Home > Fight Like You've Never Lost (Summer Lake #14)(4)

Fight Like You've Never Lost (Summer Lake #14)(4)
Author: S.J. McCoy

 But in the end, he’d only proved to her why she kept up her defenses in the first place. She didn’t let people in because when you let people get close, they hurt you. She and Ryan had been so much more than close—and he’d destroyed her. Torn her whole world apart. Burned it down. She shook her head sadly. He surely hadn’t expected her to sit here and chat with him about what was going on in their lives now, had he?

 No. Not even he was that cruel.

 She blew out a sharp breath. She probably would have asked about the woman with him in the coffee shop. And that might have sounded like she gave a damn—and she didn’t want him making that mistake.

 She looked over at the little galley where the flight attendant was getting her cart ready. Leanne wouldn’t normally get a drink on a flight this short. She felt sorry for the girls with everything they had to do in such a short space of time. Her not ordering a drink was her—probably meaningless—gesture of support. She’d be one less idiot they had to deal with.

 Not today, though. Today she was glad she was near the front of the idiot line and was probably going to order two. She risked a side-eye at Ryan. Screw it. If he thought she was knocking them back because of him … Well … he’d be right.

 ~ ~ ~

 When the flight attendant reached them, Leanne ordered two Jack Daniels. Ryan asked for the same. He knew he should keep his mouth shut, but he couldn’t do it. He raised his glass to her. “I guess we can both still drink to Dan.”

 Her lips pinched together as she glanced at him and gave the briefest nod before taking a drink.

 He waited, hoping that she might say something, but she didn’t.

 “Where are you headed?” he asked eventually.

 This time she turned to look at him. “You don’t know?”

 He shook his head slowly. “Why would I?”

 She blew out a sigh. “Because I’m going to the same place you are, apparently.”

 “Summer Lake?” His heart was hammering again. “Why?”

 “Because I’m working with Dan and I didn’t know that you live there now.”

 “Ah.” He hadn’t expected that.

 She shrugged. “It’s a small town, but it’s not that small. I’m sure we’ll be able stay out of each other’s way, right?”

 “If that’s what you want.”

 Her hand shook as she lifted her glass to take another sip. “Of course, it’s what I want. Dan only told me just now that you live there. I wouldn’t have agreed to come if I’d known.”

 Ryan took another slug of his own drink. “It is a small town, Lee. Do you think we can at least be civil to each other?”

 She glared at him for a long moment. “Of course. If we run into one another. But I’d rather save us both the hassle and just avoid you.”

 He nodded. What did he expect? What did he even want? It wasn’t as though he wanted to be around her. Maybe what he should do was find out how long she planned to be in town for and make himself scarce until she left.

 She looked back down at her magazine, and he pulled his phone out. He should be able to get on the Wi-Fi by now and he wanted to talk to Dan—see what the hell he thought he was playing at. He tapped out a message and waited.

 Why did you do this to me?

 He didn’t have to wait long for Dan’s reply.

 There you are. I could only hope that you’d be able to text in flight.

 Ryan made a face.

 Answer the question, Dan. I’m guessing you booked her seat as well as mine. Why do this? And why didn’t you answer earlier?

 It amazed him that the messages could come through so quickly even at thirty-thousand feet in the air.

 I didn’t answer earlier because I was answering Lee. She was more likely to get off the plane than you were.

 Ryan couldn’t help a rueful smile at that. It was true.

 Leanne’s coming up to do some work for me. I thought it was best for the two of you to air out your differences before you get here.

 Ryan stared at the screen for a long few moments. Air out their differences? That made it sound so simple, like they’d had some misunderstanding that they’d be able to straighten out over the course of an hour’s flight. Dan knew better than that.

 Like that would be possible! Why didn’t you just tell me she was coming? I could have stayed away until she leaves.

 Dan’s reply took longer this time.

 I want to make her part of the team.

 Ryan had to wipe his hands on his jeans again. If Leanne were going to be part of the team, that would mean … It wouldn’t necessarily mean working with her. But it would mean working in the same place at least some of the time. Living in the same small town. He bit down on his bottom lip. Could he handle that? He risked a glance over at her. Probably not. He’d moved to Summer Lake, taken the job with Dan because he was ready to slow down, take life easier, relax a little. How the hell was he supposed to relax in a place where he might run into Leanne at any moment?

 Talk to me?

 He stared at Dan’s question. How was he supposed to talk to him? Dan, of all people, knew the score. He’d been around since the beginning. Hell, if it weren’t for Dan, he’d never have met Leanne.

 I know you’re both going to be mad at me. But that’s a risk I’m prepared to take. You’re both the best at what you do. And I want you both on board. But I’m not just being selfish. You’re two of my closest friends. I want to see you both happy, and before you can be happy, you have to put the past behind you.

 Ryan pursed his lips. He had toyed with the idea that maybe he’d be able to settle down in Summer Lake. It seemed that everyone who moved there met someone and fell in love and settled down. He didn’t expect to follow in their footsteps. Having a home base in one place was as settled as he’d ever get. Meeting someone and falling in love—that kind of happy? Nope. He’d tried that once and it hadn’t panned out. He’d also tried to put it behind him, to leave it—leave her—in the past. But the damned woman still haunted his mind, and right now, she was sitting beside him. How was he supposed to finally put her and their past behind him if they were going to be living in the same town?

 Talk to me?

 He imagined that Dan was nervous right now—he had good reason to be. Ryan was pissed at him. But he meant well, and he was a good friend. He doubted that Leanne would feel so forgiving.

 We’ll have to play it by ear. But I think you know that you’re more likely to end up with one of us than both of us.

 Ryan didn’t want to think about leaving Summer Lake, about not working with Dan in the way that they’d been envisioning. But he had to be realistic. He wasn’t sure that he could stand to be around her—or that she’d be able to stand being around him, let alone working together.

 It took Dan longer to reply this time.

 You know, you could just tell her the truth now—show her the proof?

 Ryan’s lips pressed together in a thin angry line. Of course, he knew that. He could have told her—proved it to her—at any point in the last five years. But what was the point?

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