Home > Yuletide Acres(44)

Yuletide Acres(44)
Author: M.L. Broome

I hope. I hope I’m not too late. I close my eyes, my mind replaying Dylan’s face as he moved inside me. So slow. He drew out the lovemaking into an all-night event, wringing orgasm after orgasm from my body.

We also didn’t use anything, but I will not read into it. Or the fact that when I pulled out a condom, he tossed it across the room and seared inside me, leaving no room for argument.

I dash downstairs and fling open the door. My car is covered in about six inches of snow, so I begin haphazardly pushing it off with my hands. I am so ill-equipped for Montana winters.

Estelle clears her throat behind me, handing me a long-handled scraper. “It works better with the proper tool. In that much of a hurry to leave?”

“Dylan told you?”

Estelle nods, frowning into her mug of coffee. “My son isn’t perfect. In fact, the way he handled many things with you is deplorable. But he adores you. Marissa adores you. Hell, I adore you. I just wish you didn’t feel that you had to go. Dylan kept hanging around this morning, hoping you’d rouse before he left. Hoping he’d have one last chance to plead his case. But you were sound asleep. So, he left you this.”

She hands me a folded piece of paper, which I accept with trembling hands. “Should I read it now?”

“I wouldn’t wait.”

I unfold the document, tears springing to my eyes at the first line.


I love you, my Sunshine Girl. Please don’t leave me.

But that’s selfish, right? Asking someone to stay if that’s not what is in their heart. I want you to follow your heart wherever it leads. Even if it leads you away from me. Know this, though—I’ll forever be glad you came to Yuletide Acres and I got to hold you once again.

You’ll always be my true love, no matter the miles between us.

Always yours,



“Well?” Estelle asks, a smile pulling up the corners of her mouth.

“Where is he?”

“At the arena.”

“I thought he was out of town.”

“That’s what he wanted you to think. I guess he thought it would be easier for you to leave—if that’s what you want—if you didn’t know he was down the road.”

I grab her to me in a fierce hug, almost upending the mug of coffee on us both. “Will you be at the festival?”

“Of course. I can’t miss the inaugural Yule festival. Question is, Poppy, will you be there?”

I send her a wink before diving behind the wheel of my truck and backing out the drive.

For once, I’m thankful to be only a couple of miles from the city center, as I pull into the arena parking lot five minutes later. I’m sure I look like a crazy lady as I half stumble, half climb over snowbanks in a desperate bid to reach Dylan.

I totter into the arena and stop in my tracks. Half the town must be here, decorating and setting up the booths for today’s festival. They smile and wave when they see me, and I struggle to hold back the tears. It’s not perfect. It’s better than perfect.

A dream sprung to life in a tiny alpine town.

Home. I’ve come home.

“What are you doing here?” a familiar voice questions.

I turn on my heel, an enormous smile crossing my face as I hurl myself into Dylan’s arms. He lets out a whoosh of air as I tackle him, burying my head into his chest.

But his arms, although wrapped around me, aren’t as tight as normal. He’s holding back, uncertain about my sudden reappearance. “I told you I hate goodbyes, Sunshine.”

I peer up at him, pressing my chin to his chest. “I don’t want to say goodbye.”

Dylan’s dark eyes sparkle at my words, and I see him fighting to hold back a grin. “You don’t?”


“Good.” He pulls out his cell phone, punching in a number. “Troy, you can call off your officer. She’s here.”

“What’s that about?”

“I wasn’t going to let you leave. I was going to drag you back here kicking and screaming, if that’s what it took. But I kept hoping that you’d figure out what you wanted. Do you know?”

“Yes. I want you and Marissa. I don’t care about marriage or having more kids. I just want you. I want her.”

His hands frame my face as he nuzzles my nose. “What did I tell you about settling for less than everything? What did you tell me last night?”

“I’m not settling. I promise. I woke up and realized that you two are my Yule wish. No strings needed because you hold my heart fast.”

“You’re going to make that little girl very happy.”

“And you?”

“I wish to God that we weren’t running a festival right now. I would take you home and spend all day showing you how grateful I am that you changed your mind. But,” he grasps my hand, walking us outside, “this will have to do.”

He waves his arm with a flourish, and I gasp in surprise. There, in the outdoor corral, are reindeer. Eight, to be exact.

“You found reindeer,” I squeal, hanging over the corral fence.

“What can I say?” Dylan smiles, joining me at the railing. “I know a guy.”

“That you do. I’m so glad because the sleigh would have looked ridiculous being pulled by dogs.”

“Paddington already struck down such foolish ideas.”

“Smart dog,” I bemuse, taking a deep breath and letting the walls around my soul fall away. For the first time in my life, despite my nomadic and carefree lifestyle, I finally feel free. My belly rumbles, reminding me I forgot breakfast in my haste this morning. “Time to scrounge up some food before my stomach goes on strike.”

Dylan pulls me to him, dropping a kiss on the end of my nose. “I’ll find you breakfast. I think about half the town is looking for you, wanting your seal of approval.”

“Do I have yours?”

“Sunshine, you always had mine.”

With a final kiss, he’s off down Main Street, and I return inside, grateful for the warmth of the heaters and the people of Yuletide Acres.



To say the festival is a success is an understatement. I swear that the entire town has descended on the arena and the area is filled with twinkling lights, delicious aromas and holiday music.

After running around for the first half of the day, I now have time to enjoy the festivities, Marissa by my side. As soon as she arrived, she ran straight for me, and has been stuck to me ever since. Dylan apologized, stating that his mini me couldn’t be dissuaded, but the child is hardly a bother. On the contrary, she lights up a part of my heart that has never seen the light of day.

Dylan, ever the popular mayor, makes his rounds with the residents, and I feel such pride to be connected to this man. It’s obvious he adores the town and her people, and he takes such a vested interest in their lives. They’re lucky to have him.

I know I am.

He ascends the stage at the front of the arena, grabbing the portable microphone with a smile. “Good afternoon, Yuletide,” he bellows, chuckling at the uproar from the crowd. “It sure is nice to have the town together, and I’m glad that Montana cooperated to bring us a beautiful day. I want to thank our newest resident for putting this all together. So, come on up here, Poppy. I have something to say to you.”

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