Home > Home For The Holidays(126)

Home For The Holidays(126)
Author: Elena Aitken

Shuffling the pages, she found a letter from the University of Mississippi Medical School.

Dear Mr. Malone,

We are pleased to offer you a position in our incoming class for the coming fall semester—

Her head snapped up. “This is an acceptance into medical school.”

His grin turned smug. “It is.”

“Which makes all the rest of this—?”

“My paperwork to separate from the Army. I’m not gonna re-up. I’m coming home for good.”

I’m coming home. His words echoed through her head, pinging around until they settled in her heart, warming it like a coal. “Really?”


“Ryan,” she whispered. Then she was in his arms again, her mouth on his, the papers squashed between them. He was coming home.

Some time later, when they’d surfaced to breathe, she demanded, “How long have you been sitting on this?”

“I started working on it right after I left you last Christmas.” He combed his fingers through her hair in that way he had and smiled at her. “I told you, you made me want something else.”

She hadn’t known he’d been ready to change everything. He hadn’t said a word. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

On a shrug, he dropped into a chair, tugging her into his lap. “What if you changed your mind about me? About us?”

“Ryan Malone, that is not gonna happen.”

“I don’t know,” he drawled. “You might get sick of seeing me all the time.”

“That’s going to take a very, very long time. And I’d like to see more of you in very short order.”

Grinning, he tipped his face up to hers. “I support this plan. How far to your new place? You can give me the naked tour and then you can see as much of me as you want for the next—oh—forty-eight hours or so.”

Her body went molten at the idea of two whole uninterrupted days with him. And then reality knocked her over the head. “That sounds—amazing. But there’s just one thing we have to do first.”

“Stop for condoms? I’ve got that covered.”

She snorted a laugh. “Look at you, being all Mr. Boy Scout. But no. I wasn’t expecting you and…well, my parents are in town for Christmas.”

His face blanked. “They’re staying with you?”

“No. With Carolanne. But I’m expected at family dinner in a couple of hours. Since you’re actually in town…you could come meet them.”

“Meet your parents,” he repeated.

Was her badass, Delta Force boyfriend actually…nervous?

“It’ll be fine. They’re going to love you—because I do.” She hadn’t told him in all these months. She’d wanted to be able to touch him, to see him when she did.

His chestnut eyes darkened, and he reached up to cup her cheek. “I love you, too, Hannah Wheeler.”

She bowed her head, pressing her brow to his as the warmth of joy spread through her, rich and intoxicating as mulled wine.

“You said we had a couple hours before dinner?”


Plucking her out of his lap, he set her on her feet and grabbed her hand. “Then we have enough time to get back to your place so I can show you exactly how much.”

She was still laughing as he dragged her from the building.



Choose Your Next Romance!



Next up in the Wishful lineup is a delightful friends-to-lovers romance set against a class reunion. If you’ve got high school or prom trauma, you’re gonna love Dancing Away With My Heart. Plus, you’ll get to see Jace and Tara’s (Dance Me A Dream) wedding!

If you’re in the mood for more friends-to-lovers, you can check out my latest Wishful Meet Cute Romance, Once Upon A Rescue. This one features a Mississippi blizzard, an adorkable firefighter, and a boatload of dogs. And, of course, the Casserole Patrol!

The whole series can be read out of order, but if you’d like to start Wishful at the beginning, check out To Get Me To You.


You can find a comprehensive list of my books at https://kaitnolan.com.



About Kait



Kait is a Mississippi native, who often swears like a sailor, calls everyone sugar, honey, or darlin', and can wield a bless your heart like a saber or a Snuggie, depending on requirements.

You can find more information on this RITA ® Award-winning author and her books on her website http://kaitnolan.com. While you’re there, sign up for her newsletter so you don’t miss out on news about new releases: https://kaitnolan.com/newsletter/



Missy’s Wish



Katy Regnery writing as Katy Paige



What would it be like to be treated—just for once—like a nice girl instead of a dirty joke?


Waitress Missy Branson has lived her whole life in Gardiner, Montana, where her reputation as a good-time girl has given her the nickname "Easy Missy," and no decent man would consider asking her out.


But short-order cook and recent parolee Lucas Flynn isn't one to judge. Besides, from what he can see, Missy is kind and sweet, qualities on which Lucas sets a high premium, since they've eluded him for so long.


When Missy and Lucas connect on the loading dock behind the restaurant where they work, he'll encourage her to wish on a star. But it will take the magic of Christmastime to help Missy's wish come true!






Copyright © 2019 by Katharine Gilliam Regnery

Sale of the electronic edition of this book is wholly unauthorized. Except for use in review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part, by any means, is forbidden without written permission from the author/publisher.



Katharine Gilliam Regnery, publisher



This book is a work of fiction. Most names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any references to real people or places are used fictitiously.



All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

Please visit my website at www.katyregnery.com

Second Edition: December 2019

Missy’s Wish: a novella / by Katy Paige—2nd Ed.

ISBN: 978-1-944810-52-8



For Danielle, who reads it every year.

And for Danielle, with thanks.

This story belongs to you two.




Chapter 1



Lucas Flynn looked up as Missy Branson stormed into the kitchen of the Blue Moon Raccoon Saloon holding an empty water pitcher, her sudden appearance accompanied by a chorus of raucous laughter from the dining area, only silenced when the kitchen door swung closed.

Without stopping, she slammed the pitcher down on the metal counter under the heating lamps, then continued through the kitchen and out the back door.

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