Home > Grand Lake Colorado Series : A Complete Small-Town Contemporary Romance Collection(50)

Grand Lake Colorado Series : A Complete Small-Town Contemporary Romance Collection(50)
Author: admin

“Wow. Wou’re really passionate about this, aren’t you?”

I nod once. “I am. And it’s all on me to get it done. I have a mock-up for a website built for it, and I have a ton of sketches of the building and grounds. I’m presenting it to the city council next month.”

“That’s great, but do you really think this little town is going to pay for all that?”

I smile up at him. “I have my ways. There’s even the perfect place for it. I think I’d want it to be over on Cherry and Elm. There’s a big brick building there, but it’s falling in and is really an eyesore, not to mention not up to code. It’ll need to be torn down. With that building out of the way, there would be plenty of room for it.”

He nods. “I’m not familiar with town yet, but I’ll take your word for it.”

I lean in just a bit, knowing I shouldn’t because he can probably see down my shirt. “Would you mind coming to the meeting with me? I mean, I know you’re new to town and probably have a ton of stuff going on with the move, but I think the sheriff talking about the climbing numbers of today’s troubled youth could really drive the point home.”

“Oh, well,” he mumbles, thinking it over.

“It’s completely fine if you can’t or don’t want to,” I say, feeling stupid for bringing all this up. I totally just ambushed the guy.

“Why don’t you let me think about it? I’ll dig into some files here and see what the recent spike has been. I think statistics and facts will wow them more than just some new sheriff in town.”

I’m beaming. “Really? Thank you!” I’m excited already, and it’s because I know he’ll find the exact same things I’ve already looked at—soaring numbers of troublemaking kids who need more options.

He waves his hand in front of his face as he stuffs the last of his lunch into his mouth. “Don’t worry about it. If the numbers are as high as you say, I’m sure everyone will agree with you.”

“I also plan on getting a few of the elders from town to speak about it. I know Mrs. Walsh has dealt with some vandalism, and Mr. Brock has witnessed some theft.”

“It all sounds like a very good plan that is well thought out. But if you’re planning on the town paying for it or applying for government help, you really should look into some estimates.”

“Good idea,” I reply, acting like I never thought of it. But I don’t exactly want to tell him that it’s all coming out of my pocket. When my parents passed, they left everything to me, and it’s more than enough to live off of for any ten people. I’ll never burn my way through this money. Might as well put it to good use.

As the office starts filling back up, we go our separate ways, me to my tiny hole of an office and him back to the glass windows that leave him exposed to everyone’s eyes. Talking to him over lunch does make me feel a little more comfortable being around him, though. Just from the few minutes we talked, I can tell he’s a good man who’ll do anything that’s within his power to support the greater good. He’s a little hurt and maybe even broken inside about losing his friend to the same accident that took my parents. Speaking of which, how is it possible that we never ran into one another?

We both lived in the same city and were in some way involved in the same accident. The whole thought of him being in the same room as my parents when they died leaves goosebumps on my skin. My parents were good people who shouldn’t have died that day. They were loving, caring, and generous. I couldn’t even dream of where I’d be right now if it weren’t for them. They gave me the best childhood anyone could ever ask for. And sure, they were loaded, but they weren’t over the top flashy like some people.

We lived in a modest house. It was a two-story Victorian-style home that was white with black shutters and a big wrap-around porch. I remember spending every summer with Mama out on our knees, planting flowers. The cars they drove were regular cars, not fancy sports cars. And to top it all off, my dad worked in insurance, meaning that when they passed, I not only got everything they had, I also got a huge insurance policy. I was raised to be smart, educated, and responsible. I never threw money around and still don’t. I bought my cabin with twenty grand in cash. I drive a silver Chevy Cruze. I’ve spent money on the move, but I also made more money by selling the house and the family items I didn’t bring with me.

And now, I’m working and bringing in a decent paycheck. I have more than enough money to support me for the rest of my life, and that’s even if I build this youth center and quit my job, never making another penny. This isn’t something anyone here knows about me, though. Like I said, I don’t flash money around. I don’t wear designer clothes, and I’m not big on shopping anyway. If I had to pick one area of my life that I consider to be a little frivolous, it would be my computer addiction. But I specialize in IT, coding, and gaming, so computer systems are a must. I know I’m not like normal women my age, but I’m okay with that. It’s who I am, who my parents raised. And it’s who Bryce Moore is checking out right now.









Fuck. She’s too good for me. I know I should turn my back on her and leave her hanging on this favor she asked, but I can’t and I won’t. I go to my office and do the digging I told her I’d do. To no surprise of my own, I see that she’s exactly right. Crimes committed by kids twelve through nineteen have gone up 27% in the last five years alone. If someone doesn’t steer these kids onto the right path, it will be very easy for them to make a wrong turn on a one-way street and head down the road toward a lifetime of crime. Sure, some could easily grow up and grow out of it, realizing they had made a bad decision, but some won’t. Some people never learn. If they did, we wouldn’t need as many officers as we do.

I take the reports I find and print them off. I also convert the data I find into bar graphs and a a flow chart that shows how this number could continue to spike if we don’t intervene. The numbers are enough to scare anyone who’s concerned about their kids, this town, and the safety of its citizens. I tuck them into a file folder and stuff it under my arm as I walk to her office.

I’m just reaching out to knock when she turns to face me. A smile forms across her lips as she removes her headset. “Hey.”

I show her the file folder and shake it a bit to get her attention. “You were right. Count me in on that meeting.” I shoot her a grin that makes her smile widen, nearly blinding me.

She lets out a squeal, does a little happy dance in her seat, and says thank you at least a dozen times. I laugh and shake my head before walking away and leaving her alone to soak in her excitement and what looks to be the latest Animal Crossing game.



Friday rolls around, and as promised, I take most of the precinct out to The Place to goof off. The guys decided to alternate who goes this week and who goes next week. However, Nina works every day from eight to five, so she’s lucky and gets to go every week. Or I’m lucky. I’m not sure how to look at it.

As we’re all packing up to leave the station, I bump into her at the exit. “Hey, you’re coming to The Place, right?” I point over at her.

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