Home > Cold Heart(35)

Cold Heart(35)
Author: Ruby Wolff

“Something happened at the hotel while you were out, and-”

"I find it funny you all still think I believe that it's a hotel behind that door. I have no idea what Atlas is hiding back there, but he needs to learn not to bring that business over here," I tell him, and he blocks my way to leave; he wants me to hear whatever it is he’s about to say.

"I may not have agreed with Atlas about bringing you here, but I haven't seen him this happy in a long while. He will do everything in the world to make you happy, but I wouldn't push him." Without another word, Rhys walks away from me, as Atlas walks into the kitchen from outside. I move my gaze back over to the gardeners.

Don’t push him? Why are there so many rules for him? I can’t ask why I’m here, I can’t push him, I can’t see what is on the other side of the house, but why aren’t they all thinking about me and what I need?

“What time is the meeting?” I hear Atlas asking Rhys.

"Now. That's why I came to get you."

I look back out the window, knowing that Atlas and Rhys are going to be talking in code about whatever it is they talk about anyway. It’s starting to annoy me that they’re doing that. It would be so much easier for them to just tell me what type of hotel they have so that they can talk freely. Ignoring them both, I put my attention back on the gardeners and watch as some of them walk around the house. Maybe there is a back door. Why did I not think of that in the first place? As far as I know, none of the staff know who I am; I can just say that I'm a new employee and forgot my card. They might let me in.

I might finally see what’s behind the door. I’m scared that Atlas will find me, but I want at least one of my questions to be answered.

"I’ll see you for dinner," Atlas says, and I give him a nod. "You want anything?"

"No, I’m going to do some drawing," I reply. He won’t think anything different, all I do is draw.

"I’ll see you in a while, I have this meeting I have to go to." Atlas leans down and gives me a soft, gentle, kiss. Totally different to the aggressive man that was gripping my arm only a few minutes ago.

I hear the sound of his shoes hitting the tiled floor. As they get further away, I look over my shoulder as they walk through the mysterious door. Once they have gone, I head over to my bedroom. When he wants to be, he can be the gentlest man I've ever met, but then as quick as a switch he can turn into this hungry animal that needs to eat me as fast as he can.

I've been watching the staff close, for about three hours now. I'm only going to get one chance at this, and I need to make sure that I can get through the door without anyone asking any questions.

As I begin to walk out of the back door I stop when Gino shouts, “Where are you going, Brooklyn?”

“Thought I would go for an evening walk, it’s so nice out,” I turn and give him a small smile.

“Don’t be too long, dinner is soon.”

"Promise I’ll be back before dinner," I reply as I walk over to the doors. I make my way around the house, where the staff has been going. There has to be a side door they're all using. I make my way around the house and can’t help the smile spreading over my lips. This is the first time I’ve been on this side of the house, and the garden on this side is just as beautiful as the one I see every day from the kitchen and my bedroom. I watch a member of staff walking through the door, and my joy of finally finding a way in is short lived when I see a card being swiped.

This is the closest I'm going to get so I can’t walk away now. Think, Brooklyn, think, I keep telling myself; there has to be something I can do.

I take in a deep breath and hope for the best. I walk over to the girl. "Hi, you couldn't help me out, could you? It's my first day, and I've already lost my card. Can you let me in?" I ask as she looks around, then rubs her hands on her uniform. She looks worried.

“I don’t know, Mr. Kane is-”

"I know, I know, and that's why I want to get in and see if it’s in my locker before I have to tell him," I say before she says anything about Atlas that will scare me more. It seems like the staff don’t want to get on the wrong side of him, either.

"Okay, if you're one of the girls, Beth might have it. I would go to her first," she says. I give her a nod as she opens the door for me.

One of the girls? What is one of the girls?

"It's quicker if you go around the back to get to the girls’ locker room, than the front." She points the way, and I thank her. I look over my shoulder, making sure that Rhys or Aiden aren't around, as I follow her advice. I stop as soon as I walk through the door as I see all the women walking in front of me. They are all beautiful, with figures that I could only dream of having, legs that go up for miles. Where the hell have I come?

I walk around looking at them all, listening to their conversations. Someone is talking about a guest, how he’s a little rough, and the other girls start laughing.

Every single girl in here is wearing the same robe, and I look at the back and see the black curled up words The High Club. What is The High Club? I look around the room which is all white, white lockers, with some black around the edges. This looks like a lingerie photoshoot or something, but then where does the guest come from, and what does he like rough? I have an unending list of questions.

Not looking where I'm going, I bump into a girl. "I'm so sorry," I say quickly.

"Hi, you must be one of the new girls. Have you been on the tour, or are you going for it?" She asks me.

I can’t seem to respond, the words aren’t escaping me, as I can’t take my eyes off how beautiful she is. I mean, she could easily be a model.

“Yes.” It’s the only word that I can seem to get out of me right now.

"Have you been through training, who did you get?" She continues, and I have no idea what to say to her, as I don't know anyone's names.

Come on think Brooklyn, say a name. “Jason.”

“I don’t think I’ve met him yet, he must be new too. Did Rhys say if you needed to change before you go out? You normally have to, Atlas likes the girls to wear the same.”

Change, change into what? There is no way I'm wearing what she’s wearing. I won't even look a percent as sexy as she does. Involuntarily, I nod my head. There is so much happening in my head that I can’t focus on one single thing. I’ve not even seen what else is here, which makes me wonder whether I want to see. "If you go through the curtain, every size is in there. Get changed, and enjoy the tour." She gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks over to the group of girls, who are talking and laughing about something.

They’re not all skinny girls, every size of girl is in this changing room, every color too, and they’re all wearing the same outfit. Lace bralette with a robe that says “The High Club” on the back of it.

I enter a walk-in closet, full of gowns and bralettes. There is no way I can wear this.

I know I shouldn't, Atlas will kill me if I wasn’t wearing silk, but I want to know what the girls do. I want to know what kind of hotel Atlas runs over here. I’ve only been in here five minutes and already have more questions, and no answers.

I take in a deep breath and get changed into a black lace set, already feeling naked, pulling the robe tighter so no one sees my scar. I see a few girls walking down the corridor after I’ve left and follow them glancing over my shoulder to make sure no one I know is around.

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