Home > Mistletoe and Mayhem(180)

Mistletoe and Mayhem(180)
Author: Cheryl Bolen

“Of course, the wicked one,” the cousins’ grandmother chuckled, her pale eyes sizing up Phineas without difficulty before they briefly came to rest on Lady Louisa. “Have you acquired manners since last we met?”

Phineas laughed. “I thought I had; however, I’m afraid I might have misplaced them once again. I’ll inform you immediately should I succeed in locating them.”

The dowager chortled. “A wicked one, indeed.” Shaking her head, she slowly hobbled toward the front hall, leaning heavily upon her walking stick. “Give me a head start, ladies,” she told the three young women over her shoulder. “I’m certain you’ll catch up with me at the landing.”

“Little Annie,” Phineas greeted Anne with a sideways glance at Tobias. “How long has it been? Ten? Twenty years? I must say I hardly recognize you.”

Shaking her head at Phineas, Anne still smiled at him and her smile lit up her eyes in a most beautiful way. Tobias couldn’t help but dislike his brother for it. “How are you, Phin?”

Winking at her, Phineas cast his brother another sideways glance. “I am fine now that you’re here, Annie. I must say I missed you dearly.” Tobias wanted to kick him.

Fortunately, Anne merely chuckled and shook her head at him, well-versed in interpreting Phineas’s odd comments. “Are you ever serious, Phin?” she asked. “A man of your age should have learnt to comport himself well, should he not?”

Phin frowned. “Are you calling me old?”

“No, simply immature.”

His brother laughed. “That, I can live with.”

While Lady Leonora frowned at his brother, Lady Louisa looked ready to strangle him. “I had not realized,” Lady Louisa began, open censure in her voice, “that you would accompany your brother to this house party. I’d heard you had decided to remain in Town.”

Cocking his head to the side, Phin regarded her, a touch of amusement visible in the way his lips twitched. “Did you now? Well, my dearest Lulu, I must say you sound displeased to see me. Have I done anything to wrong you?” He cast her a sickeningly sweet smile, which made even Tobias want to hit him over the head.

Lady Louisa was fuming, “Do not call me that!” she hissed as she stepped toward him, her chin raised and her eyes shooting fire. “I’ve told you so before, and I’m saying it again. I am not a poodle, and you’re not to call me that! Is that clear?” Before Phin could answer, she spun on her heel and marched inside, Lady Leonora following on her heel.

“Was that truly necessary?” Anne chided him. “You used to be such a charming boy.”

Phin chuckled, “What can I say? Your cousin brings out the best side of me.”

Anne shook her head at him. “You truly ought to apologize, Lord Barrington.” Her brows rose and, to his utter surprise, Tobias found his brother sigh and then hasten after the two sisters.

He looked at Anne. “This won’t end well,” he told her, offering her his arm. His own began to tingle when she slipped her hand through, her breath brushing over his cheek as she turned to speak to him.

“I suppose there are two possible outcomes,” she said with a chuckle. “Either my cousin kills him in a fit of anger before the year is out or…” She stopped in her tracks, and her deep blue eyes looked up into his as though looking for something.

“Or?” Tobias asked, overwhelmed by her sudden nearness after almost a month apart. Had it truly been that long?

Anne drew in a bit of a shuddering breath. “Or they’ll fall madly in love with one another.” Her words hung between them as they stood in the entry hall and looked at one another.

Tobias swallowed. “I admit I’m hoping for the second possibility for despite his shortcomings I’m rather fond of my brother.”

“You admit it openly?” Anne teased, that smile of hers once more melting his heart.

Tobias laughed, although the sound did come out a bit strangled. “Well, he is my brother and, although I hate to admit it, he’s also my best friend.”

A teasing frown played over her face. “I thought I was your best friend. After all, I know all your secrets.”

Except one, Tobias thought, wondering how Anne would react if she ever learned what he thought about when he looked at her. “Indeed, you are,” he assured her. “Especially when Phin is acting particularly boorish. Then, there’s truly no competition.” Sighing, he marveled at the strange stirrings in his heart when those deep blue eyes looked into his own. “You’ll always be the dearest friend I’ll ever have, Annie.” The moment the words left his lips, Tobias could have kicked himself. Although he hadn’t lied, he had to admit that he no longer saw her as the friend she’d once been to him…and the thought that she might think of him thus was utterly disheartening.

For a second, her smile seemed to falter before it returned with greater force. “Well, so long as we remain the best of friends, I shall have nothing to complain about.”

But I do, Tobias thought the moment her eyes moved from his to look over his shoulder. He felt her arm tense and her breath shudder past her lips. “Are you all right?” he asked, noting the tinge of red that came to her cheeks.

When she failed to answer, he turned to look…and instantly wished he hadn’t.

Stepping into the entry hall was none other than Lord Gillingham, a polished, sickeningly perfect, young gentleman who seemed to fancy Anne as of late. More than once, Tobias had seen them dance, the young lord’s eyes glowing in admiration as he’d smiled down at her.

And every time, Tobias had had to fight the urge to cut in then and there and stake his claim. But he hadn’t for he had no claim on her.

That was the disheartening truth.

Anne was his friend, certainly; however, beyond that, they had no understanding and, if he never managed to work up the nerve to ask for more, they never would.

Perhaps this house party was the perfect opportunity to broach the subject. But what if she refused him? What if he lost her? After all, she was the best friend he’d ever had, and he could not bear the thought of losing all they were to each other.

Always had they stood as one, even as children.

A smile teased his lips as he remembered a hot summer many years ago. They had been no older than ten or eleven and had both been invited to attend his mother’s annual garden party as official guests as she had told them with a wink. It had been an honor, and it had made them feel grown beyond their years.

As always Phineas had not been impressed at all; instead, he had concocted a plan to ruin his little brother’s big day. With a ruse, Phin had lured him to the lake and then shoved him in, soaking Tobias’s elegant wardrobe.

He’d looked like a drowned rat.

As though to make amends, Phineas had offered to guide him back into the house unseen so Tobias could change. He had, however, led him straight into the arriving guests’ path.

Tobias could still remember the sound of their approach as he had stood in the hall, dripping onto the floor, their footsteps echoing along the parquet on the other side of the door.

Closer and closer.

Tobias had been frozen to the spot, unable to move, tears starting to brim in his eyes.

And then he’d spotted Annie near the garden doors, her eyes wide as she had stared at him, her gaze gliding over his soaked clothing.

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