Home > Just Home for the Holidays(2)

Just Home for the Holidays(2)
Author: Deborah Cooke

There was a big Christmas tree beside the reception desk, sparkling with ornaments. Sonia was talking to the receptionist, a guy Chloe didn’t recognize, and they were both wearing Santa hats. Videos of the pop-ups from the previous holiday promotion run by Kyle and Theo were playing on the big screen. The rock climbing wall at the opposite end of the lobby was busier than usual. There was even a line of members waiting their turn. She saw Thom instructing two younger boys and waved to him but didn’t interrupt.

F5F would have been her second home, if not for her relocation to Flatiron Five Fitness West in San Francisco. She’d met Tyler McKay during her internship at Fleming Financial, when he’d been a financial advisor there as his day job. By the time she knew that investment advising wasn’t for her, Ty had left Fleming to be the full-time CFO of Flatiron Five Fitness, the club he’d founded years before with four partners. Ty had given Chloe a job and a chance. He was a terrific mentor and she’d taken the opportunity to run the finance team at the new club on the west coast with his encouragement.

Chloe knew she couldn’t have worked anywhere better. She was on track to establish the financial independence she wanted more than anything in the world, and she’d have it by the time she was thirty. She would have done anything for Ty, but he didn’t ask for much: running this meeting was a rare request. Ty had gone to Harte’s Harbor for the holidays with Shannyn, his wife, and their son, Michael. He’d asked Chloe to manage the last weekly meeting before the holiday break at the New York club in case he had troubles calling in. Once that duty was done, her vacation could begin.

Chloe’s phone rang and she answered without looking, assuming that it was Ty, checking for the tenth time that she had the agenda.

But it was her mom.

“The dress was delivered,” Chloe’s mom said, her pleasure evident. “And I just had to hang it up for you.”

“Of course, you did.” Alicia Brett’s curiosity should be a matter of public record. Chloe had no doubt that any package arriving at her mom’s apartment would be opened and examined, regardless whose name was on the address.

“You’re going to look gorgeous!” Her mom’s excitement was so obvious that Chloe smiled. “I sent down to the bank for your grandmother’s rubies. They’ll be perfect with that dress and I’ve always thought the red would suit you well.”

Chloe almost dropped the phone. “The rubies? You’re kidding.”

“I am not kidding, Chloe.” Her mom was stern. “It’s the biggest fundraiser of the season and you can’t turn up without some stellar jewelry. The dress is wonderful, but the rubies will take it to the next level.” Her mom paused for a moment. “I don’t suppose you’ve found a suitable date yet?”

So that was it. She was going to be displayed as an eligible single. Chloe stifled a groan.

“No, Mom. There were no hunks on the plane who were available Friday night.”

Her mom missed the sarcasm. “That’s a shame, but maybe not.”

Uh oh.

“I’ve asked Josh to attend,” her mom continued brightly, speaking quickly as if she knew she’d stepped onto thin ice.

“No, Mom. Just no.”

Her mom continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “He did such a wonderful job with the silent auction last year that I begged him to do it again. It is for a good cause, dear.”

Chloe’s heart stopped cold. “Mom!”

“Well, just because you broke your engagement with him—which was, I must say, a perfect match—you can’t pretend he doesn’t exist for the rest of your life.”

“Do. Not. Fix. Me. Up.”

“Never! You’re a grown woman and capable of making your own decisions, but—” Her mom took a breath. “But it wouldn’t break my heart if you happened to find common ground with Josh Harley again.”

“We won’t,” Chloe said.

“Well, you don’t know that. He certainly was interested to hear that you’d be home for the holidays. And he’s such a nice young man. So very successful, and handsome, too. I don’t understand you at all...”

Chloe knew she wouldn’t be able to explain her choice to her mom’s satisfaction. Josh was like a dog with a bone: once he decided what he wanted, he wasn’t able to comprehend that anyone else could want something different. He’d wanted to marry her. She’d actually never agreed—he’d just assumed that she wouldn’t even think of declining. And soon the steamroller of Josh had been rolling, with everyone congratulating her on the match she didn’t want to make. He’d been unable to comprehend her refusal, since it was at odds with what he wanted. Chloe had needed to move across the country to convince him.

Although it looked as though he hadn’t been persuaded after all. “No, Mom. Just no.”

“You have so much in common!”

“No, we don’t.” In a way, her mom was just as determined to make the world the way she wanted it to be as Josh was.

Maybe that was why she liked him.

“Chloe, you need to be sensible. You aren’t getting any younger.” No one ever accused Chloe of not being sensible and she didn’t know what to say to that. Her mom took a breath and carried on quickly. “And Maggie’s daughter is bringing her new fiancé and I’m sure there will be a big diamond flashed around.”

Maggie Forsythe was her mom’s social competition. The two had been playing one-upmanship for as long as Chloe could remember.

“They’ll probably be divorced in a couple of years,” Chloe said, just to cheer up her mom. “Rachel can’t be easy to live with.”

“You’re probably right, dear, but Maggie is going to be insufferable on Friday.” She sighed again. “You could flirt with Josh, couldn’t you? Maggie tried to fix him up with Rachel, after all.”

The last thing Josh needed was encouragement of any kind. “I might bring a date,” Chloe said, speaking impulsively for once in her life.

It was just a survival instinct and like most spur-of-the-moment declarations, Chloe regretted it instantly..

“Who?” Her mom’s voice had sharpened.

“It’s a secret.”

“Are you meeting him now?”


“Who is he?”

“I’m working now, Mom.”

“You’re always working, dear. Maybe that’s the problem.”

Chloe’s mom had never had a job in her life, although she organized many society events like the charity ball. “I don’t think it’s a problem.”

“Well, you wouldn’t. Amanda is here already with the children: maybe she’ll inspire you.”

Chloe smiled. She’d never been inspired by her older sister’s choices. They were as different as two women could be. She was looking forward to seeing the girls, though. “Got to go. I’ll see you later, Mom,” she said.

“Be sure you’re in time to change for church!” her mom instructed. “You never know who will be there!”

Chloe ended the call with relief. The matchmaking was going to be relentless, unless she could find a date.


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