Home > Travis's Gift (Riley's Pride, book 3)(54)

Travis's Gift (Riley's Pride, book 3)(54)
Author: Sandra R Neeley

“Libby?” Constance said, walking over to the table she stood at.

“Ma’am?” Libby said, looking at Constance.

“Why don’t we trade tables. Or, better yet, why don’t you go inside and lie down. I can accept payment for everything at the same time I’m selling coffee and cakes,” Constance said.

“No, I’m fine. Why would you think I need to lie down?” Libby asked, trying to laugh it off.

Constance pursed her lips and shook her head. “Because I’ve watched you for the last three days try to stand here and pretend you don’t want to throw up. By the end of the day, you’re fine. If I’m right, you’re lightheaded in the morning, too, because you brought out a stool to lean on while you’re out here. The sipping on Sprite nonstop is another giveaway.”

“Giveaway for what?” Libby asked, giggling nervously.

“You haven’t told him, have you?” Constance asked.

“Told him what? Told who?” Libby said, playing dumb.

“Travis. That he’s going to be a father,” Constance said bluntly.

A horrified look came over Libby’s face and she pressed her finger to her lips quickly. “Shhh! Don’t say that!”

“It’s true, isn’t it?” Constance asked, daring Libby to deny it.

Libby looked around to be sure no one heard Constance before answering her. “I haven’t told anyone.”

“Why not? This is a blessing. It’s to be celebrated!” Constance said, the happiness in her face showing that she was telling the truth.

“No, it’s not! He ran from me when I was just me! Now, he’s gonna freak. It’s not just me anymore. I’m barely making him understand that he’s everything I see. This is too soon, it’s not the way we planned,” Libby said, her eyes filling with tears that she quickly blinked away.

Constance hugged Libby to her tightly. “Mija, he’s not who you dealt with for the last couple of years. He’s grown, he’s changed. Your love did that. He’s confident now and knows how powerful he is. Have faith in the male you love.”

“It’s not the right time,” Libby said.

“It is the right time. God has decided that it’s the right time. And tell me, was there ever really a plan here, or was it just, love each other for all we’re worth?” Constance asked.

“I know, I just…” Libby said, at a loss for words.

“You’re hesitant because of how long he pushed you away. I know. But, he’s not that male anymore. Have faith, Libby,” Constance said.

Libby nodded. “I’ll try. But, please, don’t say anything to anyone.”

“Of course not, mija. This is your news to share. You let me know if you need me to do anything at all.”

“I will,” Libby promised.






“You about ready?” Roman called out.

“Yes, sir,” Darcie answered, as she walked down the hallway, trying to turn on the flashing Christmas necklace she wore. It was made to look like a strand of Christmas lights, and the lights all flashed off and on.

“That’s a pretty, fancy necklace,” Roman said.

“Yes, sir, it is. Thank you for buying it for me,” Darcie said, smiling at him.

“You’re welcome,” he said, checking his pocket for his keys, and his phone. He never left home without his phone now, and it was always fully charged. “Get your coat, and I’ll get the presents, and we’ll go on over,” Roman said.

“Okay,” she said excitedly, hurrying to get her bright red, puffy ski jacket off the hook by the door. Roman had placed a hook low enough for her to be able to reach it. He’d also put one in her bedroom beside the desk he’d bought for her room. He figured when she started school, she could hang her schoolbag there. “I’m ready!” she said.

“Let’s go then,” he said, walking out onto his small porch and waiting while she joined him. He pulled the door closed and locked it before slinging the bag of presents over his shoulder with one hand, taking Darcie’s hand in the other, and starting toward Riley’s across the road.

“Is everybody coming?” she asked, looking up at him as she skipped along beside him.

“Yep. Everybody. Even Mr. Travis and Ms. Libby, and Scotty, and Richie and Yvette. I heard Ms. Constance say that even Mr. Moe was going to come over,” Roman answered.

“And are Mr. Lucas and Mr. Lazarus coming, too?”

“Yep. They might be over there already. And Uncle Base and Aunt Renata and Kaiser and Summer are coming. And I think Ms. Alex is coming over, too. But I’m not too sure about that,” he said.

“I’m so excited. It’s gonna be so much fun,” Darcie said, giving a typical little girl squeal. “Do you think Uncle Base and Aunt Renata will like me?”

“Absolutely! They already know how awesome you are! And it’s always fun. And now that you’re here with us, it’s even more fun,” Roman said, smiling lovingly down at the child that had become the focus of his world.

He let go of her hand in front of the security gate and pushed in the code for the gate to open. Having Ms. Autry drive right up to the house a couple of weeks ago to deliver Darcie had reminded Riley of how lax they’d become about leaving the gate open. Not that she was a threat, or that a threat couldn’t access the property if they really wanted to, but at least it put an obstacle in the way if anyone had designs on coming to the house unannounced.

Roman watched the gate to be sure it was closing behind them, then he took Darcie’s hand and started toward the house again.

“Do you think Mama will have something good to eat for Christmas?” she asked.

Roman stopped walking and looked down at Darcie who looked up at him wide-eyed and not altogether sure she should have asked that question. Roman set down the lawn and leaf bag of gifts and knelt down in front of her. “I’m sure she will, Darcie. But, I want you to know something, okay? Like I’ve promised you every single day since you came here, I’m going to make sure Mama is here with us as soon as Ms. Autry says she can be. And, when she gets here, we’re going to have Christmas with her. No matter when it is, she’s got all those presents back at our house that she’ll have to open. And even if it’s summer, we’re going to Travis’s and we’re getting him to let us have a tree and we’re having Christmas again, just for her. Okay?”

Darcie smiled happily. “Okay!” she said, clapping her hands. Then she got somber. “What if they won’t let her come home?” she asked, her eyes getting teary.

“Then I’m going to bring her home. I’m going to go there, and I’m going to force everybody I see to do what I want, and I will bring her home.”

Darcie thought about it. Finally, she decided that she completely trusted Roman, and knew that he’d never lied to her. Everything he’d said had been the truth so far, and if necessary, she knew he’d go get her Mama. “Okay.”

“Ready to go play with Cristie and open presents?” Roman said.

“Yes, sir!” she said, her guilt for having a happy Christmas even though her mom wasn’t with her alleviated by the big man who’d happily become her new Daddy.

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