Home > Home For The Holidays(124)

Home For The Holidays(124)
Author: Elena Aitken

At a few words from Trisha, everybody descended on the kitchen to finish food prep and begin setting the table. Left alone with Percy, Ryan propped a shoulder against the mantle and watched him with the dog.

Hands still buried in Duke’s fur, Percy met his gaze. “Thank you for this. Thank you for everything you’ve done while you were here. I didn’t want any help, didn’t want to admit I needed it.”

“Yeah, I get that. Pot, kettle, and all that. And you’re welcome. It’s been a good little vacation.” With a pang of regret, he straightened. “In less awesome news, I have to head back to Fort Polk tonight to catch a MAC flight back overseas.”

No stranger to the whims of the military, Percy nodded. “What about Hannah? Did you get your head out of your ass? Because that girl is the best thing to ever happen to you.”

An arm slipped around his waist and a grinning Hannah confirmed, “He did. And yes, I am.”

Who was he to argue with the truth? Ryan pulled her close, wanting to keep her by his side as long as absolutely possible, needing to memorize the imprint of her body pressed against his to carry with him on the long, hard road ahead.

“You’re good?” Percy asked, taking in the embrace.

He pressed a kiss to her brow. “We’re good.”

Nodding in satisfaction, Percy pushed to his feet and socked him in the arm. “I told you you needed a woman.”


“What’s this about a woman?” Trisha came into the den, a kitchen towel in her hands. As she took in Ryan’s arm around Hannah, she clutched it to her mouth, her eyes going suspiciously shiny. “Oh!”

Busted. “Mom, don’t you dare cry.”

“Oh, shut up. I’m allowed to be happy my son’s happy.”

He braced himself for…well, he didn’t know what. He wouldn’t put it past his mother to have a preacher on speed dial.

Hannah squeezed him and lifted her mouth to his ear. “Don’t worry. I give good Mom.” She stepped toward Trisha, hand outstretched. “In all the crazy, I don’t think we really had the chance to be properly introduced. I’m Hannah Wheeler.”

Trisha squeezed her hand. “Trisha Malone, and I am very, very glad to meet you.” Raising her voice, she hollered, “Mike! Boys! Come meet Ryan’s new girlfriend.”

He opened his mouth to say…something, expecting Hannah to balk. Instead, those dimples winked on and she followed his mom back into the kitchen.

“That,” Percy observed, “is one helluva woman.”

“Yes. Yes she is.” He wished, more than anything, that they had more time. That he hadn’t wasted any with his head up his ass. But even that wouldn’t have been enough. And now he had to share his last hours with Hannah with the rest of his family, who he’d shortchanged on this trip stateside. It seemed there was never enough time. Robbie was proof enough that there was never a guarantee of getting more than the moment you were in. That just made him want to cling to this one, to these last hours with Hannah, with his family, all the more.

When Trisha announced it was nearly time to eat, Ryan helped Percy with the new routine of checking his blood sugar and taking his insulin. Then they joined the others at the dining room table that Hannah had somehow transformed into a wonderland in the past ten minutes. He took a moment to appreciate that, to appreciate her as they took their seats and his mother said grace. As Hannah’s hand snaked over to twine with his beneath the table, he decided there was a helluva lot to be thankful for this holiday season.

Dinner was a raucous affair of food and laughter and shared memories. Hannah, predictably, charmed his entire family. She rolled with all of it, as if she’d been joking with his brothers and teasing his dad for years. Trisha grew more smitten by the minute, already issuing invitations to future family events that he might not even be home for. Before she could start on the guest list for a wedding or name their future dog, he shoved back from the table.

“Sadly, I have to go.”

His family, well-versed in this routine, rose along with him. He already had his bag packed and loaded in Smitty’s truck, so there was nothing left but to say his goodbyes. He accepted back-thumping hugs from his dad and brothers. Percy added a knuckle-cracking squeeze of a handshake. Then his mother shoved a care package of leftovers into his hands. “For when you get hungry on the road.”

Given the weight of the container, she was convinced he’d starve to death on the six-hour drive. But he took the box and gave her a tight squeeze. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to see much of you on this trip.”

“Next time.” It was an order.

“Yes ma’am.”

They all drew back to the porch, giving him a little questionable privacy with Hannah. She followed him down to the truck, waiting as he put the leftovers in the cab. When he reached for her, she flowed into his arms with no hesitation.

He didn’t ask again if she was sure. He didn’t try to convince her that he was a bad bet or that she deserved better. He just held on, confident that over the coming months, she’d do the same. That they’d get that chance for more. He was trying her optimism on for once. It wasn’t familiar, but he found it sat on him a lot more comfortably with her pressed against him.

“I’ll be back. I don’t know when, don’t know how, but I’m gonna be back.”

“I know,” she whispered.

He pulled back enough to look into her face, skimming his fingers through that long, silky hair. “And in the meantime, you’re going to do amazing things and kick ass and tell me all about it.” It would have to be enough. For now.

“Speaking of…I heard back about my application to the small business incubator.”

“When?” How had she not told him about this?

“A few days ago.”

Translation: When we were fighting.

Well, nothing to be done about that now. “And?”

She shrugged and offered a sheepish smile. “I got in.”

“That’s fantastic!” He scooped her into a twirling hug. “You’re gonna be awesome.”

“Yeah, I am.” She squeezed him tight. “I’m going to miss you.”

He ached at how long it would be before he saw her again, touched her again. “We’ll talk and write. I’ll call whenever I can.” It was a promise to himself as much as her.

She pulled something out of her coat pocket. “With everything going on, I didn’t get you a Christmas present.”

“You are my Christmas present.”

“Flatterer.” She bumped his shoulder with a grin, but he didn’t miss the extra shine to her eyes. “Anyway, I did get you this, to take back with you.”

He opened the envelope, sliding out the contents. It was a single photograph of the two of them at the dance out at Applewhite Farms, looking at each other rather than the camera. They hovered on the brink of a kiss, standing right below one of the clusters of mistletoe. It immediately took him back to the feel of her in his arms, the warmth in her eyes, and the way the world had faded away to nothing but her in that single, perfect moment.

“Tara took it. She thought we might want copies. I’ve got one, too.”

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