Home > Mistletoe and Mayhem(179)

Mistletoe and Mayhem(179)
Author: Cheryl Bolen

A shudder shook Anne, but she forced her eyes to remain closed, knowing she would never hear the end of it if she didn’t.

“Now, picture him smiling at you, taking your hand,” Louisa whispered, her voice now soft and oddly melodious as though she sought to lull Anne into a deep slumber. Unfortunately, with the image of Lord Gillingham in mind, Anne couldn’t bring herself to relax. “Now, he’s leaning down, his lips aiming for yours and−”

“Ugh!” Anne couldn’t help it for the thought made her queasy. Her eyes flew open and she shook her head.

Again, Louisa’s brows rose in triumph. “I think that’s very telling.” She looked at Leonora. “Don’t you?”

Leonora nodded in agreement before she lowered her gaze to the notebook in her lap and began to write. “Indeed, that was very telling. A quite forceful reaction if I may say so.”

“Now, to compare,” Louisa continued, her green eyes sparkling as she looked at Anne. “Picture Tobias standing in front of you, holding your hand and−” When Anne failed to react, Louisa’s brows rose. “Well?”

“I was just thinking how sad it is that your family fell ill so short before Christmas,” Anne lamented perhaps a bit too forcefully. “Your parents always enjoyed the Archibald house party, and poor Grandma Edie.” She looked at the peacefully snoozing woman. Although of small stature, Grandma Edie was a force of nature, a no-nonsense kind of woman, who spoke her mind whenever it pleased her and turned a deaf ear just as often. “It must be hard to be away from home at such an advanced age, especially around Christmas. Will your family not miss you all? How will they make do without you?” She looked from one cousin to the other.

Leonora’s pencil paused, and her gaze rose. “Oh, they’ll be fine. Jules will see to them as she always does.” Indeed, the eldest Beaumont sister had all but taken on the role of companion for their elderly grandmother. She was the heart and soul of the family, always seeing to everyone and ensuring that all was well.

“But you already know this,” Louisa told Anne, a knowing look in her watchful eyes.. “Therefore, it is only too obvious that you only seek to distract us with your concern.” She glanced at her grandmother. "Grandma Edie will enjoy the diversion and I'm sure Jules will cherish not playing the companion for a little while. There, happy now?"

Anne grinned sheepishly. “A girl can try, can’t she?”

Louisa chuckled, “I suppose that’s true. Now,” she reached out and brushed a hand over Anne’s face, urging her to close her eyes. “Simply…think of him.”

Sighing, Anne leaned back in her seat, determined to think of anyone but Tobias. However, her wayward thoughts wouldn’t comply, and she found herself remembering the first ball after her coming out. She’d been terrified by the crush of people, like a gazelle watching a stampede heading its way.

And then Tobias had appeared out of nowhere. He’d taken her hand in his and pulled her onto the dance floor. “Look at me,” he’d whispered with that endearing half-smile curling his lips, “and breathe. They’re more afraid of you than you are of them.”

Anne had laughed then, and the tense knot inside her had come undone. She’d been able to breathe, comforted by the warmth in his chocolate-brown eyes and the way his hand held onto hers, a reassuring pressure, assuring her that she wasn’t alone.

That he was there.

And always would be.

Indeed, she loved him. She loved him with all her heart and soul. Anne had always known that. But…was she in love with him? Was that possible without her even noticing?

That night, Tobias had not left her side, his presence a safe anchor. They’d laughed and teased each other and then retreated behind a long row of tall, potted plants, secretly poking fun at the most snobbish of ladies to walk by their hiding place.

And then, shortly before midnight, there’d been a moment when Tobias had looked at her, his brown eyes warm and lingering, before he’d reached out, catching a stray curl of hers between his fingertips. He’d gazed at it in a deeply stirring way and then slowly tucked it back behind her ear, the tips of his fingers gently brushing against her skin.

Anne had barely been able to breathe in that moment, an odd sensation dancing across her skin that she could not help but wonder about now. She remembered it well. It had been a moment that had been burnt into her memory…but why? Would she have welcomed a kiss then and there? Or would she have refused him, certain that he was a brother to her and nothing more?

Cursing her meddlesome cousins, Anne realized as the carriage finally pulled to a halt that a part of her did want to kiss Tobias after all.

Indeed, curiosity suddenly surged through her, making her wonder what it would feel like to have him look at her again as he had then. To feel him move closer? To feel his hands on hers? And…and…?

Nevertheless, the thought of kissing Tobias with Heaven knew how many witnesses watching them with hawk’s eyes still turned Anne’s stomach. What she wanted was to be alone with him, to retreat behind a row of potted plants, invisible to the world, and see nothing and no one but him.

Unfortunately, knowing her cousins, Anne was certain that she wouldn’t get her wish.



Chapter Three ~ Friends of Old



Tobias Hawke, second son to the late Viscount Barrington, stood in the entryway of Windmere Park like a fool and stared at his childhood friend, Miss Anne Thatcher, as she and her two cousins climbed out of their carriage.

Snowflakes, sparkling like diamonds, drifted down to settle in her mahogany tresses. Still, they could never outshine the glow in her deep azure gaze, warm, and yet, deeply stirring as they swept over their destination. The moment they fell on Tobias, the air seemed to thin, and for a second, he feared his heart would stop. Then a dazzling smile claimed her lips, and she looked at him in that way that was uniquely hers.

As though her day had brightened now that they were back together.

As though she had longed to see him ever since their last meeting.

As though her heart beat as fast as his own.

“You’re staring, Brother,” Phineas hissed beside him, a teasing chuckle following his observation.

Clearing his throat, Tobias forced his gaze away from her, then shifted on his feet to look at his brother. “I’m merely happy to see her again. It’s been a while. That is all.”

Phineas had always possessed a devilish streak, his eyes such a dark shade of brown that they seemed almost black, giving him a bit of a wicked allure, at least as far as young debutantes were concerned. Tobias, however, would have preferred a less roguish brother for Phineas enjoyed nothing more than seeing him squirm.

Lately, it had become his brother’s most favored pastime.

“Certainly,” Phineas replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm, “and Father and Uncle Henry stopped by last night for a game of cards.” Laughter rumbled in his chest, and Tobias inhaled a deep breath, willing himself not to respond for it would only spur Phineas on.

Casting his brother a cautioning gaze, Tobias moved toward the three young women as well as the cousins’ grandmother, offering a formal bow. Given her advanced age, he was rather surprised the Dowager Lady Whickerton was in attendance; however, he could not deny that there was steel in the way her watchful gaze moved from him to Phineas, whispering of a sharp mind. “I’m delighted to see you are in attendance as well.” For a moment, his eyes lingered on Anne and continued to do so for yet a moment longer. Then he rather abruptly turned to the dowager. “Do you remember my brother, Lady Whickerton?” Indeed, who could ever forget?

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