Home > Beat With Me (With Me In Seattle Universe)(28)

Beat With Me (With Me In Seattle Universe)(28)
Author: Anna Edwards

Liam looks down at me. “I know you’re working to get your GED, but what would you like to do afterward? When we go back to normal life, if you can call it that.”

“I don’t think I can think about a career at the moment. I’ve still so much to learn. I’m sure something will come to me eventually. I need to discover what normal life is like first. I’ve only ever spent my time with you traveling. I’ve never stayed in the same place with you for any length of time.” I pick up my fork and push in another little mouthful of my breakfast. “You guys live so closely together on tour, is it hard going back to living in your own homes and not seeing each other?”

I can’t imagine them all not being in the same room. It shocked me when Liam told me that, even though they live near each other, they don’t live in the same house when off tour. I was certain they lived on some sort of commune together, like I used to live with my family.

“When we get home, we’re glad to be rid of each other,” Austin immediately interjects with a chuckle. “No, seriously, we do try to take a break from each other and catch up with other people for the first week, but it normally fails, and we end up getting together most nights. We’re so used to being with each other. We’re like brothers, and it feels like losing a limb when the others aren’t there.”

“Has your relationship been affected by Zoey and I coming aboard?” I’m in an inquiring mood this morning.

“No, not at all. All we’ve done is welcome two sisters into our oddball family,” Cameron answers.

“Zoey had to leave us for a bit when we were on tour in Europe. It felt wrong without her being there with us, and when Tate followed her home, we joined him shortly after. We’ve added the dates we missed onto the end of the tour, but we couldn’t be there without her,” Liam explains to me. “I know I’d feel exactly the same without you. I’m too used to you being around.”

“And getting your dick sucked on demand,” Austin jokes. Liam picks up a raspberry from my plate and flicks it at his friend. “Seriously, Yivi, we’d all feel the same if you disappeared. We’re the six musketeers.”

“Weren’t there only three?” Tate looks confused.

“They’ve multiplied.” Cameron chuckles and waves his coffee cup at the waitress again. She shrugs at him, her hands full of plates.

The entire restaurant has been booked exclusively for the band this morning. However, there are lots of people present with all the roadies and invited guests. Even though a buffet breakfast has been laid out, the staff are still rushed off their feet. The entourage that travels with the band is enormous.

I get up from my seat and move around the table to take Cameron’s cup from him.

“I’ll get you some more from the self-service bar.”

“See, this is why I like having Yivi with us. She brings me coffee,” Cameron jokes as I walk over to where several guests are queuing to get drinks. I join them and wait my turn. I could probably line jump, but it won’t hurt Cameron to wait a few more moments.

Without turning around, I can sense other people have joined the line behind me. The restaurant must be making a fortune off the band eating here.

“You’ve certainly changed since the last time I saw you, Harmony Ward.” I instantly recognize the voice. My body tenses, as the deep tone of the Leader of Serendipity Falls comes from behind me. “Don’t turn around, keep facing forward. You make a scene, and I’ll make sure I tell everyone where you’ve come from, what a little whore you’ve become, and how you’ve abandoned your family to certain death because you refused to marry and provide for them.”

“I’m not going b-back,” I stutter. “I’m married to Liam. It’s legal, and we’ve consummated the relationship.”

“I know. I saw it in the news yesterday. I took the first flight here. Awful things planes—they’re the invention of the Devil. Man is not supposed to be in the air, flying is for the birds only. It’s put me in a foul mood.”

“What do you want?” I can’t turn around. I know I can’t look at him, because if I do, I’ll scream. I’ll make a scene, and he’ll ruin me in Liam’s eyes. I know this man and his sadistic streak. I’ve no secrets to hide from Liam. I’ve told him everything, but the Leader is an intelligent man. He’ll twist and turn the truth to suit himself. I grip tightly to the coffee cup—the china is under so much pressure in my hand I fear it may shatter.

“You’ve landed on your feet. I have to say that, and I think your good fortune should benefit those who looked after you for twenty years. Don’t you?”

“I don’t know what you mean?” I’m not sure how I’m maintaining my composure. I’m terrified.

“You’re married to a man who’s worth millions. I’ve been watching you, and he adores you. I want some of that money. You have a week to get me half a million dollars to buy your freedom. If you get it, I won’t contact you again. After that date, if you fail, I’ll talk to the press about you and paint a very different picture from the adoring wife you want to portray. And, Harmony, if you talk to anyone about this, I will snatch you back when you least expect it. You will live the remainder of your life in the hole—however long or short a time that will be. You’re one of them now, and we don’t deal with devils. I won’t have you poison the righteous people you left behind because of your selfishness.”

“I c-can’t,” I stutter. “I don’t even understand money?”

No answer comes from behind me as I move up to be first in the line for coffee. I spin around, but he’s gone, vanished into thin air. I can’t even see him in the restaurant.

“Miss, are you getting a drink?” the lady behind me asks, and I start to wonder if I imagined it all.

I pour the coffee into Cameron’s cup. My hands are still shaking so much I don’t fill it right to the brim. I know it will spill if I do. I take a few deep breaths and make my way back to the table, gripping tightly to the coffee cup as I look around for any sign of the Leader. Have I gone mad? Surely I must have been dreaming? Maybe it was a sugar high?

I place Cameron’s coffee down on the table. He looks up at me, “Did they run out, or am I on a caffeine diet?”

I look down at the cup and realize it’s only half full. “I’m sorry. There was a long queue of people behind me, and I wanted to leave some for the others.” I don’t hear his reply as I return to my seat in a bit of a dream.

Just as I’m about to sit down, a figure outside the window catches my eye. It’s the Leader. He places his finger to his lips, willing me into silence before he disappears.

He was real.

I’m in big trouble.

I sit down in my seat, not hearing what is being said around me. A terrible feeling of sickness settles in my stomach. I push my seat back quickly and make a run for the bathroom where I promptly bring up the contents of my heavenly breakfast. Every mouthful seems like a sin now. I was stupid to think I’d ever be free of my past. I’m a stupid, selfish girl who doesn’t deserve a better life.



Chapter 21

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