Home > Tina (Clans of Europa)(15)

Tina (Clans of Europa)(15)
Author: Tracy St. John

“Oh.” She floundered for some means to prove herself useful. Or was she simply to be ready for sex when they demanded it? “Are there jobs for Earther women, to earn money for the clan?”

“You wish to pursue a career? What work interests you?” Tukui asked.

“Um. I don’t know. I haven’t done much outside of household chores and a little gardening.”

“You could train for whatever appeals to you.”

“Maybe we look poor,” Yorso laughed. “Ship accommodations aren’t exactly luxurious, are they?”

“Is that it? Don’t worry, Tina, we make plenty for our needs, plus some left over for fun. You don’t have to work unless you want to.” Tukui waved off her supposed concerns.

“We’re also able to indulge you in some nice things,” Yorso added.

Osopa joined in. “As we gain rank, we’ll have even more to offer you. No need to worry about going without.”

“I already have a long list of gifts I plan to buy you.” Yorso wriggled, as if buying her presents was a treat.

Tina quelled rising exasperation. “There must be some task you need me to do?”

Tukui laughed, as if she’d told a joke. “Let us adore you. Your only responsibility is to tell us when you’re ready to be a mother.”

“When I’m ready?” She had a choice in the matter?

“Of course. Kalquor’s need is great, but the first few hundred children have been born, thanks to the Earther Mataras already on Kalquor.”

“And hundreds more on the way,” Yorso said.

“We’re young. We have plenty of time—and willingness—to give you all the children you wish. Just let us know.”

None of it made any sense to Tina. If she wasn’t to do chores, contribute to finances, or expected to bear them babies immediately, that left only sex. Was that all they wanted from her?

At a loss, she glanced at the beaming faces surrounding her—well, Tukui’s and Yorso’s, at any rate. Osopa merely projected pleasantness.


* * * *


Yorso could count on Osopa for many things, including not beating around the bush when it came to a discussion. They’d gone no more than two steps from the door to their quarters, traveling down the long corridor to the dining hall, when the Nobek spoke.

“You have me to yourself. What do you want to say?”

Yorso had hoped to make small talk before he started in on the matter that was bothering him. It would have been nice to coax the big guy to relax a little. He was more likely to consider criticism then.

Apparently, that wasn’t to be. Fine. Yorso was fully capable of butting heads with his Nobek. It was just that in his present mood, Osopa would probably be defensive. It would take more effort to get through to him.

After taking a mental breath, the Imdiko dove in. “Your demeanor in Tina’s presence could use some work. You have to soften up, my Nobek. Save your on-duty expression for when you’re on duty.”

Osopa scowled. “Nurturing isn’t—”

He stopped short as they rounded a bend in the hall and nearly walked into Dramok Zevs and Nobek Akpri. Yorso wondered if the pair saw the flare of temper on Osopa’s features. Probably not. It was gone fast. He would’ve thought he’d imagined it, but he knew his clanmate’s opinion of the other men. Particularly Zevs.

For his part, Yorso was delighted as Akpri accorded them a respectful bow. He returned Zevs’ head dip and charming smile.

The Dramok never took his gaze off Yorso. “Here are the lucky men. I heard you have a Matara.”

“Congratulations to your clan, Subcommander, Imdiko.” Akpri was perfectly appropriate, as he had been since Yorso joined Tukui’s clan.

“Thanks.” Yorso beamed at him. Osopa merely nodded.

“Looks as if rank won you the third best out of nearly two hundred women.” Zevs’ comment was directed to Osopa.

“We clanned the best lifemate for us.”

“In respect to Matara and Imdiko, no doubt.” Zevs concentrated his attention on Yorso. “I’m sure she’s beautiful, a perfect match for you, my friend. I wish you luck and much happiness. You’re happy with your choices?”

While Osopa appeared as imperturbable as ever, Yorso sensed him thrumming with contained fury. He chose his words carefully. “I have everything a man could ask for, and then some.”

“Then we won’t hold you up any longer.” Another smile for Yorso, the knowing grin that wasn’t quite obnoxious enough for Osopa to take offense.

Akpri nodded again, his expression as controlled as his superior’s. Once he and Zevs had lost out on Yorso, he’d never given Osopa an instant of grief. They understood each other.

The four men separated, each going their own way. Once they’d walked out of Zevs’ and Akpri’s hearing, Osopa halted and rounded on Yorso.

“You wish to discuss demeanor? Let’s talk about yours.”

Yorso backed off a step, surprised by Osopa’s anger. “What?”

“You’ve been clanned to Tukui and me for over a year.”

“I know that.”

“It’s past time you acted like it.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Irritation sparked. Yorso hadn’t spoken inappropriately to his former beaus.

“Zevs insulted our clan. He called Tina third-best. He told me I clanned well where she and you were concerned, but insulted Tukui by excluding him. Then he asked if you were happy with your choices, using that smug tone of his that says you shouldn’t be.”

Yorso fought the urge to roll his eyes. Of all the ridiculous reasons to be angry— “He’s jealous. And still hurt. Would Tukui behave any better if I’d accepted Zevs’ offer instead?”

“Tukui would have accepted your decision and acted accordingly.”

“Ha! As impulsive as he is? I doubt it.”

Osopa reddened. “The fact remains that Zevs misses no chance to flirt with you to this day, or to slam Tukui behind his back. He probably does the same with me when I’m not around to hear it. You do damned little to discourage him. Your behavior is what I object to.”

Heat crawled into Yorso’s face. He spat, “You’re acting ridiculous. I’m decent to the guy. No more.”

“You shouldn’t be anything to him. I’m tired of seeing him when I’m out with you.”

“This is a small ship. I can’t avoid running into Zevs on an almost daily basis.”

“Then simply acknowledge his presence and keep walking. You don’t have to stop and discuss your life with him.”

Yorso could have punched him in his frustration. “He’s a friend. And yes, at one point, he was more. I can’t erase my history, Osopa. You can’t expect me to behave as if I didn’t have some fun times with Zevs.”

“You had a good time with quite a few of us. You continue to enjoy having your ego stroked by as many admirers as possible.”

The urge to hit his clanmate grew strong enough that Yorso’s fists clenched. He snarled through gritted teeth, “I don’t fish for attention.”

“You don’t go out of your way to avoid it, either. Particularly from Zevs.” A growl rumbled beneath the words.

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