Home > The Third Best Thing (Fulton U #3)(20)

The Third Best Thing (Fulton U #3)(20)
Author: Maya Hughes

Her face paled. “I know,” she whispered and tried to tug the edges of her dress’s neckline together. She might as well have been trying to fill the Grand Canyon with a bucket. “It’s too small. I need to find Laura and tell her it’s not going to work.” Ducking her head, she tried to run away. “It looks terrible.”

I rushed after her and caught her elbow. My fingers wrapping around the soft fabric protecting her smooth skin from my touch, an electric spark licking its way up my arm.

“You don’t need to change.” I squeezed my lips together, so I didn’t bite my bottom one. “You caught me off guard. The dress looks great on you. I just never realized you were hiding those.” I nodded toward the cleavage Valhalla peeking out from under her hands.

She punched my arm. “You’re not exactly helping on the keep-Jules-from-feeling-self-conscious-and-wanting-to-run-away front.”

“If there’s anyone who should feel self-conscious, it’s all those other chicks who’ve got absolutely nothing on you in the breast department. KFC is going to burst in here and haul you away.”

She snort-laughed and shook her head in disapproval, but her eyes were no longer deer-in-headlights scared. “I just… I can’t wear this in public. Maybe at the venue for a bit, but…”

“If you’re still feeling weird about it, I’ve got something you can put on.” I crouched down and rummaged through my bag. It was never too far from me and always ready to go at a moment’s notice. Old habits, die hard, right? I pushed a few things aside and spotted the light grey material. Tugging it out, I stood and handed it over to Jules.

“You carry a sweater in your bag?” Half statement, half question.

“You never know when you might need one.”

She took it from my hands with a grateful nod and slipped it on. A little warmth glowed in my chest. I liked having that for her and I sure as hell liked seeing her in it, even though she was hiding the best rack in three counties under it right now. I’d have to commit it to memory.

“You’re saving me from wearing a bathrobe over this getup.” Her smile flicked a different switch inside me. One that sent the blood rushing to another part of my anatomy it had no business rushing to as I imagined her in nothing but a robe. The fluffy fabric against her skin. A switch had been flicked and I didn’t know how to unflick it.

Then came the guilt. I hadn’t really checked anyone out since TLG and I started writing. Once the letters kept coming and I let her in on some of the fears and insecurities I was dealing with when it came to going pro, it had kind of felt like cheating, just like it did when I couldn’t keep my eyes off Jules.

What was I thinking? TLG didn’t want to talk to me anymore. She was done with me, whatever it was I’d thought we were building was an illusion. After all this time, I should be better prepared for people dipping out of my life like it’s nothing.

Mom. Gone. Dad. Locked up for a long time. Foster families who’d pushed me aside. At this point there was only one person in my life who’d always been there and she was flaky at best. No, I didn’t need to add anyone new to the Berk Sucks, Let’s Stay Far, Far Away Club. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t admire the view.



Jules led me through some of the dances and I tried my best not to crush her feet.

“You’re getting better.” She winced as I caught the tip of her toes.

“I’ll get you a drink to numb the pain.” Leaving Jules, I walked to the bar, passing by guys who eyed me when they saw their girlfriends’ and wives’ heads turn. It’s not my fault I’m half a head bigger and fifty pounds heavier than most guys here.

“Welcome to Kelland Estate. We’re all so happy to have you here for the wonderful occasion of Laura and Chet’s engagement.” A blonde woman who didn’t look much older than most of the attendees stood in front of the band at the old timey microphone. Her warm smile left crinkles at the edges of her eyes and that was the only telltale sign that her smooth skin wasn’t one hundred percent genetic.

She held out her arms on the stage like she was prepared to hug everyone. I got the drinks for me and Jules, headed back to her, and slipped one flute into her hand.

“Your mom definitely knows how to work a room,” I leaned down and whispered out of the side of my mouth into Jules’ ear. Everyone hung on her mom’s every word with beaming smiles.

“Yes, she does.” Jules kept a smile on her face like if her mother saw it drop she might get into trouble.

The women in the room glittered with different colored dresses. The guys were all in tuxes, looking way more comfortable than anyone I’d seen in one. Like they’d been wearing them since they were little and it was just another set of clothes, not five layers of fabric too many.

I hadn’t had to read the Great Gatsby back in high school. Kids on my track had been expected to read The Giver and other way-below-reading-level stories. But I’d seen the movie. Even up on screen, it was a whole lot of over-the-top exaggerations and people with egos way too big for the mansions they lived in. That had nothing on Jules’ sister’s party.

There was a full band decked out in tuxes matching mine. It was a trial run for all the stuff I’d hopefully be doing next year. Reece already talked about the invites he got to events, parties, and charities. Nothing I’d ever experienced dripped with money like this, and Nix’s dad was a former NFL player who definitely knew how to party.

“Looking to enter the draft this season?”

I turned to the older man next to me. “Yes, sir. With the season we had last year, there’s been a lot of interest.”

“I’m sure there has been. And cut the sir stuff. Call me Felix.” The older man with graying temples slipped me his business card. “We’ve had our eye on you for a while, Mr. Vaughn.”

I schooled my expression, trying to play it cool. Fans on campus were one thing, even people screaming out my name on the streets around the stadium, but this was the first time I’d been spotted out in the wild like this. To have a guy like him come up to me and talk to me like an equal. Like I was doing him a favor for even talking sports for a few minutes.

He chuckled. “I can spot a football player from a hundred yards. Comes with the territory.”

I checked out his card. Sports Agent.

“I know how hard things can get for you players with all the NCAA rules, but I happen to know more than one team who’s been able to help players just like you out. Maybe you’ve got an eye on some blow-out spring break or summer vacation before the season starts.” He leaned in conspiratorially.

Putting my team’s season on the line for a party wasn’t anything I’d go anywhere near. “I’m okay for now.”

“Well, if you need some help, give me a call and I can make it happen.” He patted me on the shoulder and walked away.

A passing waiter rammed straight into my shoulder. It was a hit like I was back on the field. My drink flew out of my hand, showering Jules as she approached.

“Sonofabitch.” I whirled around to grab the guy, but he was already gone, disappearing into the doorway all the servers flowed in and out of. That hit felt all too familiar, but I had bigger things to worry about. Like the frozen, semi-drenched Jules staring at me with wide eyes.

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