Home > Bad Daddy (Dirty Little Lies Duet #1)(16)

Bad Daddy (Dirty Little Lies Duet #1)(16)
Author: J.D. Hollyfield

“How’s your day? How’s work going?”

Sighing, he leans back in his chair, shoving his hand through his pristine hair. “Long. Had a business meeting go later than expected. I couldn’t stop thinking about you spread out for me last night, wishing those fingers were my fingers deep inside that pretty cunt of yours.”

A dark blush creeps along my cheeks. Heath and I FaceTimed last night while Hazel was sleeping out, and he dirty talked me into masturbating for him. And boy, was it hot. I’ve touched myself on many occasions at the thought of him, but for him to watch and coach me, it was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. “I wish too. When do I get to see you? I’m not sure how long I can go. I miss you.”

“I miss you too, naughty girl.” There’s a pause, and I spend the time admiring how breathtaking he is. “How about we spend the weekend together?”

“Really?” My excitement spikes then plummets. “What about Hazel? She’s gonna wonder why her dad wants to hang out with her three straight weekends in a row.”

“No Hazel. Just us. Tell her you’re going home for the weekend. I’ll pay for your bus ticket and pick you up.”

I grin wide. “Sure…yeah. I’d love that.”

He gives me his sexy smile. “Good. Better get some rest this week. I’m going to need every ounce of energy out of you.”


After the whole debacle with Jim, I blew off psych on Monday. I wasn’t ready to face him or have to explain. It was apparent he picked up the sexual vibe between Heath and me, and I’m not sure I would be able to entirely deny it if he came right out and asked. So now, sitting in class, I’m trying not to make eye contact while taking notes, hoping he drops it and loses interest in me.

I peek over at Hazel, trying to copy her notes since I’m struggling to keep up, but she hasn’t written a thing, too consumed with her phone. “Hey, who are you texting?” I whisper, leaning over to see. She pulls her phone away, then quickly shoves it in her bag.

“No one.” She looks up. “Sweet! Class is over. Jim is hot, but he’s boring.” She gets up and packs her books, and I do the same. Jim calls my name, and my shoulders deflate. “Man, he doesn’t give up. Maybe just give him a chance. Get us A’s in this class. Probably the only way we’re passing.” She laughs and leaves me to wait for the room to clear out before Jim addresses me.

“Hey, you missed class on Monday.” Up close, there’s a faint bruise under his eye from where Heath punched him. A twinge of guilt twists my stomach.

“Yeah…sorry. I got caught up with…something.” He seems annoyed, but I’m not sure if it’s because I keep ditching his class or what happened at the party.

“What was the deal with you and your roommate’s dad? That was kinda fucked up, right?”

“Yeah, sorry about that. He’s just very territorial over his daughter.”

He gives me a strange glare. “Violet, he did that because of you. He gets possessive and psycho over his daughter’s roommate too?”

Yeah, he is. It’s actually super-hot but probably frowned upon. “No, I don’t think it was that.”

“I watched you two dancing. He shouldn’t be touching you like that. You should probably tell someone.” His comment doesn’t sit well with me. My eye twitches nervously, and he grabs for my arm. “Hey, has he—?”

I rip my arm back. “No, it’s not what you think, and I don’t appreciate your accusations. I’m sorry if I led you on in any way, but please, just leave me alone.” He goes to reach for me again, but I’m slamming my heels into the floor, racing out of his class.





I walk into Exquisite, head to my private table, and find Gabriel already seated and sipping on a scotch.

“Thought you changed your mind.”

I sit, loosen my tie, and flag down a girl to get me a drink. “No. Long fucking day. Just spent the last three hours watching a pissing contest between two clients to see who was worth more. If I wasn’t interested in the two-mil commission, I’d drop them both.”

“Ahhh, yes. Rich motherfucker problems,” he laughs as I raise my brows.

“Last I checked, you’re also fucking rich. And a motherfucker…”

He takes a sip of his scotch, leaning into the leather booth. “That is true. So, tell me, where did you end up with your little toy?” The waitress hands me my bourbon, and I almost shatter the glass at the nickname he uses for Violet. Not that I’m any better, but only I’m allowed to label her.

Nodding at my hand clenched around the glass, he says, “I’ll take that as meaning you decided to pursue it.”

“She’s not a fucking toy, asshole.” Not anymore.

“Oh, well…my apologies. Please do enlighten me on what exactly she is then.” There’s sarcasm in his tone. I slam my drink, and he chokes out a laugh.

“What the fuck is so funny?”

“Has the beast fallen for the beauty?”

I want to punch my best friend in the face and take out all the aggression swirling inside me. The stress, confusion. The extreme possessiveness I’ve never felt before. I should be the adult and tell her no, but I refuse to. Violet drives me insane and is definitely off-limits, but I don’t plan on letting her go. She brings life into my dark world. Drives me to the brink of a madman and my cock aches to fill her every hour, minute, second of the day. I have specific needs, and man does my naughty little girl know how to fulfill every one of them. I’ve never claimed to be a good man. I have particular desires. Ones I know she hasn’t been accustomed to with her previous shit boyfriends. But she’s so damn willing—and that sets this fire off inside me. It burns so brightly it hurts. My veins bleed with jealousy when I can’t talk to her or see her, even if it’s only over video. I’m a bastard for staking a claim on her when I know she deserves someone who’s not a sadist son of a bitch like myself. But I’m also a selfish man. She’s mine—only fucking mine.

“You look ready to murder.”

“The beast fell for the beauty, fuck, okay?” I place my face in my hands, scrubbing away the guilt, doubt, insecurities. “She got me fucking wrapped up in her, lured me in, and now, things are different. I want more than to own her body. I want…” Fuck, I sound like a pussy. “I have to tell Hazel.” The words taste sour on my tongue. Hazel will never forgive me for this.

“And what do you think she’ll do?”

I pull my head out of my hands and gawk at him. “What the fuck do you think she’s gonna do? She’s going to lose her shit! She’s going to hate me. Probably call me a sick bastard and never talk to me again.” And that shit guts me. I don’t want to hurt her—she’s my baby girl. But not hurting her means walking away from Violet, and that’s never happening.

“Maybe she won’t.”

At that, a cynical laugh bursts from my mouth. “Oh yeah? How will she not?”

“Maybe she’s not as blind to your ways as you think. Maybe she’s not so different than you.”

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