Home > Reining in the Bad Boy : An MM Holiday Romance(16)

Reining in the Bad Boy : An MM Holiday Romance(16)
Author: Jacki James

I put a little more on my plate, but not much, because my Aunt Cathy brought her pecan pie and that was what I was looking forward to the most. I grabbed Miller another beer and went back into the room. He and Dustin weren't talking now. The game had come on, and they were both engrossed in what was happening on the screen. I handed him the beer and took my seat.

“Thanks, babe,” he said, turning back to the screen.

I shoved a fork full of mashed potatoes in my mouth to help disguise the smile that spread across my face. It shouldn't make me so happy for him to use a word like babe, but it did, mostly because he did it without thinking. Something big had shifted between us last night, and waking up in his arms this morning was a gift I never expected. But all day today, he had been different. It was as if something had been holding him back, but now he’d embraced what we were doing. Whatever that was.

I finished up my second plate and then informed Chad and Brianna we were on clean up duty. Chad started to argue with me, but one look from our Mamaw, he dropped it quickly.

“I like Miller,” Brianna said, grabbing a dishtowel and taking her normal position as dish dryer. “He seems really nice.”

“And really loaded,” Chad said. “When he and Dustin were talking about cars, I looked up that SUV he drives, and those things are not cheap.”

“He comes from old money, but most of what he has he's bought with what he makes selling real estate.”

“You mentioned a big sale he just made. How much was that one?”

“Let's just say the commission on that one property would pay for that SUV.”

“Whew.” Chad whistled, taking a dry plate from Brianna and putting it in the cabinet.

“He may have money, but he's really down to earth, and Daddy likes him.”



“Well, that was some day,” my father said, shutting the door behind the last of the guests. Only Chad, Brianna, Todd, and their kids were left, and they didn't really count as guests.

“I was so glad Pearl and her kids came. I hadn't seen them in ages. Landon, remember when you and Dustin and Chad used to climb that old mesquite tree in the backyard?”

“I do, and we would take bets to see who could get the highest. Good thing those trees don't get too tall, or we probably would have broken our necks.”

“I could do with another piece of pie,” Chad said. “Anyone else?”

“Wouldn't hurt,” Miller said, following him to the kitchen.

“You should take Miller out to see the town before you leave, Landon,” my mother said.

“Maybe,” I said.

“Maybe what?” he asked. “Want a bite?”

He held out his fork with pie on it. I didn't really want anything else because I was still stuffed, but how could I say no to that? I took the bite and then answered his question. “Mom thinks I should take you to see the town before we go.”

“We can see the town any old day. We made this trip to spend time with you guys,” Miller said with a sincere smile. I would have to remember to thank him later for giving me a reason to stay at the house tomorrow instead of reliving unpleasant memories as I showed him around.

“Most everything is closed for the holiday, anyway,” she said. “You can do it next time.”

That evening when we climbed into bed, we didn't hesitate to snuggle up together. “Your whole family is pretty awesome,” Miller said.

“They really are. I love them all, and it is hard to be so far away from them. I need to make more of an effort to come see them. It isn't that far of a drive.”

“I hate to even take you to see my family after this. It's so different. They aren't bad people. They just aren't warm and friendly like yours.”

“Well, you didn't turn out half bad so they can't be too horrible.”

“Not half bad, huh?” he asked, nibbling on my ear. “I'd love to show you just how bad I can be. Just you wait until I get you home.” He thrust his hips, pressing his hard length into my ass cheek, and I groaned. “Stay with me Saturday night when we get home?”

“Yeah, I'll stay.”

“Good, because I don't really want to take you in the back of my SUV, but I swear if you said you had to be back at the ranch Saturday night, I would if I had to. I can't wait to bury myself in your amazing ass.”









The drive home seemed to take forever. We laughed and talked about Landon's family and listened to music, but still, it was like time crawled. The rest of the time we spent there was fun. We watched football and old movies, and I even spent a little time out in the greenhouse with Lawrence. Carol Anne brought out her old scrapbooks, and I got to see tons of pictures of Landon growing up.

We’d played with the kids and eaten more pie than I thought possible. It had been fun, and I had enjoyed myself, but all I could really think of was getting Landon home, and in my bed. Once I made the decision to stop holding back, I didn't want to wait. The closer we got to my house, the more I told myself I would not jump him the second we arrived. I wasn't an animal, no matter how I felt. And he deserved something better than that.

“So, do you want to stop and get something to eat before we go to the house?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

“No,” he replied. “We have the food Mom sent with us if we get hungry, you know, later.”

“Later,” I repeated back. Guess I wasn't the only one in a hurry.

I was still convincing myself not to pounce when he made his move. As soon as the door to the house shut behind me, he spun, pushing me against it. He pressed his body to mine, and then he ran his nose up my neck. “You’re driving me crazy with all this hot and cold bullshit, Miller. I'm through playing games. Do you want me or not?”

I spun us around taking control of the situation. “I thought I was pretty clear the other night when I told you I wanted you,” I said.

“You did, but then you didn't seem so interested a little bit ago. The closer we got to your house, the further you pulled back. I could feel it.”

“Landon, that wasn't me not being interested or playing games. That was me trying to exhibit a little self-control to keep from going all caveman on you and carrying you off to my bed the second we arrived.”

He smirked at me and said, “Hmm, maybe I like a little caveman every now and then.”

I chuckled and then shut him up the only way I knew how, with my mouth covering his. “Damn, you taste good, Landon.”

He moaned into my mouth as he grabbed my hips and pulled me tighter against him, grinding his erection into mine. “Fuck, Miller, take me to bed. I need you.”

“If you're sure,” I said.

“Oh, I'm sure.”

I kissed him again, and he returned the kiss with a passion that told me how badly he wanted this. At least I wasn't the only one. I stepped back and held out my hand. “Well, come on then.” He took my hand and let me lead him down the hall to the master bedroom. Once we were there, I reached for his shirt and pulled it up over his head. Then he did the same to me. Our bodies came together, skin against skin, and it felt like coming home.

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