Home > Tina (Clans of Europa)(47)

Tina (Clans of Europa)(47)
Author: Tracy St. John

“More,” she groaned.

With the preliminary sampling done, Tukui obliged her with true zeal. Tina hadn’t realized he’d babied her with those first taps, giving her only a taste of what a spanking could be.

It wasn’t that he hit any harder. He spanked faster, his palm coming down on her flesh so the torment was constant. It grew in intensity quickly, leaving her gasping as anguish spread deep into her buttocks.

Somehow, it merged with the electric rapture of her sex, stimulated by the constant buzz of the gloves rubbing her clit and folds. Agony and bliss swirled violently against each other, dissolving into one overwhelming feeling she couldn’t have put a name to, even if her brain hadn’t short-circuited under the assault.

Her body rioted, the sensations too great to be contained to her pussy and ass. There was a roar in her ears, and every hair stood on end. A sea of chaos pounded within, desperate to break free. Tina was aware she yelled, but she couldn’t hear herself doing so.

Then a distant voice spoke, a command from the heavens. “Come, my love.”

The storm broke loose, bursting from her. Thunder boomed in shattering beats, thudding with the force of a giant’s blows. Tina lost herself in the steady shocks, feeling the world tumbling about her.

A sensation of movement, of flying into the air. She landed on yielding ground. Tukui loomed over her, his hands a blur of motion. Moving her, separating her arms and legs, binding them anew so that each wrist was tied to an ankle. He parted her legs, squirming between them, his expression a mix of wildness and concentration.

He thrust, filling her pussy and ass at once. Rapture and anguish were the same once more, and she arched against him, her continuing orgasm finding renewed strength. She screamed as Tukui rutted, driving her along the surface of the bed. Climax had become cataclysm, and she gloried in the destruction.

Tukui froze, tendons standing out from his physique in stark relief as he strained. Ribbons of fire poured from him into her, filling her until their combined passion overflowed, wet against her smarting buttocks.

They gasped, their breath a gale in the aftermath of the storm, mingling as their lips touched. Tukui untied her, and she twined her legs around his, her arms about his neck.

They ended as gently as they’d begun, tender touches and soft kisses restoring them to normalcy. Tina basked in the affection, letting it soothe her, keeping reality at bay for as long as possible.

I could love him. All of them. It would be easy to let it happen.

She wanted to, but in the wake of tragedy, there was a world of hurt and confusion to resolve first. In the aftermath of Armageddon, she had to know how Kalquor would help Earth. How Tukui’s empire would heal the wounds it had inflicted on her people.

If Kalquor did, she’d give her heart to her clan as she had her body—completely, with no reservations. And maybe, just maybe, they’d do the same for her.

“Don’t break my heart,” she whispered.

“I won’t, my Matara.” Tukui’s gaze, riveted on her, was devoted. She dared to believe he could indeed love her someday.



Chapter Fifteen


Yorso sat in stunned silence, trying to wrap his mind around what he’d just been told.

The meeting of cultural liaisons was on board the destroyer used as a temporary command post. It had been called with no advanced notice. Summoned before he’d gotten out of bed, Yorso had been allowed no opportunity to attend to Tina that morning. He’d been forced to put on his uniform, jump on a shuttle, and head straight to the command vessel.

There weren’t many cultural liaisons present. Less than a dozen had signed on to assist in the war. The majority remained secure in their jobs with ambassadors and advisory boards, avoiding the draft. Three-quarters of Yorso’s peers were Dramoks, the rest Imdikos. Sitting at the large table, their handhelds gripped in sweaty palms, they’d stared at the map files floating in the middle of the table, depicting the blast sites around Earth. The group had muttered in bewilderment to each other by the abrupt call to convene until they were bid to silence.

The confusion was over following Admiral Jes’ introductory briefing, replaced for the most part with dismay. Only three of the Dramoks appeared keen with their new orders, undeterred by the unforeseen change of plans.

Yorso was more than dismayed. He was close to distraught. In the silence following the admiral’s speech, he managed to choke out, “Assigned to Earth?”

Jes glanced at him, then his handheld. “You’re—?”

“Imdiko Yorso.”

“Ah yes. You signed on for a war tour aboard Captain Tranis’ spyship. The war’s over but you still have a job to do, Liaison. Earth is in major trouble, and it’s all hands on deck to get its people to safety. Emergency service extension, as outlined in your contract to the fleet, is in effect until further notice.” He nodded to the assembled. “Site assignments are coming your way in the next few days. Who here has actual face-to-face experience with Earthers?”

Yorso was one of four who raised their hands. Jes noted them down. “You’ll remain after this basic informational meeting is dismissed. We’ll need you advising area commanders and dealing with refugees at the most important sites, where you’ll do the most good. Let’s go over the specifics of the situation.”

As the meeting droned on, Yorso’s brain roiled. Going to Earth for what was looking like months meant being separated from his clan. From Tina, who needed her entire clan. Would he be able to get out of the assignment to care for her?

With few cultural experts available and hundreds of rescue sites set to open, Yorso feared the worst. What was one emotionally fragile Earther compared to billions facing death if they weren’t helped?

He could see his fate already. He would request to be excused from duty, citing his new Matara and her emotionally fragile state. Admiral Jes, who kept expounding how desperate the situation was and how critical the cultural staff’s expertise was to the rescue operation, would refuse. Yorso would have no choice but to remain.

At least she’d still have Tukui and Osopa. Maybe they’d be enough to reassure her she still had all of her clan, that Yorso hadn’t abandoned her.

Except Tukui and Osopa serve on board a combat vessel. She can’t stay with them.

His stomach clenched. Had he eaten breakfast that morning, he’d have vomited then and there. In the excitement of clanning Tina and the near-nonstop turmoil that had followed, the obstacles of Tukui’s and Osopa’s careers taking them away for long stretches at a time hadn’t occurred to him. Apparently, it hadn’t crossed their minds either.

They’d have to send Tina to Kalquor alone. She’d be on her own—again. Set aside by the thoughtless clanmates who’d failed to consider how their work would affect her, who’d sworn she’d never have to face such a situation as long as they lived.

It took everything Yorso had in him to not jump to his feet and scream at Admiral Jes, to curse him and the rest of the fleet for the disaster their stupid war with Earth had wrought, for making his assurances to his Matara a pile of devastating lies.


* * * *


Yorso was still reeling hours later as he left the Earther transport’s shuttle bay and navigated the corridors to his quarters.

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