Home > Home For The Holidays(52)

Home For The Holidays(52)
Author: Elena Aitken

Rocco might only be four, but he knew what was going on. He’d seen the suitcase she’d packed. He knew he was leaving, and he hated being away from her. What could she do, though? It was the only time he saw his father.

It sucked, being a broken family.

“No, I think you’re right. Pale colors do wash me out.” Helen broke into a big grin. “I can hardly believe this is me.”

“Well, you worked hard for it.” As an image-consultant, Skylar had relationships with make-up artists, boutiques, personal trainers, and therapists to get her clients holistic makeovers. Helen had done it all. Damn right she looked good. “Okay, let’s try this dress, and then I think you’ve got a good start with a new wardrobe.”

But, instead of taking the dress, Helen’s gaze remained fixed on her reflection, the joy slowly leaking out of her.

“What’re you thinking right now?” These kinds of mood swings happened a lot with her clients. Reinventing yourself was an emotional experience.

With glassy eyes, she gazed at Skylar. “The thing is, he didn’t just take the future I’d expected. He took my confidence.”

Oh, man, Skylar knew exactly what she meant. She’d felt the same way when her baby daddy had left without a backwards glance, leaving her to raise Rocco on her own. She got up on the platform. Standing behind her client, she set her hands on Helen’s shoulders. “Look at you. Craig didn’t cheat on you because you’re not attractive or interesting or funny or sexy or smart enough. He cheated because, when he looks in the mirror, the eighteen-year-old boy in him sees gray hair and sagging skin, and he panics. He cheated because he’ll do anything to feel young again.”

“That’s exactly right. You don’t know how much I needed to hear that.”

“And we both know that the woman he’s dating is only with him for the nice jewelry, expensive trips, and fancy dinners. More importantly, he knows that. He’s willing to trade integrity for the fleeting and superficial happiness of getting to sleep with a hot twenty-something. You didn’t lose weight and buy new clothes to be attractive to him. You did it because you’re gearing up for a whole new future. Right now, it hurts, but once you get a few miles down the road, you’re going to be free of all the anxiety and doubt and worry that came with being his wife. You’re going to be happy. So, try on this dress and see if it makes you feel like your best self, and then wear it tonight, so that even if it’s the worst date you’ve ever been on, you’ll know you’re taking charge of your life and your future, and Craig can’t impact you anymore, ever again.”

Tears spilled down the woman’s cheeks, and she fell into Skylar’s arms. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” She pulled back, swiping the moisture away. “I couldn’t have done this without you. You’ve been so strong and positive every step of the way.” Taking the hanger, she stepped back into the dressing room.

Wow. She needed this business to support herself and her son, but boy was it rewarding. The moment she stepped off the platform, she found Jinx watching her with an intensity that made her uncomfortable. He held a wooden block out to her son, who set it on a stack of them.

She wanted to shout at him, What? Why do you always look at me like that? He’d been working at Griff’s place for almost two years now, and he hadn’t hidden his interest in her, even though she’d made it perfectly clear she wasn’t dating.

When Springsteen’s “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” came on, Rocco popped up, and his little butt started swishing like a metronome. Laughter bubbled up at the sight. She loved seeing her boy happy. And, then, Jinx stood up and started rocking out, and Rocco dissolved into a fit of giggles.

She couldn’t believe it. She’d never seen this side of the broody artist.

Jinx reached for Rocco’s little hands, and the sight of this huge, inked man and her little boy electrified her heart. This is what he needs.

Dammit, Eddie. How could you hurt him like this?

How could you leave him to grow up without a daddy?

When Jinx grinned at her, sadness whipped instantly into anger.

Because she finally got it. Why Jinx was here.

He didn’t dance. He didn’t smile. He didn’t joke around. He certainly didn’t play with four-year-olds.

He was using her son to get a date out of her. He’d probably heard Griff say he was on his way over to babysit, and Jinx had grabbed the opportunity to win some points with her.

Well, screw him. Just as she was about to shut off the music and kick him out, her client called to her.

“Can you give me a hand?”

“Of course.” She’d deal with Jinx Costello later. You bet your ass I will.

Nobody hurts Rocco. Not on my watch.

Stepping into the dressing room, she found the back of the dress gaping, so she zipped it up. “Look at you. You look fantastic.”

“I love it. I mean…wow. I don’t know how you manage to choose just the right things for me.” Her eyes lit up with mischief. “I want Craig to see me like this. He loves the cigar bar in Owl Hoot. I want to go there with my date tonight and run into him. Let him see me.” She lowered her arms. “I wish I hadn’t let myself go. I wish…” She found Skylar’s gaze in the mirror and let out a sigh. “I know. He’d still have cheated.”

Skylar gave her a soft smile. Looks like it’s starting to sink in. Good. That means she can move on. “I can guarantee that seeing you’ve lost twenty pounds and cut your hair won’t be nearly as effective as seeing you living your best life. I don’t know if he’ll ever change, but it’ll make him question his choices.”

The woman gripped the hand Skylar rested on her shoulder. “I know you’re right, but I still want him to see my like this.” She grinned. “Okay. I’m going to get all of this. Including the shoes. I love those espadrille wedges.”


“You want to unzip me?”

“Might as well keep the dress on.” She glanced at her watch. “You’re meeting your date in twenty minutes.”

“But I only wore my winter boots.”

Skylar nodded towards the espadrilles. “You’re walking one block of shoveled sidewalk. You’ll be fine.”

“Gah.” Her hand went to her newly styled hair. “Can you come with me? I’ll pay you to sit at the bar, so every time I start to panic I can look at you and get my confidence back.”

“You don’t need me, because you’re going to talk to him the same way you do your friends when you go out to lunch. He’s not a man you’re trying to impress. You’re not out to win him. You just want to meet some new people and get back into the swing of dating.”

Helen let out a breath. “You know just how to relax me.” She reached for the clothing, but Skylar stopped her.

“Leave it. I’ll have everything delivered to your house. You just go. Enjoy your night out.”

The woman grabbed her purse off a chair and stepped out into the salon. “Thank you, Sky. You’re an absolute life-saver.”

Skylar followed her to the door, holding it open. “Let me know how it goes.”

“You know I will.”

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