Home > Just Home for the Holidays(4)

Just Home for the Holidays(4)
Author: Deborah Cooke

Chloe laughed. “I’m too much of a newbie to be a threat to the queen, but I wouldn’t mind a few tips.”

“Chloe doesn’t need any help on the finance end,” Theo said. “She even keeps Kyle’s spending in line.”

There was a low whistle from Damon at that. The quietest of the five founding partners, he strode into the conference room. Chloe thought he looked a bit more frazzled than usual, then she remembered. “How’s Haley?” she asked and Damon pushed a hand through his hair, his expression worried.

“Three days late,” he confessed. “She’s serene about the baby taking its time, but the waiting is making me nuts.”

“She is a nurse,” Cassie reminded him and he nodded.

“I know. First time for me, though.”

“Psst, they don’t come with instruction manuals,” Cassie teased and Damon smiled.

“She says it’s common for a first child to take its time,” he said. “I know all of that, but I’ve been ready for two whole weeks!” He threw up his hands and they all laughed at his exasperation.

“Wait for it,” Cassie warned. “Your world is about to be turned upside down.”

“Babies come in their own time,” Theo said. “Remember Michael?” He was referring to Tyler and Shannyn’s son: Shannyn had gone into labor at Cassie and Reid’s wedding. Haley, Damon’s partner, had helped with the delivery.

“Talk about drama,” Cassie said. “He stole the show.”

“Your show,” Tyler noted.

“My show,” Cassie agreed and laughed, obviously not troubled about it.

“I’m kind of glad I missed the delivery part,” Theo said under his breath, then cast Chloe a smile. His son, Logan, was eleven but Theo and Lyssa had only reunited the year before.

“Babies everywhere,” she said to him in an undertone. “Good thing there’s daycare at the club.”

“That’s thanks to Hunter and his yummy mummy marketing initiative,” Sonia said. “Wow, is that ever working. Who knew there were so many women with babies and infants in our neighborhood?”

“I did,” Hunter himself said, ducking into the room with his usual cocky grin. He bowed with a flourish and Chloe’s heart took a little skip. She’d forgotten how just his presence affected her equilibrium. Not that it mattered. Hunter didn’t even know she was alive. She couldn’t keep herself from stealing a look. He looked just as reckless, unpredictable, and hot as she remembered—maybe a little more buff.

He took a seat and spun it with a flourish. “Never let it be said that I don’t do my homework.” He sounded and acted even more like Kyle, the cocky jock and idea guy who led the F5F West team. Chloe didn’t doubt that he was like Kyle in other ways—although Kyle had ended his string of one-nighters once he and Lauren had connected.

“Maybe you just got lucky,” Sonia teased.

“I can’t get lucky often enough.” Hunter grinned as the others groaned. “Seriously, they’re out there, pushing strollers through the park, lining up for lattes. You just have to keep your eyes open.”

“And what’s the next trend, Mr. Eyes Open?” Theo asked with a smile.

“The fab fifties,” Hunter replied without missing a beat. “Haven’t you noticed how many are signing up for yoga? We need to look at the schedule and make sure we offer enough classes in time slots that work for them. Most of them have day jobs. We maybe should ramp up our offerings on evenings and weekends.”

Cassie made a note. “That’s a good point.”

“Hey, it’s what I do,” Hunter said easily. “Come on, Meesha, put me on your shipping board as a reward for services rendered.”

“You’ve been on there this year already,” she complained. “We don’t want people to get bored.”

“But I like to see their suggestions. Taylor Swift made the list last time.” Hunter was as confident of his place at the center of the universe as ever. He scanned the room, then spotted Chloe.

His jaw literally dropped. His eyes widened as he did a double-take. For the first time in Chloe’s experience, Hunter Tate was dumbstruck.

The sight pleased Chloe more than she knew it should. She straightened her glasses for a better look. She felt like she’d been struck by lightning but knew better than to make much of any sign of interest from a guy like Hunter.

He was totally not her type.

She wasn’t his, either.

But it was only natural to feel triumphant that she wasn’t invisible any more.

Meesha was looking between them, consideration in her dark eyes.

But Chloe knew better that to be seduced. She gave Hunter a brisk wave. “Good to see you, Hunter,” she said in her most professional boss-lady voice. “As usual, you’re last. Shut the door please, Meesha. Everyone take a seat, and let’s get started.” She enjoyed Hunter’s astonishment, even as Theo got Kyle on the big screen and she pulled up the agenda.

“Hey, Kyle,” Damon said when that partner called a greeting from San Francisco.

“Hey, everybody. How’s the weather in Manhattan? Not to make you jealous or anything—” There was a collective groan, because that was exactly what Kyle wanted to do and they all knew it “—but we’re going down to the beach for a barbeque tonight.”

There was a groan, because everyone knew that snow was forecast for the east coast—and Kyle knew it. Behind him on the big screen was a sweep of blue sky. Chloe knew exactly where he was sitting at the club.

“There will be bikinis,” Kyle added with a wise nod. “And surfers.”

“Beam me over there,” Hunter said as everyone laughed again.

Chloe cleared her throat and the group fell silent. “Our agenda tonight includes the November financials, the holiday promotion plan, a suite of new classes for January, some ideas for Valentine’s Day marketing to couples, plus a report on our web content...”

Before Chloe had gone west, Hunter hadn’t even noticed her. He’d been barely aware of her existence, unless he wanted his pay check early and Jax wouldn’t give it to him. And now, he was watching her with a hunger that Chloe liked just fine. There was power in being at her best and that fed her confidence in a new way.

She had a plan for her life and it didn’t include guys like Hunter, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be glad he thought she looked hot.



Who would have guessed?

Quiet, conservative Chloe Richardson had been replaced by a sexy, svelte boss lady with legs up to her neck. Damn. Hunter could have looked at her all night. She was polished, with poise to spare, and exuded confidence in a way that made him want to drop to his knees and worship at her altar. She could have been a movie star, her movements graceful and elegant, her legs smoothly muscled and her lips so lush that Hunter wanted to run his fingertips across them.

No, he wanted to kiss them. He wanted to back Chloe into the wall, take off her glasses and unpin her hair. He wanted to unwrap that sexy librarian look and loose the tigress trapped inside. He wanted to kiss her until she moaned. He wanted her to make him a list of just what she wanted, in very precise terms, then he would deliver on every single item. He wanted to peel her out of that black suit and make love to her until she begged for mercy. She could keep those heels on. They worked for him in a big way.

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