Home > Writing Dirty (BTU Alumni #5)(12)

Writing Dirty (BTU Alumni #5)(12)
Author: Alley Ciz

I scoff. “If that were the case, we wouldn’t be doing this.” I circle a finger in the air and stomp over to my kitchen table, letting the wooden legs of the teal chair screech across the tile floor when I pull it out.

“Here.” I arch a brow when Jordan places Logan in my arms. “You’re less likely to commit murder if you have to take the time to put a baby down first.” My gaze bounces from the top of my nephew’s dark head back to my first true female friend. “Trust me.”

God this woman is straight up my soul sister. We’ve bonded over so many things through the years, and not even the Navy can compete with the strength of our ties.

Older brothers who think they know best and make it their mission to “protect” you? Check.

In love with your brothers’ best friend? Not true for me anymore, but for a chunk of my life, I believed it.

Will drop everything if one of us needs the other? Always.

Then there’s the fact that not once did she make me feel guilty about breaking her brother’s heart. Sure, she likes to tease me about how she wishes I was her sister-in-law, but she always follows it up with how as long as she gets to keep me as a sister of the heart, we’re good.

Bringing my nose to the top of Logan’s head, I breathe in that intoxicating baby scent and let the true meaning of his presence in my life set in.

Growing up, I only really had Sammy. Sure, I had other friends when I was younger, but I spent most of my time with my brothers and Dex. Then once teenage hormones came into play, I learned real quick that most girls only tried to befriend me as a way to get close to my brothers. There was also the fact that none of the guys in school would come near me for fear of what the idiots in my life might do.

This? Finding my Coven, my tribe—it is everything.

“You finally ready to discuss the best strategy for keeping you safe?” Holy shit does Justin look like Mom with how his left brow arches just so.

Yes, I can admit that the turn things have taken is creepy, but I still think it’s an overreaction saying I need to be kept safe.

Am I creeped out that this person has figured out where I live? Of course—who wouldn’t be? My home, my inner sanctum has now been tainted, but to say I’m in danger? That’s a stretch.

Yes I use a pen name.

Yes I keep my author profiles separate from my personal ones.

But, come on.

Is it really such a stretch to think someone would be able to figure me out when both my personas show up tagged by some of the top players in the NHL and titleholders in both the UFC and WBO? A first-grader can do that math.

“I don’t really have much of a choice now do I?” My head flops to the side to focus on Dex, who has settled in next to me. There’s a flash of hurt that passes through those melty eyes, but it’s gone so fast it must have been a trick of the light.

You know what’s not?

The way that rugged jawline is clenched, jutting out from beneath his dark scruff. Or that vein pulsing just above his right eye—I like to call it the Tink Train, because it only pops out when I really push his buttons.

I flutter my lashes. Flash my dimples. Nothing. The only time his I’m-a-hardass-Navy-man-hear-me-hooyah stare softens is when I absentmindedly kiss Logan’s silky hair.

“As much as it pains me to admit it…” Dex lifts a leg, his knee brushing my thigh and setting off all kinds of sparks that shouldn’t be happening. My heart may have gotten over its brothers’ best friend love trope, but my body is all Let’s take this to infinity and beyond, baby. “…has more than proven she can handle herself.”


I missed something. I missed something big.

Did Dex just…


Did he?

I might have zoned out in my lustful thoughts too much to be fully aware of what was going on, but like the best-selling fiction writer I am, I’ll fake it till I make it—the it being keeping my independence.

“See, Just?” I shrug my shoulders the best I can with a four-month-old cradled to my chest. “Like I keep trying to tell you”—I stress the pronoun—“you’ve taught me well, so please stop overreacting and let your guard dog get back to protecting the country. The Navy needs his particular set of skills more than I do.”

“Don’t use a Taken reference. It’s beneath you, sis.” Justin rolls his eyes like he didn’t just throw down the gauntlet.

“Oh my god, I said the same thing to her earlier.” Skye throws her arms up like she’s calling a touchdown.

I bite back a chuckle, because if I give these fools an inch, they will run for a mile. Damn overachieving special operators.

“Look.” I make sure to make eye contact with all three of the macho alphas doing their best to intimidate me into acquiescing their requests. Sorry—been there, done that, have the collection of t-shirts for it in my closet. “I know you want me to be all Welcome to the party, pal”—I cant my head, waiting for Justin’s nod of approval for the proper movie quote—“but…come. On.”

“Tink.” My body automatically shifts to face Dex at the sound of his rumbly voice. I think I’m seriously going to have to consider tracking down a sea witch to see if she can cure me of this instinctive attraction to this man. It is highly problematic.

The volume of my hormones singing “Be Our Guest” only increases when he brushes an errant curl from my face, leaving his hand curled over my shoulder, his thumb circling over the skin of my neck. There’s nothing overtly sexual about his touch, but tell that shit to my body. It’s acting like he’s rubbing my lamp, getting my inner Genie ready to pop out à-la-“Friend Like Me” style.

“When Just called, I knew it wasn’t a Come out to the coast we’ll get together have a few laughs type of situation, and”—he holds a hand up, cutting off my objection before I can make it—“yes, I know my nuts have enough of a charge to power your phone right now”—I snort, I can’t help it—“but you do need me.”




“No.” He’s resolute.


He gives the barest of squeezes on my neck, not enough to hurt, more like how Trident’s mother would do to keep her pups in line. Holy talking snowman Olaf, the move shouldn’t make my panties flood, but it does.

How about instead of killing us off, you get one of us off instead?

Pick me. *raises hand*

No, no. *shoves to the front* Pick me.

Look who’s all about volunteering now.

Another neck squeeze brings my attention back to the conversation happening outside my head.

“You may not need me to protect you, but you do need me to catch this fuckwat and put an end to this bullshit once and for all.”

I hate that Dex is right.



Chapter Ten



The pulse under my thumb flutters like the wings of the pixie my girl is nicknamed after.

Shit! Not my girl. Not my girl. Not my girl.

No matter how many times I remind myself of this simple fact, I can’t stop thinking it.

What else?

Oh, yeah, that would be me still touching her. My hand is still curled around her shoulder, stroking the silky-soft delicate skin of her neck.

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