Home > Affinity (The Salvation Society)

Affinity (The Salvation Society)
Author: Harlow Layne

Chapter One






My brain throbbed like I’d been hit by a Mac truck that repeatedly ran back and forth over my head as I slowly gained consciousness. Trying to remember why I felt this way, I peeled my crusty eyes open and immediately closed them when sunlight infiltrated my vision.

Little pieces of the day before flitted through my memory. Yesterday, after finding out that I had gotten a job at none other than CJJ Public Relations thanks to my brother, Paul, who put in a good word for me, my best friend and roommate, Sophie, and I jumped around her apartment. Somehow during all the excitement, she convinced me we should drive to Vegas and celebrate. During the drive, we sang at the top of our lungs and ended up with a comped suite at The Bellagio, thanks to her last name.

Sophie’s hand was in the air waving over waitresses left and right as she asked for more drinks for the two of us. I’d lost count after the first four, and as I thought back to last night, I couldn’t remember much after we left the restaurant. It felt like we were going to hit the slots, but everything was a blank.

I’m not sure how Sophie and I became friends; I was a quiet nerd who studied my ass off to get into college to help my brother out. A brother who raised me after our parents passed away when I was a freshman in high school. He was three years older than me, the most popular guy in school, and the captain of the football team. He was the total opposite of me and, after I graduated high school, he enlisted in the military to serve his country.

I met Sophie on the day I moved into the college dorms. When I walked in, she was dressed in bright clothing with her red hair tied up on top of her head, singing at the top of her lungs. I wasn’t sure if we’d make it through the night, let alone the year, but it didn’t take us long to bond, and now we were like sisters. Totally opposite sisters. She was extroverted, and I was the introvert. Where she was high-strung, I was low key and wanted to blend into the crowd. No matter our differences, Sophie was the yin to my yang, and ever since the day we met, we were inseparable. I was there for Sophie when her mom died in a drunk driving accident, and she was there for me after I found out Greg, my boyfriend of two years, had been cheating on me with anyone who’d open their legs for him. I had planned to move to Boston, where he was going to go to law school, find a job there, and after that, I had no idea what I was going to do. Sophie convinced me to move out to Los Angeles with her after we graduated. A little over a month ago, I packed up all my belongings from LSU and moved to sunny LA to live with my best friend. If it wasn’t for her father buying her the apartment, there was no way I would have ever been able to afford the rent.

Returning to the present from my memories, I realized my mouth felt as if I had snacked on cotton balls before I passed out, and my body felt like I’d been in a fight with Mike Tyson. I tried to roll out of bed, but instead, I rolled off of somebody. The sweat that had been holding us together cooled quickly, leaving me cold and sticky, and feeling quite gross. At least that’s what I thought had made me sticky.

Next to me something moved, startling me and making me squeal. I tried to clutch the sheet to my naked body, but ended up splayed out on the floor with the rest of the covers.

“Shut the fuck up,” a muffled voice yelled.

Scrambling off the floor, I successfully wrapped the sheet around my body and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the most perfectly naked male body on the bed. He had a pillow over his head so I couldn’t see his face, but that was fine by me as I took in each glorious inch of him. He had to have been well over six feet tall with a lean athletic build, washboard abs, and that delicious ‘V’ that led down to the promised land–and what a promised land it was. I watched his biceps bulge as he held the pillow over his face.

I stood there trying to remember who the naked man was, but nothing came to me. Had we had sex? Going by how sore my lady bits were, that was an affirmative.

“Shit,” I yelled and instantly regretted it. Everything in my body throbbed from the one word.

“Quiet,” the pillow moaned.

“You be quiet,” I retorted and wondered how I had forgotten the pain from only moments ago. “Who are you, and can you please cover yourself?”

Mr. Perfect slowly slid the pillow from his head down to his stomach and stopped just before covering his impressive manhood. My body went rigid as he revealed himself. I knew who was lying in that bed. He had been my celebrity crush since I was in high school. That was until he had gotten a divorce, started to party way too hard, and made himself look like a fool.

Reeves fucking Jenner.

“Fuck me,” I groaned. What were the odds he’d be in my bed? I couldn’t believe I’d slept with him. Reeves Jenner had been the ‘it’ man in Hollywood until a year ago. He had started to show up late and drunk, and it was obvious in his poor performances in what little work he’d gotten. No one wanted to hire him, and it seemed he only spiraled from there. The last I had heard, he was in rehab after getting a DUI.

While his body was everything a woman could fantasize about, that was all he was–a fantasy. I heard he was filming a Netflix series, and rumors were already swirling that he’d fallen off the wagon. But they weren’t just rumors because I knew from the fact that he was lying in front of me with his eyes twisted shut that he was as hungover as me. The only question was, why was he naked in my bed?

Looking around, I realized we weren’t in my hotel room, but in a suite that was far superior to the one I was sharing with Sophie. As I took in my surroundings, my gaze took in the multiple champagne bottles littered across the floor.

Since he hadn’t said anything or made any more of an effort to move, I assumed he’d fallen back to sleep. Now was the perfect time to slip out of the room before he woke up and kicked me out. The only problem was I needed to find my clothes, and they were nowhere in sight. Dragging the sheet behind me, I looked around for the skimpy dress Sophie convinced me to wear last night. With each step I took, the soreness between my legs woke me up further, dissipating my hangover and reminding me that Reeves Jenner had been linked to hookers in the past. Not only was his cum dripping down my leg, but I could see it glistening on his semi-hard cock.

“No,” I yelled as I searched around the room for my clothes and any condoms that we’d used.

Reeves groaned again and placed the pillow back over his head while I searched the room and found nothing. No clothes and no condoms. I looked high and low, even making my way into the bathroom and the shower, only to find nothing.

What were the odds that my one night of letting go, I’d contracted an STD from Reeves Jenner?

Catching what I looked like in the mirror had me headed to the porcelain gods to empty my stomach. It was all too much for me to handle. Once I was done, I washed my face and brushed my teeth with my finger and thought about taking a quick shower, but then thought better of it. I could do that in my own room. Surely Sophie was looking for me and worried.

Combing my hair with my fingers, I attempted to fix my sex-mussed tresses. Reeves had certainly done a number on me, and it killed me that I couldn’t remember our time together. The one time I had sex with my teenage crush, and I couldn’t remember it.

Looking down, I saw Jenner in black cursive script circling my left ring finger.

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