Home > Serving Mr. Chamberlain (Different Hearts #3)(17)

Serving Mr. Chamberlain (Different Hearts #3)(17)
Author: Izaia Winter

His smirk returned. “Sorry, I thought you had heard me walk in.”

I hadn’t heard a damn thing. Mr. Chamberlain moved with an eerie quiet for such a large man. Usually, I listened for the sound of his door creaking when it opened. Now that the door was open between us, I needed a new method. Listening for his footsteps would be next to impossible.

“It’s fine, sir.”

Reaching out, he brushed his thumb down the side of my neck. “Let’s get out of here. I’m hungry.”

“Yes, sir.” Turning, I started saving files and closing programs while he waited behind me. Within seconds, I was free to leave.

Standing, I looped my bag over my head and followed as he walked to the elevator. Standing next to him, I wanted to reach out and touch him, but we were in that awkward stage of figuring out what the other person liked-slash-wanted, and I wasn’t sure he would welcome my touch.

Mr. Chamberlain didn’t seem to care. Feeling a hand touch mine, I looked down and watched him tangle his fingers with mine. I stared down at our entwined hands, surprised by the affectionate gesture.

I had this image of him in my mind. I’d assumed the coldness of his expression was a mirror of his emotional side, but obviously, he had no problem showing signs of physical intimacy. After our conversation in his office, I knew he wasn’t afraid to talk about his emotions. And the way he’d touched me had exposed the heat at the core of him.

He was nothing liked I’d imagined, and it was…exciting. I mean, I’d compared him to my parents so anything that wasn’t like them was a plus in my book. Instead, I realized he was a deeply emotional person who chose the people he showed that side to very carefully. That I was now in that circle was exhilarating.

“Is this okay?” he asked, squeezing my hand as he watched the elevator doors.

I knew what he was asking. Was I okay with everyone who happened to be in the office seeing us holding hands as we left together?

There were no policies in place to discourage employee relationships—I’d already checked—just an email to human resources to cover all bases legally. That Mr. Chamberlain was my boss made things a little trickier, but as long as he wasn’t a part of evaluating my job performance or salary, there wasn’t a problem.

I was still a bit scared, though. If we did this and then we decided to end things, the gossip around the office would be unbearable. People would blame me, wonder behind my back about what I’d done wrong. I’d probably quit as I’d planned before he’d turned everything on its head.

But, I didn’t want to think like that, about it ending. It was like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you expected something to fail, it wasn’t surprising when it did.

For the first time, I’d met someone that fit me so well that I wanted to give it everything.

He knew about my service and submission and liked both. I could see his dominant personality shine through even if he’d never explored it fully. I intimidated many Doms by my need to serve outside of predetermined scenes. Most felt it infringed on their independence. Mr. Chamberlain didn’t appear to view it in the same way, a fact for which I was extremely grateful for.

Then there was the attraction. I wanted him desperately, and the hard cock I’d felt underneath me told me he wanted me too. And I cared about him. If the thumb brushing back and forth against my knuckles meant anything, I thought he might care for me as well.

Taking the chance, I tightened my grip on his hand. “Yes, sir, I’m okay.”

The elevator arrived, and we stepped inside in awkward silence. I blamed it on my inability to think of anything to say. I was still trying to process the fact that I was holding his hand. Fuck, I hoped it wasn’t sweaty. No one wanted to hold a sweaty hand.

The doors closed, and I waited for him to press the button for the first floor but instead, he leaned into me.

“Relax, Quentin,” he whispered into my ear.

I shivered at the warm feeling of his breath on my neck. “I’m trying. I’m just so nervous, and I don’t know what to say,” I said with complete honesty.

“Say whatever you want,” he replied, still not having backed away. “Have I told you how much I love the way you smell?”

I heard him take a deep breath as he ran his nose up and down my neck. “It’s orange blossom and honey lotion.” I whimpered as his lips grazed my collarbone, begging him for more.

“I bet that’s why your skin is so soft,” he said, dropping a kiss to my jaw.

“Thank you.” I lost my balance for a second and took a step back into the elevator wall. Mr. Chamberlain—no—Nolan followed. I felt trapped between the cold metal and his warm muscle, loving every second.

“Have I told you how much I loved the outfit you were wearing at the club?” he asked, his hand joining the party as it traveled down my side. “You looked so fucking sexy in those lace shorts. Are you wearing something lacy right now?” He punctuated his question by sliding his hand over my ass.

“No,” I moaned, disappointed with my plain gray briefs.

“Would you if I asked you to?”

I nodded, unable to think of a single word.

“And the way you shimmered in the light.” His hand kneaded my ass as he pressed his cock into my belly.

He hadn’t asked a question, but I answered one anyway. “Highlighter. Gold highlighter.”

“Someday,” he whispered, dropping kisses and little nips on my neck. “Someday, you’re going to get dressed up for me, and I’m going to fuck you in that little apron. I want to wake up the next morning with my body covered in your gold.”

How had I ever thought him cold? He was like fire, and I wanted to burn.

Before we could go any further, the elevator jerked beneath our feet. I looked around in confusion and then realized someone must have called the elevator from a floor below us.

Stepping back, Nolan pressed the first-floor button and then looked down at my crotch. “You might want to cover that with your bag.”

Looking down, I cursed at my obvious erection. Shifting my bag, I held it over my lap, knowing I looked awkward. Any man looking at me would know what I was doing. Shifting my bag back into its normal position, I reached into my pocket and grabbed my cock. I pinned it to my body and then moved my hand until it looked like I wasn’t holding my dick down.

Mr. Chamberlain stifled a laugh as he returned to my side and took the hand not holding my cock. “I would invest in some tighter underwear.”

I chuckled at the ridiculousness of the situation. “You could try not groping me in the elevator,” I teased, not feeling the same anxiety as before.

He gave me a side look that clearly said that wasn’t going to happen. I envisioned a future full of elevator assignations and was understandably okay with it.

“The underwear works, trust me.”

I looked down, noticing he looked perfectly presentable even though I’d felt his cock against me seconds earlier. “I can see that.”

He smirked as the elevator hit the first floor. “No jerking it as we cross the lobby.”

Moving into his side, I moaned and tightened my hand around my cock as a little bit of precum leaked from the tip. “Nolan.”

I looked forward as the doors opened, and my erection made a quick and painful death.

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