Home > Warm Kisses

Warm Kisses
Author: Loni Ree







“I’ve had enough. I’m going home.” After dropping the Anderson bid on Sally’s desk, I slip on my heavy, wool coat and growl at my secretary, “Let Knox deal with this shitshow he created.” Sally has worked at this company for many years, and my frustrated outburst doesn’t faze her.

My personal assistant, Travis, quit two months ago, and I haven’t been able to replace him. The work is building up, and my useless partner is pissing me off.

“Good evening to you, too,” she calls to my retreating back. As I ride the elevator down to the underground parking garage, I debate which fast food restaurant I’ll stop at on my way home from the office tonight. On second thought, nothing appeals to me, so I might skip dinner altogether. This late in the evening, the building is close to empty, and my new toy is the only car left on this level. I would’ve left hours ago if Knox’s brain was functioning. It’s wrapped up in his new wife and not on business. Now, I’m dealing with all the issues at DeltaR single-handedly, and the stress is about to cause me to lose my mind. I pull my new sports car onto the main road and swear under my breath. Of course, the useless weather forecaster got today’s outlook all wrong. Instead of cool, sunny skies, it’s dark gray skies with icy rain falling at a frightening clip. Especially when you consider, I left my all-wheel-drive SUV parked in my garage and drove my new, low to the ground, hates bad weather, sports car instead. On these treacherous roads, this is a poor choice. I drive slowly toward my house and hope my new toy and I make it in one piece. Up ahead of me, a light turns red at the last minute, and I swear like a sailor. Looks like my crapola luck is holding. I gently apply the brakes, but I’m on black ice. Fuck. I slide through the intersection, and my car begins to spin out of control. I watch almost in slow motion as a large dump truck heads straight for the driver’s side of my car and realize my shitty day is about to come to an end. Not exactly the way I’d planned, but it looks like my suffering is over.



Chapter One






“Phoebe, your last day before vacation is going to suck.” I glance over my shoulder at my supervisor and frown. I’ve been counting the seconds until my two-week vacation begins. Now, Lisa’s warning tells me this last day will be the longest one yet. The hospital is overflowing with patients, and I’ve been helping out on the oncology floor. It appears I’ve missed some interesting times on my regular trauma ward.

“I take it we’re busy?” I open my locker and toss in my purse before grabbing my name tag and pen. There’s silence behind me, and I turn to find Lisa biting her bottom lip.

She shakes her head and sighs

“Today, you’re going to learn a lesson in plumbing.” I raise an eyebrow and stare at the older, more experienced nurse. Ever since I started here at Grant Memorial Hospital, Lisa has taken me under her wing.

“Uh, Lisa, why would a nurse need to learn plumbing?” I frown, knowing I’m not going to like this answer.

She throws back her head and laughs before wrapping her arm around my shoulder. “Sweetie, today you learn the number one rule of plumbing—shit flows downhill.” I roll my eyes and groan.

As the youngest nurse and most recent hire, I get the difficult patients. “How bad is this one?”

Lisa pushes the door open and looks over her shoulder to smile “You have to see for yourself.”

Fuck my life. As I get the report from Marcy, a night nurse, she hands me a packet of medicine and shakes her head. “Good luck. He might be the hottest asshole you’ve ever seen, but you won’t be impressed for very long. Everyone who has taken care of him has dreamed about suffocating him with a pillow.” She points to the little plastic packet of pills in my hand. “Here are his morning meds.” She shrugs. “I tried to give those to him first round, but he was too busy arguing with his insurance company on the phone. I’m so over battling with the jerk. I freaking need a drink.” It sounds like I’m going to have an interesting day. Although nurses on the trauma floor normally have two patients, I only have him today. Management has decided Mr. Baron requires extra attention. We finish the report, and I take a deep breath to fortify myself, then head to his room and knock on the door. I’m not sure what I’m expecting, but wow.

Lying in the stark hospital bed is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. His stunning square jaw is covered in purple and yellow bruises that run up the side of his face and around both eyes. The doctors have shaved a tiny patch of dirty blond hair on the side of his head for stitches, but the little blemish only serves to make him appear more human. From the looks of his face and the part of his body I’m able to see above his loose-fitting hospital gown, he was in quite an accident. It’s a miracle he survived, and I have no doubt he’s in horrible pain. When he glances over at me and frowns, the heated stare nearly causes my panties to melt off my body. What the hell is happening here? “Go-good morning, Mr. Baron.” I attempt to sound cheery, but instead end up doing a great Tweety Bird imitation. Shit. “I’m Phoebe, and I’ll be your dayshift nurse.”

His deep green eyes bore into me, and I barely resist the urge to fidget under his scowl. The longer he stares at me, the more self-conscious I become. I didn’t check my appearance before coming in here. Do I have food stuck in my teeth or a hair standing straight up on my head? The urge to rush over and look in the mirror is overpowering. I glance at his bedside tray and see an empty soda can. Aha. My excuse. Walking over to his bed, I grab the can and smile down at him. “I’ll just tidy up a little bit.” He still isn’t saying a word, and I wonder if I stepped into the wrong room. I take the can to the trash can and peek in the mirror. My dark brown hair is pulled up in my usual ponytail, and my teeth are perfectly clean.

Telling myself to act normal and get on with my day, I walk over and write my name and number on the dry-erase board. “Do you need help ordering breakfast?” I turn and smile at him.

“I’m not a moron.” He finally speaks, and his voice sends shivers down my spine. I’m in a ton of trouble here. “I can dial a fucking phone and ask for cereal.”

I bite my tongue and stop myself from snapping at him. Taking a deep breath, I grit my teeth and paste a fake ass smile across my face. “Great. I’ll leave you to it.” Spinning, I stomp toward the door before I grab the fluffy pillow behind his head and use it to suffocate the hot, arrogant asshole.

“Wait,” he calls as my hand reaches the door handle. I’m so close to freedom. “I’m sorry for my sour attitude, but I’m in a lot of pain right now.” Pain colors his deep voice, and remorse courses through me. Remembering the packet of pills in my pocket, I realize his pain medication is several hours overdue.

I close my eyes and pray for patience before turning around. After pasting a cheery smile on my face, I march back within firing range. “Why don’t you order breakfast while I get your morning medication?” He’s staring at me and I blink. “You’ll feel better soon.” I try the fake smile again, but it’s losing its effect.

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