Home > Going Polar : A Stand Alone Holiday Howls Polar Bear Shifter Romance

Going Polar : A Stand Alone Holiday Howls Polar Bear Shifter Romance
Author: Abbie Zanders


Chapter One




The stately Colonial, with its manicured lawn and picture-perfect fall decorative accents, screamed wealth and oozed curb appeal. It was a far cry from the modest farm where she and her brother had grown up. Where she still lived.

Remember, you’re doing this for Henry.

Lainey Swann took a deep breath, summoned a smile, and rang the doorbell.

Thankfully, Henry was the one who opened the door. She hadn’t seen him in months, not since he’d moved into the affluent suburbs with his girlfriend, and the change in his appearance was noticeable. His normally shaggy hair was now cut with precision; his clothes were pressed and coordinated. The biggest change, however, was the weariness in his gaze and the lines etching deeper around his eyes and mouth.

“Nice place,” she said lightly when he invited her in.

“It is, isn’t it?”

“Where is everyone?” Lainey asked, following Henry into the dining room. The very empty dining room that was supposed to be filled with Thanksgiving guests. “Am I early? I thought you said four.”

Henry rubbed the back of his neck, his expression apologetic. “I did. I’m sorry. Vicki’s parents came early, so we moved up the dinner to one. They don’t like driving in the dark, apparently.”

Well, that explained why hers was the only car out front.

Lainey felt a stab of pity for her brother. Brilliant scientist he might be, but he didn’t have a clue when it came to recognizing subterfuge. Either that or he simply didn’t want to believe his perfect girlfriend was capable of such mean-girl crap.

Then again, he hadn’t attempted to contact her about the change in plans either. Not that she could have left the animal hospital earlier, but a heads-up text would have been nice. She wouldn’t have felt compelled to spend as much time on her hair and makeup. As a general rule, Lainey chose comfort and practicality over fashion, but Vicki was all about appearances, and Lainey hadn’t wanted to embarrass her twin by showing up underdressed.

She handed him the homemade French apple pie she’d been up half the night baking. It was his favorite. “No worries. I’m just glad I get to see you.”

“I could make you a sandwich from the leftovers.”

Her stomach rumbled. “Open-faced with mashed potatoes and gravy?”

“Is there any other kind?” His warm smile revealed deep-set dimples as he pushed his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose. “Come on.”

He led the way through a brick archway into a chef-inspired kitchen, complete with granite countertops and a huge center island. Lainey slid up onto one of the stools while he pulled out two plates as well as several plastic storage containers from the fridge.

“Where’s Vicki?”

“Resting. She was up early this morning, preparing.”

Lainey withheld her snort. Vicki’s idea of “preparing” was having to oversee the caterers. According to Henry, Vicki wasn’t much of a cook, which was a shame since she had such a gorgeous kitchen.

Henry laid out bread and began slicing turkey while Lainey scooped out generous portions of mashed potatoes and gravy.

“It wasn’t the same without you,” Henry said, his smile fading as quickly as it had come.

“Well, I’m here now.”

“She doesn’t understand, you know,” he said quietly.

“I know.” Lainey nodded.

As an only child, Vicki couldn’t possibly understand the bond between siblings, especially twins. Vicki was used to being the center of everyone’s universe. The moment Henry started paying attention to anyone besides Vicki, she got her hackles up. It had been a point of contention from the get-go, but for some reason, Henry liked her, so Lainey had bitten her tongue.

Lainey changed the subject. “So, how’s the job? Have you finally gotten used to wearing a tie every day?” she teased.

At Vicki’s urging, Henry had left his position at the university to accept a position at the private biotech research company where Vicki’s dad was a partner. Like the overlarge, professionally decorated house in which Henry now lived, Henry’s R & D position was a far cry from the grant-funded research he’d loved.

Henry pulled one plate out of the microwave and put in the other. “I’m not gonna lie. It’s nice, not having to worry about funding.”

“I’ll bet.”

“How about you? Heard anything about the directorship yet?”

Lainey shook her head. She was on a short list of applicants for a regional head of animal welfare and veterinary services position that had recently opened up. “It’s down to me and one other.”

Henry grabbed his plate, then sat down at the island with her and bumped her shoulder with affection. “They’d be fools not to pick you.”

She grinned, grateful for his unwavering support. “Thanks, but Ken Kaufmann has ten years’ experience on me. In any event, I should know before the first of the year.”

“Great! It’ll give us another reason to celebrate. I’ll even buy a bottle of the good stuff this year.”

“We’re spending the holidays in Vail,” Vicki announced, breezing into the room with an exaggerated yawn. As always, she moved right to Henry’s side.

Henry’s smile faded. “Why would we do that?”

Vicki sat on the stool next to him and crinkled her nose at his plate. “Because that’s where my parents’ ski house is. We always spend the holidays there.”

Henry’s frown deepened. “We didn’t discuss this.”

“What’s to discuss? It’s our first Christmas together. I want it to be special. I’m sure Lainey understands.” Vicki shot Lainey a challenging glance. “Don’t you?”

“Of course,” Lainey said. She forced a smile, something made easier by imagining slapping that smirk from Vicki’s face. What else could she say? This was Henry’s battle, not hers, and she’d be damned if she was going to add fuel to the fire.

“The house has extra guest rooms, right? Lainey could come with us. She loves skiing.” Henry’s face brightened as he looked to Lainey. “Remember how much fun we had on that trip to Killington a few years ago?”

Henry couldn’t see Vicki’s face, but Lainey clearly saw her lips purse as if she’d just sucked a lemon. Lainey felt the same way. As much as she loved her brother, she couldn’t spend more than a few hours in Vicki’s presence, not without saying what she really felt, and ultimately, that would hurt Henry.

Instead, she said, “Thanks, but I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“I’ve got plans.”

Henry’s eyes widened. “You made plans? For Christmas?”

Lainey looked down at her plate and tried to think of something that wasn’t complete bullshit. She’d never been good at lying, especially not to her twin. “I figured you’d be busy, you know?”

Henry’s golden brows pulled downward; his eyes held hurt. “Vicki, would you excuse us for a moment, please? I need to talk to my sister.”

Vicki shot Lainey a warning glance, then pasted a smile on her face and kissed Henry’s cheek. “Of course, baby.”

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