Home > Grand Lake Colorado Series : A Complete Small-Town Contemporary Romance Collection(87)

Grand Lake Colorado Series : A Complete Small-Town Contemporary Romance Collection(87)
Author: admin

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Now I just need to convince my heart . .



Chapter 1






“WHITE chocolate mocha with an extra shot?” the barista asks with a pleasant smile the moment I step up to the counter.

I smile and nod. “You know me so well, June,” I say as I pull the card out of my purse, passing it over.

She quickly swipes it and hands it back before getting to work on my coffee. As I wait, I check the time on my phone and begin going through some emails. I click on one from my friend, Jenny. The subject line reads: Rumor Has It . . .

Guess what I’ve heard being passed around the office? You’re moving from Los Angeles to Colorado! They’re giving you a promotion and you’ll be running the firm out there, being handed the largest client on the books for that office! Congrats, hon! P.S. Try to act surprised. I just couldn’t hold it in any longer. Love ya.

Upon reading those words, my mouth drops open. Where did she hear this? Is it true? Am I getting the Colorado account? If I am, when will I be leaving? Are they going to tell me today?

“Celeste?” I hear it like a whisper that creeps into my head, snaking its way through all my spinning thoughts. “Ma’am, your coffee,” the barista finally says, causing my eyes to jump up to her as she holds out my coffee.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” I say in a rush as I reach out and take the paper cup. “I was lost in this sea of work emails.”

She offers up a small smile, but I’m sure she thinks I’m some kind of space cadet by the faraway look on my face.

“Have a great day,” she says in her sweet voice.

“You too.” I smile as I drop some cash into her tip jar and walk toward the door with a little extra pep in my step. Suddenly, I can’t wait to get to work. I can’t wait to find out if the rumor is true. If it is, I can’t wait to shove it down Jeremy’s throat. Jeremy has been my rival since college. We fought neck and neck for valedictorian, and I only beat him by a few points. I thought I was done with him and our competition, only to be surprised on orientation day. I walked into that board room thinking I had the world at my fingertips. I stopped dead in my tracks when my eyes landed on him, and his mouth dropped open when he looked up and saw me.

We can’t stand each other and we do our best to avoid crossing paths at all costs. However, that’s close to impossible when you work in the same office. He likes to brag about his accomplishments whenever I’m within earshot, and even though I have accomplishments of my own, his bragging always makes me feel inferior to him. But this tidbit of news is something he can’t beat, and I know when he hears my name come out of our boss’ mouth, he’s going to be more angry than the time I beat him for valedictorian. Just knowing this makes me giggle as I walk down the crowded sidewalk toward the firm.

As I finish my walk to the office, I can’t help but think about the move. Colorado? I never dreamed of living outside the city. I’m not a fall in love, get married, and start reproducing as fast as possible kind of girl. I never daydreamed about small towns and kids running around the yard, nor do I tear up at the sight of a tiny sock. I’ve always preferred the busy hustle and bustle of city life. I like spending my days walking through endless stores. I love chance encounters with a celebrities or YouTube personalities when the girls and I go out for brunch. I love that I have at least 10 different options for coffee every morning. Could a small town even offer anything close to that?

My mind is an endless sea of questions as I walk into the lobby of the Mason, Lawrence, and Howe Law Firm. The lobby is packed with staff, clients, and outside workers: mailmen, couriers, and independent contractors. They’re all busy talking or checking their packages or phones. I pass by them in a blur on my way to the elevator. I reach out to push the button, but someone beats me to it. I look up to find Gavin smiling at me.

“You looked a little dazed. Figured I’d help you out,” he shrugs as his smile widens and his face reddens.

“Thank you,” I breathe out, embarrassment washing over me.

He runs his hand through his neat, dark hair and his eyes dart around like he’s searching for something to say. “So, how have you been?” He slides his hands into the pants pockets of his perfectly pressed suit.

I nod as I tighten my grip on my purse strap, needing something to keep me grounded. Gavin is young, rich, and handsome. I could easily slip into a daydream picturing us together. “Good. And yourself?” I manage to get out.

“Same old, I guess.” He looks at his feet as he moves his weight from one to the other.

“How’s the new puppy?” Gavin and I have always had a connection that neither of us has ever acted on. Actually, I don’t know if he feels it like I do, but I refuse to act on it. We work together, which means we can’t screw things up by acting on our feelings. So small talk is all we’ve ever done. Awkward small talk while waiting in line for the elevator.

“Really good,” he replies, pulling out his phone and showing me a picture of a golden lab on his lock screen. The little puppy has a red bandana around his neck, and his long tongue is hanging out as he sits in the grass next to a rubber ball.

“Aww, he’s adorable. Did you ever settle on a name?”

He snorts and rolls his eyes as he slides the phone back into his pocket. “Scout. I didn’t name him; my mom did. She puppy-sits for me while I’m at work. I left work one day and went to pick him up, only to find she’d named him. He was responding when she called him, so I didn’t have the heart to change it.”

“That’s sweet, and it’s a good name,” I say, managing to keep my voice even, despite my nerves.

The elevator opens just as Gavin starts to reply, cutting him off. We both step inside and he pushes the button for our floor.

I turn to resume our conversation, but he beats me to the punch.

“I don’t mean to be forward, but would you like to go out with me sometime? It seems like we’ve been dancing around it for years and I just figured, why not ask?” He looks hopeful with his wide eyes and raised brows.

“Oh, um . . .” I don’t know what to say as I bounce from foot to foot. “Sure?” I answer, but it comes out like a question.

His smile breaks free as a long breath leaves his lips. He’s relieved. “Really? I thought for sure you’d say no. Can I pick you up tonight? Are you free?” His words come out in a nervous rush.

A giggle slips between my lips, something that happens when I’m under pressure. “Yeah. Yes, I’m free.”

He claps his hands together. “I’ll pick you up around eight. Text me your address?” The elevator door opens but he’s blocking my exit.

I force a smile and nod. “Mm-hmm.”

He backs out of the elevator and holds out his arm so the door doesn’t close as I step out. I turn to face him, unsure of what just happened. Why did I agree to that date? Maybe it’s the chance I need to explain why this isn’t a good idea. Or maybe the date will be bad and we’ll decide we’re not meant to be. Then all of this worry will have been for nothing.

“I’ll pick you up later?” he asks one more time.

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