Home > Bad Daddy (Dirty Little Lies Duet #1)(23)

Bad Daddy (Dirty Little Lies Duet #1)(23)
Author: J.D. Hollyfield

She pulls her hand away, smacking mine. “Oh, shut it. You’re not old. You’re in better shape than most people my age.”

I smile at her compliment. “Why, thank you. Does that mean it’s a yes?” I’m a bastard. I stare her down, reeling her into my web of pleasure and promise.

“That’s cheating,” she says, calling me out, but I don’t give a shit. Whatever it takes to make her entirely mine.

“I never claimed to be a good man, naughty girl.” I reclaim her hand and press a single kiss to the inside of her palm. “Let me own you, Violet. Be mine.” Too much time passes. “Answer goddammit. You’re killing me here.”

“I was going to say yes right at the beginning, but I was enjoying you begging for once.”

My bad, bad girl. I stretch over her and take her lips. “Mine. Always mine.”





Three weeks later…


As Hazel and I pull up to the house, I grab the door handle in anticipation. I can’t wait to get out of this car and stretch out my cramped leg. Even more so, I can’t wait to get rid of this damn boot. Everything seems to be healing nicely, and hopefully tomorrow’s appointment has me walking freely.

“It’s so good to be home,” I say, unlatching my seatbelt. Home. It’s such a crazy word to say.

“Yeah… so hey, just head in. I gotta go run an errand. Tell Dad I’ll be late, ’kay?”

I eye Hazel curiously. Something’s still up with her. It’s unlike her to not want to come in first to see her dad. If I wasn’t just as anxious to get inside to see Heath, I’d question her. So, I let it go, making a mental note to drill her later. The upside is I get Heath all to myself for a bit.

“Yeah, sure,” I reply and climb out, steadying myself. Hazel waves and takes off down the driveway, her car stuffed to the brim with our things for fall break. When her car disappears from sight, I turn on my boot and hurry inside. “Daddy, I’m home,” I sing, joking since Hazel isn’t around to gag and make fun. I’m met with silence as I walk through the low-lit kitchen, my boot clanking against the marble tile. It’s well past six in the evening, so Heath should be home from work. “Heath?” I call out, but again, nothing in return. What the heck? He said he would be home. I drop my backpack on the counter, and head toward his office. I plan on finding him at his desk with his signature bourbon, but his office is empty.

“Hello? Anyone home?” I pull out my phone to see if I missed a text from him. It’s not like him not to greet me when I come home—

Two hands wrap around my face, a thick cloth suddenly blinding me. My nerves spike until the scent of my favorite spice teases my nostrils. “Welcome home, naughty girl.” Heath’s voice is low, dripping with seduction. It’s been a week since we’ve seen each other, and I’m just as desperate to be alone with him.

“Hey, I called for you.” I try turning around, but he doesn’t allow it.

“And I was getting ready for you.” He dips, his lips finding one of his favorite places, and gently bites at my shoulder blade. “Missed you.”

“Missed you too. We have the entire fall break to catch up.” The last three weeks have been a whirlwind. The second I agreed to fully be his, he moved heaven and earth and got me out of that hospital bed and settled in his bed until I recovered enough to go back to school. If it had been up to Heath, I would have never left his bed.

It was a fight, but Heath had no choice but to let me go. His possessiveness took on a whole new level, and I had to tame my beast. Jim wasn’t there to harass me, and the gossip around school had died down. I was ready to get back to school.

We only had to make it a week until fall break, and I could come back home, but even those seven days sucked. I wasn’t sure who was more miserable. I ached for him in such a fierce way, I almost gave in and took the leave of absence he tried to insist on. But I pushed through each day, fighting the loneliness and achiness.

But there were definitely highs of being babied by a man like Heath Winters. He wasn’t kidding when he said he would take care of me. His version of a sponge bath was indecent and enthralling. It didn’t matter that I had an arm and a leg in a cast. He carried me everywhere, like my own real-life Prince Charming. He worked from home and doted on my every need. From thirst to hunger, to burning sexual desires—it was as if I owned him.

The lows came with the confrontation with my mom. She got a call that I’d been in an accident, which interrupted her weekend getaway. And when she was informed of my hospital bills, she refused to pay anything, claiming since I’d gotten myself in that mess, I should get myself out of it.

Heath paid my bills, which made me feel like a bottom feeder, using his money. My pity party was short-lived, however, when he spanked me into oblivion, telling me he takes care of what’s his. I was ready to write my mother off, but Heath insisted he meet her so she could see for herself that our love was real. My mother noticed, all right, but there wasn’t any understanding behind those greedy eyes. There was jealousy. I’d captured the man she’d sought after her entire life. She had the nerve to degrade me in front of him and go as far as throwing herself at him in hopes he’d find her more appealing.

That was the last time I saw or heard from my mother. Which was for the best. Heath made it very clear she was to stay away from me. He said he was done allowing anyone toxic to dull my beautiful shine.

Now, with fall break finally upon us, Hazel and I hadn’t been able to get off campus fast enough. We’d both been eager to come home. Our home. It’s so surreal to say. When Heath brought me home from the hospital, Hazel was here. I waited for, and more than expected her anger. I prepared for her hatred—all of which I deserved. Regret weighed heavily inside my chest for betraying our friendship and taking advantage of her trust. She was my best friend and I took that for granted.

Surprisingly, her reaction was the complete opposite. She hugged me and cried, blaming herself for the accident. I cried, blaming myself for being such a shitty, lying friend. We talked. I needed her to understand the dynamic between Heath and me. And crazy enough, she did. She told me she’d put herself in my shoes, and as much as it would take some time to get used to, she understood. Heath was right when he said his daughter was truly resilient.

“What does my naughty girl want? Shall I feed you before I devour you?” His fingers push my oversized sweater aside, claiming my bare skin. Reaching around me, his other hand disappears into my yoga pants, and my eyelids fall closed at his touch. “Mmm…looks like my girl wants dessert before dinner.” A second finger finds its way into my wet sex, and I fall apart in his arms. He pulls out and whisks me up in his arms, making sure not to knock my boot against anything, and carries me to his room.

In record time, we’re both naked, and he’s sealing his lips over my aching pussy. He licks, sucks, and bites until I’m bucking under his hold, my orgasm blasting through me. He crawls over me, spreads my legs, and pushes inside. “Fuck, I missed you.” He pulls out and powers back in. “Never letting you leave this room the whole time you’re home.” My back slides up the sheets, and I run my fingers along his scalp.

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