Home > Going Polar : A Stand Alone Holiday Howls Polar Bear Shifter Romance(13)

Going Polar : A Stand Alone Holiday Howls Polar Bear Shifter Romance(13)
Author: Abbie Zanders

“You’re leaving?” she asked softly.

“Yes. I’m sorry.”

She summoned a small but incredibly sexy smile. “Don’t be.”

For the first time since he’d met her, an awkward silence stretched between them. Leaving Lainey felt wrong. And stealing away in the darkness? Even worse. But it would be light soon, and he had a better chance of making it out, unspotted, in the darkness. Still, he couldn’t seem to make his feet move.

“Do you like snowmobiling?” he asked suddenly.

“Yes. I love it.”

“How about we go for a ride later? The snow’s stopped for a while. We can take advantage of the fresh powder, hit up some of the hot spots, see some bears up close.”

He held his breath while she considered it, letting it out in relief when she finally agreed. “That sounds awesome.”

With assurances that she would meet him at the rental garage around noon, Finn forced himself to leave. Luck was with him; he didn’t run into anyone on his way to the ice hut. Once there, he shifted into his bear and plunged into the icy water.

Back in his den, he showered and changed before making the trek to his parents’ place to check in on Hildie.

He knew he was busted when his mother hugged him at the door. Neither the icy brine nor the strong soap he’d used could completely erase Lainey’s scent.

“Should I be worried or pleased?” his mother asked.

“Neither.” He kissed his mother on the cheek and changed the subject. “How’s Hildie?”

She frowned at him. “You come in here, smelling like that, and that’s all you’re going to say?”


There was a reason protective mothers were commonly referred to as mama bears, and polar bear mamas were fiercer—and nosier—than most.

“Finn! In here,” his sister called out, saving him from his mother’s interrogation.

He took immediate advantage, swiping a couple of freshly baked, bear-sized cookies from the cooling rack and moving farther into the house. Hildie was in bed, propped up on pillows and looking uncomfortable. She patted the space beside her.

He held out one of the cookies to her and sat down on the edge of the bed. “How are you feeling?”

“Cranky. My back hurts, I can’t sleep, and Mom keeps coming in every fifteen minutes to fluff my pillows and shove food in my face.”

“I heard that!” their mother called from the kitchen.

Finn chuckled. “It’ll all be over soon.”

“Spoken like a true male,” she said, exhaling heavily. “I’d much rather talk about you and why you smell like vanilla ice cream and mating musk. What’s her name?”

He didn’t want to talk about Lainey with his sister any more than he wanted to talk about her with his mother, but the chances of him getting out of the house without talking to either of them were slim. Hildie was the lesser of two evils.

“Lainey,” he said quietly.

“She’s a guest at the lodge for the holidays?”

He nodded.

Hildie shifted in an attempt to get more comfortable. “Well, she must be something special to capture your attention.”

“She’s ... not like other tourists,” he admitted. “She’s a vet from the States.”

“A vet, huh? Does she know about shifters?”

“I don’t think so.”

“That’s a shame.”

“Why is that?”

“We could use someone with medical knowledge and a vested interest around here.”

Finn shook his head. “She doesn’t have a vested interest. She’s only here for the holidays.”

“So? Turn on some of that Isberson charm and change her mind.”

“She’s human, Hildie.”

Hildie frowned and rubbed her distended belly. “Wouldn’t be the first shifter-human match around here.”

That was true. He wouldn’t allow himself to think about that though.

“Getting a little ahead of yourself there, aren’t you?”

“Maybe. But I can tell you really like her. Your eyes are practically glowing.”

“Drop it, okay?”

Hildie frowned. “So, you’re just going to use her for sex until she leaves?”

“You are cranky.” Finn got to his feet. “I love you, but I refuse to discuss this with you right now.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“Ooh, you’re going to see her again, aren’t you?”

“None of your business.”

“I knew it! Try to bring shifters into the conversation and see how she reacts.”

“Good-bye, Hildie.”

Finn’s mother was in the kitchen, but he had no doubt she’d been eavesdropping when she put a tin of cookies into his hands and said, “Be careful, Finn.”

“I will, Mom.”

Finn left his parents’ house, feeling more conflicted than he had when he went in. The worst part was, now that Hildie had planted that seed about Lainey sticking around, he couldn’t stop thinking about it.



Chapter Twelve




After Finn left, Lainey crawled back under the covers and caught up on some of the sleep she’d missed.

Not that she was complaining. She’d take sexy times with Finn over sleep any day.

The man was an attentive, generous lover, as concerned with her pleasure as he was his own. Bonus: he was a cuddler too. Being wrapped in those big, strong arms and held against that big, strong body had the same effect as sinking into the hot tub or curling up in front of the fireplace with a fleece throw.

She refused to overanalyze that, choosing instead to simply enjoy it as she would every other self-indulgent pleasure while on her vacation.

By mid-morning, her rumbling stomach forced her out of bed. After ordering room service, she took a long, hot shower under pulsating massage jets and then lounged around the suite, getting in some good reading time. It felt strange, not having anywhere to be or anything to do. She worked long and erratic hours, and when she did get a rare day off, it was typically spent trying to whittle down the long list of items on her to-do list.

Keeping up the family farmhouse and surrounding property that had been left to her and Henry by their parents was a constant struggle. It hadn’t been so bad when Henry was around, but since he’d moved in with Vicki, everything fell on her shoulders.

At some point after the holidays, she was going to talk to Henry about possibly selling again. He hadn’t been in favor of the idea the last time she brought it up, but something had to give. If she got the directorship, her schedule would only get busier.

Lainey stretched lazily, appreciating the twinge and tenderness in parts that, until last night, hadn’t received much attention. Her love life was another thing that often took a backseat to everything else—not just because of her hectic schedule, but also because of her refusal to settle.

Why was it so hard to meet a decent guy? One who shared her love of the outdoors and animals. Who had both passion and compassion? One who, when an emergency arose, offered his support instead of his resentment?

Once again, an image of Finn came to mind. If only they didn’t live so far apart. If only they had more time to see where things could go. If only ...

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