Home > Travis's Gift (Riley's Pride, book 3)(55)

Travis's Gift (Riley's Pride, book 3)(55)
Author: Sandra R Neeley

They walked the rest of the way up to the house and knocked lightly on the door before opening it and walking in. “We’re here!” Roman called out.

“Daarciee!!!” Cristie screamed from the kitchen before she could be heard running toward the living room. “Come see! We have gingerbread houses to make tonight!”

Darcie’s face lit up and she looked up at Roman. Though resilient and adapting, she never let Roman get too far from her for too long without going to search him out.

“I’m not leaving. I’ll be right here,” he assured her.

“Okay. I’m going to see,” she said, and ran out of the living room hand in hand with Cristie to go look at the makings of gingerbread houses they’d get to play with later.

Fifteen minutes later a knock sounded on the door and Lucas went to answer it. “Hey!” he said excitedly. “Wondered when ya’ll were coming home. Ya’ll come on in.”

Lucas stepped back from the door so that Base with Summer in his arms, Renata and Kaiser could come in. “Hey, Lucas. We got in yesterday. You been okay?” Base said, leading Renata by the hand.

“Oh yeah. Been good. You?” Lucas asked.

“Busy, man. Glad for the break for Christmas.”

“Is that Kaiser I hear?” Riley called out from the kitchen.

“Yes!” Kaiser yelled. “I’m back!” he said, pulling his hand loose from his mother’s and trying to run toward Riley’s voice.

“Be on your best behavior!” Renata warned.

“I’m always beinghaved,” he told her.

Everyone greeted Base and Renata warmly. He was a part of their Pride as well and all the males had helped him protect Renata and Kaiser when Kaiser’s father had come after them.

“Base,” Roman said, walking over and hugging him.

“Uncle Roman. You look good,” Base said.

“Renata, you look great, hon. The city must be agreeing with you,” Roman said.

“It’s not bad at all. I’m really glad to be home, though,” Renata answered. “Thanks for looking after our place while we’re away.”

“Naw, don’t think nothing of it. Glad to do it,” Roman said. Then he returned his attention to Summer. “Let me hold that baby before she gets old enough to figure out she doesn’t even know me yet.”

“Here you go,” Base said, carefully handing Summer to Roman.

“Hi,” Roman said, bouncing her slightly as he walked toward the sofa while speaking to her. “What a pretty little girl you are!” Roman said.

Summer looked just like Base with dark curly hair and piercing blue eyes. She focused on Roman while he talked to her, then reached out with her hands to touch his face. When she did he blew raspberries into her hands, and she laughed so hard she had tears running out of her little eyes.

“I think you’re officially her favorite,” Renata said.

“All the kids love Roman. He’s got a way about him,” Lazarus said.

“I want to hold her,” Yvette said.

“Of course,” Renata answered.

“Here ya go,” Roman said, handing Summer to Yvette.

“Uncle Roman, I’ve got some information for you. My attorneys have colleagues who work in criminal law… not all celebrity clientele is law abiding,” Base explained. “I’ve given them a retainer. They’re looking into Talie’s case, and they’re working with Ms. Autry, not replacing her just as you asked. You have a meeting with them scheduled on January 3rd. It’s in Ohio. Can you be there?”

Roman nodded and stood up. He yanked Base into a hug and pounded his back a few times. “Absolutely. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you, but I will.”

“Don’t want your money. I’ve got more than enough and if I can help you get your mate home where she belongs, I’m happy to help. Besides you and Riley took us in, no questions asked. And then every male here stood up and helped me protect mine when I needed it. You don’t owe me a single thing,” Base said emphatically.

“I’m going to pay,” Roman said.

“Fine, but I’m just going to give it back,” Base argued, equally as stubborn as Roman was.

“You know what?” Renata said, sensing a standoff developing. “We’ve decided that Base will play as long as he’s able. It could be years before we’re back here full time. In the meantime, if you could be our caretaker, make sure everything at our place is in good condition, the land kept clear and neat, that would be payment enough. Otherwise we’re going to have to pay you for your services, and you’d just be handing it right back. And from what I understand, the going rate for a caretaker is quite high,” Renata said.

Base and Roman both looked at her.

“I can do that!” Roman said excitedly.

“Well, then, problem solved,” Renata said. “We help you, you help us. Now, where’s our new niece?” she asked, walking off toward the kitchen.

“She’s a good woman,” Roman said.

“The best,” Base agreed.



Chapter 27



Libby stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself. She smiled at her reflection. She looked nice. Her hair was sleek and shiny, her face practically glowed and her eyes sparkled. Constance had told her this was what was meant when people said a pregnant woman glowed. If not for the morning sickness, and the crippling fear at telling Travis, she’d almost be happy with the rest of it.

“Baby?” Travis said, poking his head in the bathroom.

“Do we have no boundaries at all? I mean, bathroom here,” she said, her hands out to her sides to indicate the room she stood in.

Travis grinned. “Nope. Had ridiculous boundaries for too long. No more. Anyway, you ready to go?”

“Yes. Let me grab the food I made and I’ll be ready. Did ya’ll get the gifts in the jeep?”

“Yep. Put the gifts in the truck, because you know Scotty has to drive his new truck. We’ll bring the food, already loaded it in the back of your jeep,” Travis said.

“Aren’t you awesome!” Libby exclaimed.

“Yes, yes I am,” he said.

Libby walked out of the bathroom, flicking the light off as she went past it. Travis escorted her out of the house, and locked the doors behind them, then got her situated in the passenger seat of her jeep and waved Scotty off so he could go ahead and go.

Travis got in the driver’s seat of her jeep and turned on the engine, then instead of backing out, he just sat there.

“You forget something?” Libby asked.

Travis shook his head. “No. But, I feel this is the time.”

“For what?” Libby said, looking confusedly at him.

Travis shifted in his seat to face her better, then took her hand in his. “I was going to do this tonight, but I find that the closer it gets, I don’t want to share the moment with anyone but us. I don’t even want to share it with Scotty.”

“I don’t understand,” Libby said.

Travis let go of her hand and reached into his jacket pocket. He opened the small velvet box and held it out for her to see.

Libby’s eyes got huge and started filling with tears.

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