Home > Biker Next Door(21)

Biker Next Door(21)
Author: Sam Crescent

“Now, why don’t you tell me why you haven’t told him he’s going to be a daddy?” Elizabeth took the seat closest to her and offered her a tissue, which she thanked her for.

“I don’t want him to feel obliged, you know? I sound awful, don’t I? It was only supposed to be some fun. You must think I’m a bad person.”

Elizabeth chuckled. “Not at all.”

“I can’t even sell my house. Everything is going wrong. I can’t live here any longer. I’m a failure.”

“You’re not a failure.”

“My neighbor didn’t fall in love with me. I can’t sell my house. I have ruined everything. I can see everyone whispering about me. How bad could I be?”

“Nonsense. You shouldn’t be listening to anyone but yourself and your heart. It’s not your fault if something goes wrong. There are two people responsible here. Not just you.”

She shrugged. “I know. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t just allow my mouth to vomit like that.” She put her fingers to her lips and flung them out. “I’m fine. Really.” She stood up. “I better go. My realtor believes I’ve put too much of a personal touch to the place. She’s advised I allow people to see themselves in my house.” She was so close to tears.

“You know you’re more than welcome here, sweetheart.”

“Thank you.” She hugged the older woman, thinking she was the closest person to a friend she had. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

After letting herself out of Elizabeth’s house, she walked back to her own. So long as she didn’t look up, she never had to consider if Rix had been able to sell his house. It would be even more of an embarrassment if he had. In fact, it would royally suck. He could easily move on while she had to live her life knowing all that she lost.

Deep breaths.

Big, deep breaths.

“I will love you, darling, with all my heart, and we will make this work.” She was a lot stronger than this. She had to find her backbone.

Squaring her shoulders, she went into her sitting room and started to take down each picture. The life she intended for herself here wasn’t meant to be, and she was going to move on. One day at a time.

She kept repeating the mantra, hoping one day, she’d be able to follow it.


There was no rest for the wicked, at least not for Rix.

Before he’d been able to deal with his feelings for Anna-Beth and make her see reason, he had no choice but to organize a drug run. It was part of his agreement with the new capo, and of course he had to be present to make sure everything ran smoothly. The run itself had taken a lot longer than he’d anticipated.

Nearly two weeks. One of which was spent just waiting for the shipment to come in. Again, the agreement he’d made was for him to keep an eye on the sale of the product so nothing went awry It was his biggest mistake. Arriving in his clubhouse late one Sunday night, he wanted nothing more than to have a long bath, some good food, and a night’s sleep. Tomorrow, he’d go back to Anna-Beth with the intention of telling her how he felt and what he wanted, but also promising her the world.

He couldn’t give up the club. He wanted her as part of him and the club.

One of the prospects, Crow or something was his name, came rushing out.

“Sir, we’ve got a bit of a situation here,” the prospect said, looking terrified.

“What?” he asked, not really interesting in dealing with any drama. He’d been to full power at the club for less than a month and he’d had his fair share of teen dramas to deal with, and he was thoroughly bored of it. Since when did he become the parent of reasoning?

“Where is he? I will not be put off for another moment.”

“Elizabeth,” he said.

One of the club girls put a hand on Elizabeth’s arm. “You get your hands off me. I know Rix. I intend to see him now.”

“Sorry,” Crow said. “She has been coming every single day. Tonight she wouldn’t leave and you wouldn’t respond to our calls.” Crow shrugged. “We didn’t know what to do about her.”

He raised his brow. “You don’t do anything about her. We’re good friends, aren’t we, Elizabeth?”

“Good friends. I have the very idea of washing your mouth out with soap.” She tutted.

Some of the boys were laughing, but they tried their hardest to hide it.

He rolled his eyes. “What have I done?”

“Do you know how much Anna-Beth is struggling? She can’t even sell her house, and she’s pregnant with your baby. I’m worried about her. She’s losing weight, which isn’t good.”

“Wait, what?”

“You heard me.”

“She knows?”

Elizabeth stopped. “Knows what?”

“About the baby?”

“Of course she knows. She’s not an idiot like you. How could you? I know you had all this funny business going on, but I liked you, Rix, and she is hurting. She is hurting real bad!” Elizabeth stamped her foot. “She feels like she is a laughingstock of the town. Like people are judging her at every single moment because you didn’t fall in love with her, and now she can’t even sell that precious house.”

He held up his hand. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Did you sell your house?” Elizabeth asked, continuing as if she hadn’t heard him.

“No, I have no reason to sell it just yet.”

Elizabeth put her hands on her hips. “Just exactly what have you been doing?”

The boys were enjoying the drama unfolding.

“Boys, inside. I need to talk with Elizabeth alone.”

“I’m good. I don’t know if she has a weapon,” Night said.

“My mouth is the biggest weapon I have. I can’t believe my eyes. You’re going to be a father, Rix. Anna-Beth loves you.”

“She does?”

“I wonder why people believe men are the superior species.” She shook her head. “Of course, she loves you. Why do you think she’s hurting? Spends most of her day crying. The only time she seems to smile is when she’s walking my dogs.” Elizabeth tutted.

“I’m completely in love with her,” Rix said. “I love her more than anything else in the world. I know she’s pregnant. I never intended to leave her. Shit happened. Life happened. I want her to come here. Be with me. Be my old lady.” He looked past her to Crow. “Is it all set up?”

“It is. We’re waiting on another delivery of candles,” Crow said.

“Come with me, I’ll prove it to you.” He led the way from the main parking lot to around the back where he intended to propose to Anna-Beth. There was a white veranda with flowers traveling up, lights covering the clubhouse, chairs, and tables. “This is what I planned. I’ve got to get Anna-Beth to come here and I can’t do that while she’s hating me.” He turned to Elizabeth. “I have no intention of leaving her or letting her go. I love her more than anything.” He offered her a smile.

Elizabeth’s lips were pursed.

“You’re still angry.”

“I don’t hold on to such stupid emotion.” She clucked her tongue. “No, you know what? I think we could make this work. How good are your men at kidnapping someone?”

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