Cute scrubs.”

Her demeanor shifted. She went from excited fan to interested woman. Leaning over the desk, she pushed her butt high in the air, and reached for a pen. “Can you sign them?”

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