Home > Tina (Clans of Europa)(16)

Tina (Clans of Europa)(16)
Author: Tracy St. John

Other crewmembers appeared at the end of the corridor, heading their direction. Osopa’s anger vanished, replaced by that well-honed control of his. He stared at Yorso without expression before turning on his heel and resuming his march toward the dining hall.

Yorso seethed, but he waited until the last moment before the others were within hearing, to get in the last word. “Unfounded jealousy doesn’t become you, my Nobek. I thought you were a better man than that.”

His tone was light and mocking, but there was nothing carefree in his attitude towards Osopa. If the Nobek couldn’t handle Yorso’s popularity, he shouldn’t have agreed to clan him.


* * * *


Dinner was quiet, and Tina spent much of it trying to figure out what she could say to diffuse the tension between Osopa and Yorso. It was obvious some issue had happened between them when they went out to fetch the meal.

At least it was obvious on Yorso’s end. He appeared upset when he thought she wasn’t looking at him. When he realized she watched him, he brightened with a disarming smile. He was as adorable as before, but there was a falsity to it.

Osopa sat wolfing down his food, remote. His demeanor was unchanged whether he was aware of her attention or not.

Tukui watched them too and seemed ready to speak several times. His gaze would cut to Tina, however, and he kept silent.

Whatever their issues were, they didn’t take them out on her. She found some relief in that, but their attentiveness was almost as disconcerting as the tension they kept a careful handle on.

They fed her. Not in the teasing manner of sweethearts in television shows she’d seen, where the couple would offer each other morsels to try from their plates. Tukui, Yorso, and even Osopa wouldn’t let her feed herself at all. They crowded around her on the bed, giving her a taste of each dish.

“This is rizpah, a Kalquorian sea creature similar to your fish.”

“Grilled ronka. A meat.”

“Clazrod. A root vegetable.”

“Pilchok. A lot of Earthers enjoy this.”

Fingers or two-pronged forks waved in front of her face every time she swallowed a morsel. She didn’t have to wait a single second for her next bite. It was bad enough that she was at a loss to figure out how to make herself useful to the clan beyond sex. They also acted as if they had to prove themselves to her. Wasn’t she the slave?

She had to admit the food was delicious, and she ate until she was pleasantly full—then a little more. At last, she waved her hands at them, refusing another bite. “Stuffed,” she sighed. “I’ll clean up.”

“Unnecessary.” Yorso tossed a pilchok nugget in his mouth and gathered dishes as Tukui and Osopa finished their contents. A mountain of food had vanished. Big men with big appetites, Tina noted.

Yorso deposited the dishes into a receptacle that slid out of the wall. It disappeared, and just like that, tidying was done. Osopa stood and stretched, his muscled body long as he reached for the ceiling. Tukui consulted his handheld, then put it aside. Tina sat still, wondering what she was supposed to do with herself.

I’m good for one thing and one thing only.

She fought feeling depressed about that. It was hard not to, however, given how tired she was. Her eyelids were weights, desperate to close.

The silence that had pervaded much of dinner continued. The clan looked at her, then each other, seemingly at a loss as to what they should do next.

Since she had nothing else to give, Tina resolutely pushed fatigue aside. If she were to remain with this clan, she needed to learn how to keep them satisfied. In the meantime, willing submission was the sole card she had to play.

“Should I undress and offer my body for your relief?”

Consternation filled their expressions. “Our relief?” Tukui asked uncertainly.

She wished she didn’t have to say it. As enjoyable as the act had been and the openness the Kalquorians had towards it, Earther restrictions were alive and well in her consciousness. She forced herself not to stammer, but knew she must have been turning bright red. “Do you require sex?”

“Do you want to? You’re not too tired after such a stressful day?”

Wasn’t intercourse expected? What did her preferences have to do with it? From the way they were staring at her, she’d missed something. She’d better figure it out. The sacrifice was a must if she were to gain safety and security.

Some sacrifice. Tina warmed even more, remembering how astonishing their earlier encounter had been.

Her pleasure wasn’t a factor, however. She needed to make it clear she understood her duty to her masters. “It doesn’t matter if I’m tired. I belong to you now. I’ll do whatever you expect of me. Cooking, cleaning, sex…I’m ready to do as I’m told.”

To emphasize her point, she swept off her starched white aspirant’s dress. It was more difficult to take off her bra and panties, but she refused to show any sign of hesitation when it came to exposing herself to those she served. In a matter of seconds, she stood naked before them.

The trio stared, mouths agape. No one moved, though the crotches of their pants strained against their abrupt readiness.

Why weren’t they taking her? She cast about in her memory for what they’d done in her convent cell.

Oh. Of course.

She lay on the bed and spread her legs wide. No doubt they saw how she trembled, but they couldn’t hold that against her. She was prepared to satisfy their desires.

Tukui shook himself, as if waking up. He came close. Instead of getting on top of her, he sat by her side. After a moment, he slid his arm behind her back and lifted her so she was sitting upright too.

“What did I do wrong?” Tina’s eyes filled with tears.

“Nothing, love. It’s just—” He gazed at her with apprehension. “Well, it does matter if you’re tired.”

Yorso sat on her other side. “In fact, nothing matters more. You look exhausted.”

“I’m fine. I wish to serve you and make you happy with me.”

She grabbed Tukui’s hand, and to prove her point, she yanked it to her breast. She put too much force in the action, however, and his palm slapped it hard.

“Ow.” She released his hand to rub the smarting flesh.

“Oh, no. Why did you do that?” He kissed the red print he’d not meant to leave. The kiss wasn’t amorous at all. More akin to a parent kissing a child’s boo-boo. He gazed at her, still showing trepidation. “Um. Okay. We appreciate your offer—” he paused to look her over, licked his lips and coughed. “I really appreciate it, but you should rest. Where are you going, Osopa?”

“Shower. Cold shower.”

“That’ll be two of us, so don’t take too long,” Yorso called as the door shut behind Osopa. He busied himself with turning down the sheets. When that was done, he scooped Tina up and deposited her in the middle of it.

Here it comes. Tina readied herself for his attention.

He covered her instead. “Oh, hold on. You need a tooth cleansing tab before you sleep. Maybe some water?”

He fussed over her, another parent squaring away his child for the night by having her chew a cleansing tablet and making sure she had a few sips of water.

“But you don’t want to—to do what you took me for?” She was beside herself with confusion.

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