Home > Writing Dirty (BTU Alumni #5)(11)

Writing Dirty (BTU Alumni #5)(11)
Author: Alley Ciz

“Sorry, BB3.” Jordan shrugs, baby Logan sleeping through the movement. “Madz has three big brothers of her own, and he who would be BB4 already took a taser to the balls when he got here. Do you really want to see what she would do if you tried to be her BB5?”

Tucker hisses and covers his junk as if protecting himself from receiving similar treatment.

“Damn, Madz. No wonder you dated Cap—you are a full-on Black Widow badass.”

I shift my gaze to where Dex settled himself at my kitchen table, giving him a See? I can take care of myself glare. I probably shouldn’t like how he meets it with a Nice try, never gonna happen, Tink one right back.

Damn this man for never backing down from me.

“Do you guys have a lot left to move?” Jordan asks, voicing the question that was the true reason for the call.

“We’re done.” Cali, Jase’s teammate and neighbor, pops his head over the back of the couch to answer. “My brother-husbands and I are highly efficient.”

There’s a collective eye roll at that statement.

“Not sure if efficient is the correct word to use, Cali,” Jase’s girlfriend Melody says from somewhere off camera.

“Then why use us, Broadway? You act like my man can’t afford to hire movers for you.”

“Not to stroke your ego or anything.” Zoey, Melody’s best friend, steps up beside Cali, running a hand down his arm like there is something else she’d like to stroke.

The sexual tension between those two is the type of thing that burns the pages in the books I write. Already I’m twitchy to take notes.

“Oh, ZoZo, you can stroke anything on me you like.”

See what I mean?

“I bet, big guy.” Every set of eyes in my house is locked on the screen like we’re watching the latest episode of The Bachelor. “But if we hired movers, we would have no guarantee what they looked like, and you boys are just so nice to look at without your shirts on.”

Amen to that.

I might not want to actually sleep with the two troublemakers on the screen, but anyone with lady parts—and those in the room who swing their way—can appreciate every inch of hard, hockey-hunk muscle on display.

I use them as cover models for a reason.

Which reminds me…

“Cali.” I stand up and move closer to my television.

“Maddey.” He beams ear to ear. “What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”

I’m surrounded by the most ridiculous people on earth, and I wouldn’t change a second of it.

“You’re still coming down this week right?”

“Yup. Coming with the brother-husbands when we leave here.” He casts an uncertain look over his shoulder before turning back and dropping his voice. “Though I gotta say, if Griff weren’t such a loyal Storm fan, I’d be afraid he’d kick my ass for you pairing me with Simone.”

I shrug, not even sorry for a second. Sure, when my photographer takes my cover and teaser photos, I try not to split up the existing couples if they are letting me use them as models. Every now and then, though, I have to. Plus, it’s not like Cali is going to be macking down on Griff’s girlfriend Simone. He’ll live…I think.



By the time Justin and Paul arrive, I’ve worked up one hell of a mad.

Since we came downstairs almost two hours ago, I haven’t spoken to Dex. Well, not with words. My eyes? Those have read a freaking novel to him.

I anticipate a late night of writing with at least one character getting killed off. I already feel bad for the beating my keyboard is going to take as I work out my frustrations.

Not it. *puts finger on tip of nose*

I’m your favorite, remember?

Any time you write a scene with me in it, the words flow. Please, please keep that in mind.

“Dex, my brother,” Justin calls out, his tone slightly more subdued than it’d normally be when greeting him after being apart. I have a feeling Dex already clued him in on what went down when he arrived and Justin is worried about retaliation—especially since I’ve been radio silent.

There’s lots of back-slapping, bro-hugging, and macho-man-love. Through the years, it’s been hard to pinpoint which one of my brothers Dex is closest with. He falls between Tyler and Connor in age and is teammates with Tyler, but he and Justin have always had a special bond.

The fact that Justin called Dex in to help is proof enough of how highly he thinks of his friend.

Land meets sea as Justin’s green eyes catch mine over one of Dex’s broad, drool-worthy shoulders. He may be a big, badass retired Navy SEAL turned SWAT officer, but I catch the slight flinch at my chilly gaze.

There are snorts, snickers, and giggles from the room as they witness the exchange.

Plus an “Oh shit” from Rocky and an “It’s about to go down” from Skye.

Followed by “Gem, make some popcorn” from Becky.

I tune it all out and wait for my brother to make the first move. As pissed as I am, I’m curious to see how he’s going to play this out.

“Tink,” Justin starts, taking a step in my direction.

My brows rise at his attempt to use my nickname, and he falters in his approach.

“Madz,” he tries again.

I fold my arms over my chest and narrow my eyes.


My nostrils flare, each casual brushoff stoking the flames of my ire.

Don’t punch him. Sure, he might deserve it, but he is still your brother and he was only looking out for you.

Jiminy can take a page from Elvis and leave the building right now.

Hands drop to each of my knees, and I look down to see both Jordan and Skye are lending me their silent support.

“Justin.” My tone could give Elsa a run for her money it’s so cold.


“I would choose the next words out of your mouth very carefully. I already tased one man today—I’m not opposed to doing it to another.”

Every male in the room winces.

“Tink.” It’s Dex who speaks this time, and though I put up one hell of a front about what I did to him, I do feel guilty for it.

My shoulders slump and I surrender.

With a huff that could rival ones emitted by the two-year-olds building with blocks behind me, I rise from the couch and head in the guys’ direction, keeping just out of Justin’s reach to avoid hugging him—for now.

“Hi, Paul.” I greet my brother’s partner because, as much as I think I am, I’m not a complete asshole.

“Hi, Maddey.” His lips tip up briefly but he sobers quickly out of respect for Justin. The two of them have been partners since Just graduated the academy last year, so he’s familiar with wading through the murky McClain waters.

I also have a hard time holding on to my mad when it comes to people who spoil my baby. Even now, Trident ambles toward Paul to see what treat or new toy he has for him. Today’s selection: a squeaky Dory fish.

“Can we get this over with?” I cross my arms, staring Justin down like he’s not over a foot taller than me. “I have much more fun things I could be doing with my night, and I would like to get to them.”

“Whatever you want, Madz,” Justin concedes with a bow of his head.

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