Home > Lani (Devils Souls MC)(10)

Lani (Devils Souls MC)(10)
Author: LeAnn Ashers

I’m left alone with my butterflies about seeing them again.

For Jordan to not put up any kind of fight about me coming to stay with them is a huge sign as it is. If they weren’t good guys, Jordan would be having a major bitch fit and I would not be moving in with them.

My parents are way easy-going when it comes to me, but not him. He has always been my protective older brother, but I think a huge part of that stems from him protecting me from bullies when we were growing up.

I had girls try to jump me for no reason at all when I was a teenager, but Jordan would find out and they would be cornered by him instead of them cornering me.

He didn’t hurt them, but I do remember him hacking their cell phones and uploading shit to MySpace.

So all of that stopped pretty suddenly after that.

But I love my brother. I will be forever grateful for everything that he has done for me and I’m so glad that he has found someone as sweet as Alisha to love him.

The doorbell rings, and I rush to the front door, excited to see Trey and Vinny. I don’t even bother to check the peephole before opening the door.

I swing the door open and come face to face with the same man who called me a whore last night and tried to attack me.

Oh my god.

I can feel bile crawling up my throat. His eyes narrow on me like he never expected me to open the door.

He’s carrying a bible in his hand. My family is religious, but nowhere does it say in the Bible to be filled with hate and bitterness.

“Look, the whore is here. I was hoping you would be.” He grins menacingly and looks back at his group of friends behind him, and I count four from last night.

What the fuck is actually going on?

They actually tracked me down?

“Are your parents here? I’m here to help save your soul, child. I will not speak to a disgusting, filthy jezebel.”

Mind blown.

I hear a loud slam behind me, and I turn back just enough for my dad to come into view. He slides beside me and puts himself in front of me, arms crossed. I look down and notice the gun in the back of his pants.

Oh shit.

Mom grabs my hand. I can feel her shaking.

“I’m assuming you’re this child’s father? Did you know your daughter was kissing two men last night and that she is a model, who poses provocatively to entice men.?”

So my big mouth comes into play. “And women too.” I smirk at him because this shit is absolutely ridiculous.

He gasps in shock, his bloodshot eyes staring at me. If looks could kill, I would be dead ten times over.

“Blasphemy!” he screams, spit flying from his mouth.

I cringe in disgust, and Mom does the same. Dad doesn’t move, doesn’t even flinch.

He turns back to my dad, trying to keep his cool, but this man and the goons behind him are completely batshit crazy.

“We can correct this behavior. We have a place meant for her to reform. We usually have a waitlist, but she is in dire need. I worry for her soul.” He hands my dad a contract.

I watch as his body stiffens, then he crumples the paper, throwing it onto the ground, “Your form of therapy is fucking girls into submission.” That’s when my dad rears his fist back and hits him dead in the face. He falls straight on his ass.

Mom pulls me back, away from the fight, because my dad has turned into fucking beast mode, hitting him over and over in the face.

I have never seen my dad like this.

The other guys start to jump on my dad just as Trey and Vinny pull up. Vinny jumps out before the truck even stops, running straight into the fray, throwing fists at everyone.

They drop one by one.

Mom and I are shocked that this is even happening. We’re frozen in place. Dad stands up and looks at the guy who is now mangled beyond repair.

“Do not fucking come to my house and ask me to sign a slave contract for my daughter to fix her, you disgusting piece of shit! I should kill you,” Dad roars in his face, but the looks on Trey’s and Vinny’s faces are haunting.

Oh shit.

Mom grips me harder. Trey picks the guy up from the ground, putting him right in his face. “You have five seconds to get out of here before I kill you. This isn’t a threat, it’s a promise. But know this is not over. The Devils will be coming for you and your fucking cult.”

Trey lets him go and he hits the ground, knocking the air out of him, but his buddies drag him out of the driveway into a fucking kidnapper-looking-type van.

Once I see them leave, I stumble inside of the house. My veins are like ice from the fear of what just happened and the unthinkable thought of what they had planned for me.

How can people be like this?

I sit down on the couch, putting my face in my hands, my elbows resting on my knees. I’m terrified.

I can hear my dad on the phone with Jordan. I feel three sets of hands on me, and I look up to see Trey in front of me, Vinny to one side and my mother on the other.

“Take my baby from here. She’s not safe. I read the contract; they planned to rape her. It’s a fucking slave contract.” My mom repeats what my dad already told us, but it just makes it more real to hear it again.

“We will keep her safe.” Vinny kisses my mom on the top of her head, and I lean over, hugging her tightly.

“Trey, Jordan is aware and he’s telling Kyle. He’s going to look into this shit. If this is happening, other girls without families to protect them might be suffering.” Dad looks so sad when he looks at me.

I stand up and run straight into his arms. “I love you so much, Daddy. I’m so sorry this is happening.” I cry into his chest.

“Stop that. If it wasn’t you, then it would be another girl. We have the means to keep you safe, angel. Don’t stress, okay?” He kisses the top of my head, soothing my fears.

I nod. “Okay.” He rubs my back, and I finally pull away, backing straight into Vinny’s arms.

“We’ll come visit you soon.” Mom smiles and snuggles into my dad’s side.

“Okay, Mom.” I smile back at her, drying my tears and putting this shit behind me.

Trey takes my bags, and Vinny doesn’t let me move away from him, keeping me pressed into his side.

They hurry, putting me inside of the truck. I’m put into the middle seat in the front. Vinny slides in beside me and holds my hand.

“Everything will be okay. We will end this shit if it’s the last thing we do.” He looks so sincere, but I can’t miss the pissed off look on his face.

“I believe you,” I tell them, and I do mean it. I can see how angry they are, but the thought of this happening to women who don’t have people to protect them, that’s what’s scary to me.

I lean over and rest my head on Vinny’s shoulder, exhausted. The sex last night was absolutely amazing and it lasted for hours, but this happening, my dad fighting and being scared out of my mind, is what has destroyed me emotionally.

“You don’t think they’ll come back and hurt my parents, right?” I can’t stand the thought of something like that happening to them.

“I can hire security to sit outside of your house if you want?” Trey offers, and I gnaw on my bottom lip. I know my dad wouldn’t like it, but it would make me feel better and I know my mom would appreciate it.

“Yes, I can hire someone. Do you have anyone in particular in mind?” I ask, feeling a little bit better.

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