Home > The Sound of Silence(20)

The Sound of Silence(20)
Author: Dakota Willink

Screw you and your damn toothpaste obsession.

I left the bathroom and silently made my way through the sprawling ranch into the living room. Crouching down to reach under the ottoman, I unpeeled the masking tape that secured a nondescript Tracfone under the base. Natalia had bought it for me months ago, part of the plan I’d concocted with her. After powering on the phone, I typed out a single message: BUCKET LIST #1.

Some might think I was going through ridiculous measures just to leave my husband but they didn’t know Ethan like I did. He was always one step ahead of me, and as a result, I’d brutally paid the paid the price many times. I knew when the day came to leave, it would have to be well thought out. I’d have to run and never look back. After what happened tonight, I was grateful for the measures I’d taken. If I were caught leaving him now, there was no doubt in my mind—Ethan would kill me.

I heard a quiet moan, then a stirring. My heart began to race. Glancing up, I looked down the long hall toward the master bedroom. I could still see the outline of Ethan’s body on the bed. He had rolled over but still appeared to be asleep. I closed my eyes and sighed with relief. I needed to move faster.

Pocketing the phone, I went into the kitchen and opened the freezer door. Using the masking tape I’d peeled off the phone, I quickly taped down the button that triggered the interior light for the freezer. Working in the dark, I felt for the empty Lean Cuisine box near the back. When my fingers made contact, I pulled it out. Inside the box was a roll of cash I’d been saving. I removed the cash and put it in my pocket. It wasn’t much. A thousand dollars wouldn’t get me very far, but at least it was something.

Having everything I needed, I positioned myself near the front window, making sure to keep the bedroom door in my line of sight. I took one last look at the walls that had defined my existence. Regret and self-blame gnawed at me, knowing I stayed when I should have left long ago. I smiled bitterly, happy to finally say goodbye to my prison, even if it was too late to save my dignity.

Fifteen minutes later, a black, late-model Buick, headlights off, slowly approached the house.

Teddy’s car.

Natalia had gotten the message to him.

I slowly walked to the front door, careful not to step on any floorboard that might creak. I placed my hand on the door handle but froze when a light behind me turned on.

“Gia, where do you think you’re going?” I heard Ethan say from behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin, my heart beating overtime, and my breathing coming out in rapid succession.

“Fuck, no!” I cursed quietly as I fumbled with the door lock.

“Gianna!” Fury resonated in his voice. “Do you have a death wish? I told you what would happen if you tried to leave!”

His voice was coming closer—he was coming closer. I heard the lock click but before I could wrench the door open, I was hauled backward and thrown to the floor.

“No! You fucking bastard! Teddy! Nat!” I screamed as loud as I could, hoping and praying they’d be able to hear me through the walls.

I scrambled to move and get up from the floor. If I stayed down, he’d kick me. I got to my knees, but my recently battered body was too slow to react. A backhanded fist slammed into my cheek and I flew backward. Then the kick came.

I groaned in pain. The impact of Ethan’s foot connecting with my back stole all the air from my lungs. I tried to scream for Natalia and Teddy again but all that came out was a gasp as I struggled to find my breath. One more blow to the kidneys and this would be all over.

Get up, get up! Don’t let him win!

I silently repeated the chant over and over again as I struggled to breathe. He moved to kick me again, but I rolled just in time, and he missed me. Eyes raging like a category five storm came for me but stopped short when the front door crashed open.

Natalia, Teddy, and Ben burst through. I’d never been happier to see anyone in my life. Ethan spun around just as Natalia rushed to my side.

“Oh my God! Gia, are you okay?”

I nodded weakly and looked away, sure she was examining the swollen landscape of my face. Inside, I knew my appearance wasn’t my fault, but shame overtook any rationalization as I moved to a sitting position. I winced, already feeling the bruises blooming over my ribs.

“Get out of my house!” Ethan roared. I glanced up and watched him reach into the couch cushions and pull out a gun I’d never seen before. I silently cursed, unaware there was a third gun in the house. It made me wonder how many more there were. Ethan had the black barrel trained on Teddy as he stepped toward him, moving the gun back and forth between Teddy and Ben to show he had the upper hand.

“What are you going to do? Shoot us?” Teddy asked. “Be smart about this, Ethan. I don’t think you want to go to jail for murder.”

“This isn’t murder. You broke into my home. It’s self-defense,” Ethan challenged.

“Gia, come on. Let’s go. I need to get you out of here, toots,” Natalia whispered.

“No, wait,” I said, gingerly getting to my feet. I was afraid Teddy would underestimate how violent Ethan could be, and I didn’t want him to get hurt. “Ethan, it’s over. I’m leaving. Put the gun down.”

“Shut up, Gianna! I need to handle these intruders,” he snapped, never once turning his crazed eyes away from Teddy or Ben. “That’s right, boys. Did you hear me? You’re all intruders in my home and I have a right to defend it. Nobody will question that.”

“Are you really willing to test that theory, Ethan?” Teddy gambled, then turned to me. “Gia, it’s time to go.”

The demented grin spreading across Ethan’s face was bone-chilling. He knew people in powerful places. Teddy’s gamble might be a mistake. We needed to move quickly. Standing in front of me, Teddy and Ben formed a human shield for me and Natalia. We moved together in unison toward the door.

“Don’t do this, Gia,” Ethan warned. Desperation was in his tone, and I chanced a look at his face. Sadness and something like regret flashed before turning hard and cold once more. When he spoke again, it was more like a snarl. “You’ll regret this.”

I hoped to God I wouldn’t.

We ignored him and kept moving cautiously toward a front door that felt miles away. My lower back screamed in pain but I knew I had to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Natalia sensed my struggle and wrapped an arm around my waist for support. I winced from her touch, not sure if it was easier or harder to walk with her assistance.

I heard the sound of Ethan’s heavy footsteps crossing the room. I tensed, bracing myself for what was to come. In the span of a heartbeat, everything seemed to move in slow motion before speeding up to meet real time.

A shot was fired.

There was a crash.

Natalia and I screamed.

All at once, our wall of protection was gone. I closed my eyes, terrified, unable to look at the scene unfolding around me.

“Gia, it’s okay,” Teddy said. I slowly opened my eyes and met those of my former boss. Daring a glance at Ben, I found him standing over Ethan with a table lamp in his hand. Ethan had been knocked out cold. “Come on. We need to get you to the hospital.”

I shook my head. I couldn’t trust my life to a system that favored men. The corruption in the police department only tipped the scales further in Ethan’s favor. I couldn’t risk doing things the right way—hospitals included.

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